No. 1044.
Mr. Kloss to Mr. Bayard.
Washington, September 13, 1887. (Received September 14.)
Mr. Secretary of State: By note of August 13 last, we had the honor to ask you to kindly furnish us as early as possible with as precise explanations as were in your power concerning the extent of the constitutional reservations made by your representatives at the Paris [Page 1539] Conferences of 1880 and 1883 concerning the protection of industrial property.
In order to inform your Department of the interpretation given to these reservations in certain quarters, our Government transmits to us numbers 5 and 8* of the “Journal of the Chambers of Commerce” as well as No. 7 of the “Industrial Property,” which treat of this question from different stand-points.
While taking the liberty to forward with this the pamphlets just mentioned, we avail, etc.
- Inclosure not printed herewith.↩