No. 575.
Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard.

Sir: Under date of the 21st April you inclosed to me copy of a telegram which had been received from the United States consular agent at St. Pierre and Miquelon (a French possession) stating that ten American schooners were in that port which had been prevented from getting bait in Newfoundland, and that they were willing to pay the $1.50 per ton in order to obtain if. You requested me at the same time to ascertain by telegraph whether licenses could be obtained under the modus Vivendi which provided for their issue by the act of the British plenipotentiaries. I have now the-honor to inclose to you herewith transcript of a telegram which I have received from the Marquis of Salisbury to the effect that the Government of Newfoundland have not forbidden the sale of bait to American vessels, that several have been already supplied, and that licenses therefore are unnecessary.

Trusting that this information will be found satisfactory, I have, etc.,

L. S. Sackville West.

Transcript of telegram from Marquis of Salisbury to Sir L. West, dated May 1, 1888.

The Government of Newfoundland have not forbidden sale of bait to American vessels; several have been already supplied and licenses therefore are unnecessary.