No. 325.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Comanos.

No. 247.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 7, dated 26th of February last, reporting the organization of the new judicial tribunals in Egypt, and that they begun to hear cases regularly on the 24th of that month. The organization of the new judicial tribunals having been completed, and they being in the full exercise of their functions, the President has, in accordance with the act of March 23, 1874, issued his proclamation, dated the 27th of the present month, suspending, during the pleasure of the President, the operation of the act of June 22, 1860, as to the dominions subject to the government of Egypt, so far as the new tribunals may embrace matter now cognizable by our ministers and consuls, except as to cases actually commenced.

I inclose herewith six copies of the proclamation above referred to.

I am, &c.,