Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 3, 1888, Part I

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 3, 1888, Part I
United States Government Printing Office
- Message
- Foreign relations
- List of papers, with synopses of their contents
- Argentine Republic
Correspondence (Documents 1–15) - Austria-Hungary (Documents 16–23)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Austria-Hungary at Washington (Documents 22–23)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Austria-Hungary at Washington (Documents 22–23)
- Belgium (Documents 24–49)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Belgium at Washington (Documents 39–49)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Belgium at Washington (Documents 39–49)
- Bolivia (Documents 50–53)
- Brazil (Documents 54–64)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Brazil at Washington (Documents 63–64)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Brazil at Washington (Documents 63–64)
- Central America (Documents 65–128)
- Chili (Documents 129–141)
- China (Documents 142–267)
- Correspondence with the Legation of China at Washington (Documents 240–267)
- Correspondence with the Legation of China at Washington (Documents 240–267)
- Colombia (Documents 268–291)
- Corea (Documents 292–311)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Corea at Washington (Documents 309–311)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Corea at Washington (Documents 309–311)
- Costa Rica (Documents 312–317)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Costa Rica at Washington (Documents 312–317)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Costa Rica at Washington (Documents 312–317)
- Denmark (Documents 318–345)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Denmark at Washington (Documents 344–345)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Denmark at Washington (Documents 344–345)
- Ecuador (Documents 346–347)
- France (Documents 348–418)
- Correspondence with the Legation of France at Washington (Documents 416–418)
- Correspondence with the Legation of France at Washington (Documents 416–418)
- Germany (Documents 419–497)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Germany at Washington (Documents 479–497)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Germany at Washington (Documents 479–497)
- Great Britain (Documents 498–599)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Great Britain at Washington (Documents 540–599)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Great Britain at Washington (Documents 540–599)
- Correspondence with the legation of Guatemala at Washington (Documents 600–602)
- Hawaii (Documents 603–625)
- Hayti (Documents 626–715)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Hayti at Washington (Documents 693–715)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Hayti at Washington (Documents 693–715)