No. 324.
Mr. Comanos to Mr. Fish.

No. 7.]

Sir: I have the honor to report, as requested by instruction No. 236, November 24, 1875, that the organization of the new judicial tribunals is completed, as duly advised you by dispatch No. 389, January 6, 1876.

The new courts were officially installed on the 1st January, 1876, and they began to hear cases regularly on the 24th February. They are, therefore, in the full exercise of their functions.

No further communication is necessary to enable the President to issue his proclamation suspending the operation of the act of June 22, 1860, respecting consular jurisdiction during his pleasure, so far as relates to Egypt and to the matters which are, by the regulations of the new tribunals in Egypt, brought under the jurisdiction of those tribunals.

I am, &c.,

Vice-Consul-General, in charge.