List of papers, with their subjects.
No. | Date. | Subject. | Page. | |
1 | Proclamation | 1876. Mar. 27 | Tribunals in Egypt; suspending, in favor of the same, the act of March 23, 1874, in regard to matters cognizable by the minister, consuls, &c., of the United States in said dominions, and now embraced within the jurisdiction of said tribunals. | 1 |
2 | do | May 25 | American Centennial; making known the joint resolution of Congress recommending the people to assemble in their several counties or towns and to have read historical sketches of the same, &c. | 2 |
3 | do | June 26 | The same subject; inviting the people to a public thanksgiving. | 3 |
4 | do | Sept. 9 | Convention with the Hawaiian Islands; declaring that the convention has been duly ratified and proclaimed, and the necessary legislation passed to give effect to the same. | 3 |
argentine republic.
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
5 | Mr. Osborn to Mr. Fish | 1875. July 13 | Boundary dispute between the Argentine Republic and Chili; note from the Argentine minister of foreign affairs concerning the protest of the Chilian minister against a line of steamboats, with land-grants to the company. | 7 |
6 | do | 1876. Feb. 3 | Boundary treaty between the Argentine Republic, Paraguay, and Brazil; basis of the same. | 9 |
7 | do | Feb. 14 | The same subject; further particulars | 9 |
8 | do | July 8 | Fourth of July; public demonstration and suspension of business on the occasion of the Centennial Anniversary of American Independence. | 10 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
9 | Mr. Orth to Mr. Fish | 1876. Jan. 21 | Religious communities; bill presented by the government for the regulation thereof; debates on the same in the upper Reichsrath. | 11 |
10 | do | Mar. 9 | The same subject; the bill passed both houses and awaiting the signature of the Emperor; declaration of the hierarchy concerning the law. | 12 |
11 | Mr. Delaplaine to Mr. Fish | June 6 | Termination of the sittings of the two delegations at Pesth; the military budgets of France, Russia, and Germany as compared with that of Austria-Hungary; satisfactory state of feeling between His Majesty and the delegations; speech of the chairman of the Hungarian delegation; estimates, allowances, &c. | 13 |
12 | The Emperor of Austria-Hungary to the President of the United States. | Congratulations of the Emperor to the people of the United States on the occasion of their centennial jubilee. | 16 | |
13 | The President of the United States to the Emperor of Austria-Hungary. | July 22 | The same subject; acknowledging the congratulations of the Emperor. | 16 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
14 | Mr. Reynolds to Mr. Fish | 1875. Oct. 5 | Right of asylum; United States minister refuses the same to Mr. Suariz; reasons for the refusal; particulars of the case. | 17 |
15 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Reynolds | Dec. 3 | The same subject; practice of the United States Government in relation to granting asylums to citizens of other governments; Mr. Reynolds’s course approved. | 18 |
16 | Mr. Reynolds to Mr. Fish | 1876. June 1 | Success of the rebellion of the 4th of May; General Daza provisional President of Bolivia; indications pointing to the permanency of Daza’s government. | 19 |
17 | do | Aug. 23 | The same subject; public affairs the same as reported in the above. | 20 |
18 | do | Sept. 29 | The same subject; triumphal entry of General Daza into La Paz; General Daza in complete possession of the government. | 20 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
19 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Partridge. | 1875. July 14 | Humane and courteous conduct of Baron Ivan-heimer, of the Brazilian navy, to Captain Roe, of the United States ship Lancaster; acknowledgment of the same by the Secretary of the Navy. | 21 |
20 | Mr. Purrington to Mr. Fish | Nov. 30 | Custom-house regulations at Rio de Janeiro and formal constructions placed upon them; correspondence concerning the same between Rear-Admiral Le Roy, United States Navy, Mr. Purrington, and the Brazilian minister of foreign affairs. | 22 |
21 | Mr. Partridge to Mr. Fish | 1876. Apr. 20 | Extraordinary law for the punishment of the subjects of foreign governments for crimes committed in countries beyond the jurisdiction of Brazil; the British government refuses to assent to the same; similar laws in other countries. | 25 |
22 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Partridge | May 26 | The same subject; the Government of the United States concurs in the decision of the British government. | 26 |
23 | Mr. Partridge to Mr. Fish | May 21 | Sugar-trade of Brazil; great falling off in the same; causes of the decline of the trade. | 26 |
24 | The Princess Imperial of Brazil to the President of the United States. (Telegram.) | July 4 | Congratulations on the centenary of the Independence of the United States. | 28 |
25 | The President of the United States to the Princess Imperial of Brazil. | July 22 | The same subject; acknowledges the congratulations. | 28 |
central american states.
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
26 | Mr. Williamson to Mr. Fish | 1875. June 7 | Synoptical report of the Central American States | 28 |
27 | do | 1876. Aug. 14 | Presidency of Honduras; Mr. Marco A. Soto about to assume the same; manner of, and reasons for, assuming the presidency. | 36 |
28 | do | Sept. 3 | Present political condition of Central America prospects of continued peace; proclamation of the provisional President of Honduras. | 37 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
29 | Mr. Williamson to Mr. Fish | 1876. July 19 | Review of the political parties of Chili from 1851 to 1876. | 39 |
30 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Ibanez | June 5 | Export duty on wools in Chili; desires to know whether such duty is exacted. | 42 |
31 | Mr. Gonzalez to Mr. Fish | June 11 | The same subject; wool, carded and uncarded, is exempt from all customs-duties in Chili. | 42 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
32 | Mr. Avery to Mr. Fish | 1875. Aug. 23 | Assaults upon and placards against foreigners in and about Peking; proclamation thereon by the military commander of Peking. | 42 |
33 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Fish. | 1876. Feb. 2 | Scheme for a railroad at Shanghai; Mr. Seward’s views concerning the same. | 43 |
34 | do | Feb. 9 | Opening of coal-mines by the Chinese government; disposition to exclude foreigners from mining operations still prevailing. | 44 |
35 | do | Feb. 29 | The trade-dollar; difficulty of introducing the same in China; the necessity for a uniform and sound currency in China; recommendations by Mr. Seward. | 45 |
36 | do | Mar. 11 | Missionaries in China; Mr. Seward’s circular-letter to the consuls of the United States in China respecting the same. | 46 |
37 | do | Mar. 21 | Treaty between Peru and China completed; great object of Peru to promote Chinese immigration. | 48 |
38 | do | Mar. 22 | Chinese emigration to the United States; increase of, in 1875; no great emigration of Chinese to the United States anticipated. | 49 |
39 | do | May 3 | Railway at Shanghai; further particulars; correspondence with the Chinese authorities concerning the same. | 50 |
40 | do | June 19 | Missionary hospital at Wuchang; recent disturbances therein; letter from an American missionary concerning the same. | 53 |
41 | do | June 28 | Great Northern Telegraph Company; the contract with the provincial authorities to build a telegraph-line between Foo-Chowand Amoy canceled; correspondence thereon. | 55 |
42 | do | June 29 | Chinese in California; conversation between Mr. Seward and the minister of the foreign office concerning; Mr. Seward’s views thereon; note from Prince Kung to Mr. Seward on the maltreatment of the Chinese in San Francisco. | 57 |
43 | Mr. Cadwalader to Mr. Seward | Aug. 31 | The same subject; the difficulties surrounding the whole subject reviewed. | 59 |
44 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Fish. | July 1 | Chinese immigration; sixteen inquiries from the senatorial Chinese investigating committee of California answered by Dr. Williams, of the American legation to China. | 61 |
45 | do | July 10 | Woosung Railway; opening of the same; the first railroad in China. | 71 |
46 | do | Sept. 5 | The Yun-nan case and commercial issues; the opium trade; views of the British minister; negotiations for settlement progressing. | 73 |
47 | do | Sept. 11 | The Yun-nan case settled; the indemnity paid by the Chinese. | 75 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
48 | Mr. Scruggs to Mr. Fish | 1875. July 17. | Interoceanic ship-canal; report of a commission concerning the same to the Colombian Congress. | 76 |
49 | do | 1876. Feb. 5 | Assembling of the National Congress; election of officers; President’s message reviewed; increase of the army; the foreign debt. | 82 |
50 | do | April 7 | National Congress; report of the secretary of foreign affairs; reclamations by Great Britain; reclamations by the United States; controversy with Venezuela, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Peru concerning boundaries, &c | 84 |
51 | do | Apr. 8 | Inauguration of President Parra; ceremonies attending the inauguration. | 86 |
52 | do | May 7 | Darien ship-canal; the “Acquiacua” route; report of Mons. de Gogorza thereon. | 87 |
53 | do | June 5 | The same subject; law of 1875 concerning the same; contract with Mons. Gogorza for opening the canal. | 88 |
54 | do | July 26 | Public-school system; crusade of the Catholic clergy against the same; threatened revolution thereby. | 93 |
55 | do | Aug. 17 | The same subject; the republic declared in a state of siege, and twenty thousand troops called for. | 94 |
56 | do | Sept. 13 | The same subject; guerrilla bands threatening Bogota; alarm and confusion prevailing. | 94 |
57 | do | Sept. 27 | Battlo in the Cauca and victory of the national forces: retreat of the insurgents. | 95 |
58 | do | Oct. 8 | The same subject; the victory confirmed; determined efforts of both parties. | 96 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subjects. | Page. |
59 | Mr. Cramer to Mr. Fish | 1875. Oct. 13 | The good social condition of the Danish people; causes of the same; compulsory education, and school statistics. | 97 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
60 | Mr. Wullweber to Mr. Fish | 1875. Nov. 17 | Election of Dr. Antonio Borrero to the presidency of Ecuador; resignation of the old ministry. | 101 |
61 | do | 1876. Apr. 9 | Proclamation of President Borrero, refusing to convoke a constitutional convention; revolution dreaded in consequence of proclamation. | 101 |
62 | do | Sept. 13 | Revolution in Guayaquil; defection of General Veintemilla; he is proclaimed supreme chief of the republic. | 103 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
63 | Mr. Washburne to Mr. Fish | 1875. Aug. 17 | International Geographical Congress; close of its labors; appreciation of American exhibits. | 104 |
64 | Mr. Hitt to Mr. Fish | 1876. Jan. 1 | Reception of the diplomatic corps by President McMahon; close or the session of the National Assembly; importance of the adjournment of the Assembly now as compared with its adjournments in the past; labors of the Assembly and the extraordinary powers vested therein; the coming elections. | 104 |
64 | Mr. Washburne to Mr. Fish | Feb. 25 | The elections to the new Assembly overwhelmingly republican; importance of the same; composition of the new Assembly. | 106 |
65 | do | Mar. 9 | Opening of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate; an old revolutionist in the chamber; the opening ceremonies. | 107 |
66 | do | Mar. 27 | Metallic currency in Europe; depreciation of silver; contest between the champions of gold as the only money standard and the supporters of the old system of gold and silver; French legislation for the restriction of silver coinage; review of the subject. | 109 |
67 | do | May 17 | Commercial treaties under consideration in France; preferences of the chambers of commerce. | 114 |
68 | do | May 24 | Crédit Foncier; a resolution of inquiry in the Assembly, and decline in its stock; speculation in Egyptian treasury bonds; French and English financiering in Egypt; triumph of the former. | 114 |
69 | do | May 31 | Financial and industrial condition of France; causes of financial recuperation. | 117 |
70 | Universal Israelite Alliance to the President of the United States. | June 3 | Congratulatory letter on the occasion of the centennial celebration of American independence. | 119 |
71 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Hitt | July 19 | The same subject; acknowledgment of the address of the Israelite Alliance. | 120 |
72 | Mr. Washburne to Mr. Fish | July 27 | Prosperity of France; frugality of the people; the Paris and the German loan contrasted. | 120 |
73 | do | Aug. 3 | Israelite Alliance; Mr. Washburne’s letter transmitting the thanks of the President for their communication. | 121 |
74 | do | Aug. 17 | French Parliament prorogued; satisfactory labors of the same; death of Casimir Périer. | 122 |
75 | do | Sept. 7 | The excessive amount of the general budget; financial measures; apprehended trouble concerning the same. | 123 |
76 | do | Oct. 13 | Curious letter addressed by Thomas Paine to Danton during the French revolution. | 126 |
77 | do | Oct. 23 | Mr. Monroe, American minister at Paris during the French revolution; his reception by the National Convention, as given in the journal; the “accolade.” | 129 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
78 | Mr. Davis to Mr. Fish | 1876. Feb. 28 | Church laws; the law proposed for the organization of the Lutheran Church. | 130 |
79 | do | Mar. 27 | Passports; system of record in the legation; tables compiled by Mr. Nicholas Fish; number and ages of those receiving passports during the year 1875. | 134 |
80 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Davis | Apr. 25 | The same subject; commendation of Mr. Nicholas Fish’s analysis of passport-records. | 143 |
81 | Mr. Davis to Mr. Fish | May 1 | Church laws; report by Mr. Chapman Coleman on the various laws and papers relating to the national Lutheran Church. | 143 |
82 | Mr. Cadwalader to Mr. Davis | May 31 | The same subject; Mr. Coleman’s report commended by the Department. | 148 |
83 | Mr. Davis to Mr. Fish | June 12 | The same subject; further report from Mr. Coleman; full text of the bill as passed by both houses. | 149 |
84 | Mr. Nicholas Fish to Mr. Fish | Sept. 16 | The same subject; law concerning the management of property in Catholic parishes, June 20, 1875; state supervision in administration of property in Catholic dioceses. | 154 |
85 | do | Sept. 19 | The same subject; correspondence between Archbishop Ledochowski and Pastor Brenk. | 163 |
86 | do | Oct. 3 | The same subject; royal decree concerning the right of the state to supervise the administration of property in Catholic dioceses. | 164 |
87 | do | Oct. 15 | Prussian Parliament dissolved by royal decree; new election ordered; free trade and protection in the new Parliament. | 165 |
88 | do | Oct. 16 | Trial of Count Von Arnim; sentenced to five years’ penal servitude, equivalent to banishment for life. | 166 |
89 | do | Oct. 23 | German coinage, and coinage laws of 1871 and 1873; imperial coinage to October 7, 1876. | 166 |
90 | The Emperor William to the President. | June 9 | Centennial letter of congratulations from the Emperor to the President. | 173 |
91 | The President to the Emperor of Germany. | July 18 | The President’s acknowledgment of the Emperor’s letter. | 173 |
great britain
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
92 | General Schenck to Mr. Fish | 1876. Feb. 1 | Direct United States Cable Company, petition for protection; letter to the President. | 174 |
93 | Mr. Fish to General Schenck | Feb. 21 | The same subject; the grievances of the Cable Company, and the manner of redressing the same; views of the Secretary of State thereon. | 175 |
94 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Pierrepont | Aug. 8 | Edward O’M. Condon; transmitting copy of joint resolution of Congress for his release from prison; statement of the case, and hopes for the accomplishment of the purposes of the resolution. | 176 |
95 | Mr. Pierrepont to Mr. Fish | Sept. 18 | The same subject; Mr. Pierrepont to Lord Derby, and the reply of the latter; the case referred to Her Majesty; no clemency to be extended at present. | 178 |
96 | Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Fish. | Mar. 13 | Mosquito chief vs. Nicaragua and Honduras; Her Majesty’s consul at Grey Town authorized to act as agent for the chief in connection with arrears of subsidy due by the governments of Nicaragua and Honduras; correspondence thereon. | 179 |
97 | do | Apr. 17 | Collisions at sea; prevention of same; report of a committee appointed by the board of trade and the Trinity House; draft of regulations for prevention of collisions; international steaming and sailing rules; replies of several shipowners relative to United States system of sound signals; countries which have adopted the existing international regulations. | 181 |
98 | do | May 22 | Shipment of dangerous goods; defects in the United States law regarding. | 202 |
99 | Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Hunter. | Sept. 6 | North American Boundary Commission; the British commissioner’s thanks to the Government of the United States and its officers, for courtesies. | 204 |
extradition treaty.
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
100 | Mr. Fish to Gen. Schenck (Telegram.) | 1876. Feb. 12 | Escape of Winslow; his arrest to be obtained, if possible. | 204 |
101 | Gen. Schenck to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) | Feb. 15 | Arrest of Winslow; charge and proof wanted | 205 |
102 | Mr. Fish to Gen. Schenck (Telegram.) | Feb. 17 | The same subject; officer, with papers, to sail immediately. | 205 |
103 | do | Feb. 17 | The same subject; statement of the case; Winslow to be delivered up to Mr. Dearborn. | 205 |
104 | do | Feb. 21 | The same subject; Sir Edward Thornton’s suggestion in regard to a refusal to deliver up Winslow without stipulations; Mr. Fish instructs Gen. Schenck; no stipulation to be given. | 205 |
105 | Gen. Schenck to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) | Mar. 2 | The same subject; Lord Derby declines to deliver Winslow without a stipulation. | 206 |
106 | do | Mar. 2 | The same subject; Winslow before the sitting magistrate; papers and proofs put in; remanded for a day; Lord Derby to Gen. Schenck, transmitting the views of Her Majesty’s Secretary of State. | 207 |
107 | Mr. Fish to Gen. Schenck (Telegram.) | Mar. 3 | The same subject; the treaty gives no right to exact conditions beyond those expressed; the surrender to be requested without giving the promises asked. | 208 |
108 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish | Mar. 4 | Winslow committed for extradition; Col. Chesebrough, having the matter in charge, will address Lord Derby in pursuance of instructions. | 208 |
109 | do | Mar. 10 | Anticipated determination of Her Majesty’s Government to refuse to deliver up Winslow without stipulation; Lord Derby to Mr. Hoffman, assigning reasons for not delivering up Winslow; Mr. Hoffman to Lord Derby, giving Mr. Fish’s views on the subject. | 208 |
110 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Hoffman | Mar. 31 | Analysis of the correspondence which has taken place thus far between the two governments; the Lawrence extradition case; position assumed by the British government; review of the construction of the treaty between the two governments, and the practice of its enforcement; citation of various extradition cases, and the opinions of various eminent legal jurists; the soundness of the American construction of the treaty. | 210 |
111 | do (Telegram.) | Apr. 5 | A reply to Mr. Hoffman’s No. 39; necessity of receiving it before the question is decided. | 218 |
112 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish | Apr. 8 | Winslow not yet surrendered; no reply from Lord Derby; informs Lord Tenterden of further instructions being on the way. | 219 |
113 | do (Telegram.) | Apr. 13 | Lord Derby asks if district court has power to try Lawrence for crimes not named in warrant; if so, withdraws proposal for arrangement; Winslow must be released by the 2d of May. | 219 |
114 | do | Apr. 13 | The same subject; Lord Derby’s note to Mr. Hoffman, covering the matter telegraphed above; Lord Derby hopes for the negotiation of a new treaty. | 219 |
115 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Hoffman | Apr. 21 | The Canadian authorities, in the cases of the extradition of Worms and Rosenbaum, agree with the conclusions reached by the United States in the Winslow controversy; the cases cited. | 221 |
116 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) | Apr. 27 | Employment of counsel if Winslow gets before Queen’s Bench on habeas corpus; asks instructions concerning. | 222 |
117 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Hoffman (Telegram.) | Apr. 28 | The same subject; counsel on habeas corpus impracticable; presentation of Mr. Fish’s No. 864 directed with the hope that Winslow’s release may still be prevented. | 222 |
118 | Interview between Sir Edward Thornton and Mr. Fish. | Apr. 30 | British cabinet adheres to its decisions; Winslow to be discharged unless certain assurances are given; Mr. Fish explains why the required assurances cannot be given. | 222 |
119 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) | May 1 | Winslow to be discharged unless arrangements be made; requests that he be detained until reply of the foreign office to Mr. Hoffman’s note be received and communicated to Mr. Fish. | 223 |
120 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Hoffman (Telegram.) | May 2 | The above request not authorized by the Department of State. | 223 |
121 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) | May 2 | Winslow applies for habeas corpus; papers asked for in House of Commons and refused for the present. | 223 |
122 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) | May 3 | Winslow applies for discharge; case adjourned for ten days. | 224 |
123 | do | May 4 | Correspondence between the British government and American legation since April 20 on the Winslow affair. | 224 |
124 | do | May 6 | Transmitting a note from Lord Derby; the British government still refuses to deliver up Winslow unless with stipulations; the grounds on which the refusal is based. | 226 |
125 | do | May 11 | Transmitting further correspondence from Lord Derby; calls attention to a passage in Mr. Fish’s dispatch of March 31; the Canadian extradition cases; the home secretary differs from the opinion of the Canadian judges. | 230 |
126 | do (Telegram.) | May 12 | Notified that government will oppose discharge of Winslow to-morrow, with the hope that matters may be arranged. | 231 |
127 | do | May 13 | Transmitting two notes from Lord Derby; consents to withdrawal of a note from Mr. Hoffman and the substitution of a dispatch from Mr. Fish; government will ask a further postponement of the release of Winslow. | 232 |
128 | do (Telegram.) | May 20 | Lord Derby suggests that Mr. Fish be reminded that Winslow will be released Tuesday, and would be happy to consider any communication from him. | 232 |
129 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Hoffman (Telegram.) | May 20 | Lord Derby to be informed, if the surrender of Winslow without stipulation is refused, that it is impossible to give the stipulation. | 233 |
130 | do | May 22 | Reply to Lord Derby’s note, giving the grounds upon which the British government refuses to surrender Winslow; British precedents against their present interpretation of the treaty; cases cited from British courts; the American interpretation of the treaty fully sustained; review of the subject at issue. | 233 |
131 | do | May 24 | Mr. Fish answers two notes of Lord Derby in relation to the Lawrence case and the Lennie mutineers. | 244 |
132 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish | May 25 | Lord Derby’s note reminding that Winslow was to be released on the 23d of May, and that the attention of the United States Government be called to the fact. | 245 |
133 | do (Telegram.) | May 26 | Draft treaty lately discussed; if the United States Government, to meet present difficulty, assent to add Article III of same to the treaty of 1842, Sir Edward Thornton will be instructed to sign it at once. | 246 |
134 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Hoffman (Telegram.) | May 27 | The same subject; Mr. Fish desires information as to whether the suggestion of the addition of the article proceeded from Lord Derby or Mr. Hoffman. | 246 |
135 | Interview between Sir Edward Thornton and Mr. Fish. | May 27 | The same subject; the question of an additional article to the treaty of 1842 discussed; future treaties. | 246 |
136 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) | May 28 | The same subject; explains from whom the suggestion of the additional article proceeded; Mr. Hoffman’s suggestions. | 248 |
137 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Hoffman (Telegram.) | May 28 | The same subject; Mr. Hoffman’s suggestions unauthorized and disapproved; instructions to Mr. Hoffman. | 248 |
138 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish | May 27 | The same subject; Mr. Hoffman’s further explanation concerning an additional article to the treaty of 1842; incloses note from Lord Derby proposing an additional article. | 249 |
139 | do (Telegram.) | June 1 | Winslow case postponed until the 15th of June | 250 |
140 | do (Telegram.) | June 6 | Brent applies for habeas corpus; British government will ask remand until 15th. | 250 |
141 | do (Telegram.) | June 9 | Extradition correspondence relating to Lawrence, Winslow, Brent, and Gray published. | 250 |
142 | do | June 7 | Mr. Hoffman reads Mr. Fish’s N. 887 to Lord Derby. | 250 |
143 | do | June 9 | Mr. Hoffman transmits note from Lord Derby in relation to the final adjournment of Winslow’s case, and one to Lord Derby explaining his suggestions in regard to the additional article; postponement of the Brent case. | 251 |
144 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) | June 15 | Winslow discharged; Brent case comes up on Monday. | 252 |
145 | do | June 17 | The same subject; particulars of Winslow’s discharge; Brent’s discharge postponed. | 252 |
146 | do (Telegram.) | June 17 | The same subject | 253 |
147 | do (Telegram.) | June 19 | Brent discharged; attorney-general’s statement | 253 |
148 | The President to the Senate and House of Representatives. | June 20 | Message in relation to the extradition treaty with Great Britain. | 253 |
149 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish | June 22 | Transmits two further notes from Lord Derby concerning the Winslow case. | 255 |
150 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Hoffman | June 23 | In relation to an incorrect interpretation of a telegram from the Department. | 256 |
151 | Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish | July 3 | Lord Derby to Mr. Hoffman; continuation of the argument in the Winslow case. | 257 |
152 | do | July 5 | Correction of an error in a telegram from the Department. | 261 |
153 | Mr. Pierrepont to Mr. Fish | July 19 | Case of Bennet Burley, surrendered to the United States under extradition treaty, by the Canadian authorities; correspondence concerning the same presented to the House of Commons. | 261 |
154 | do | July 25 | Extradition debate in the House of Lords; full report from The Times and Daily News. | 269 |
155 | do | Aug. 4 | The same subject continued; speeches of Lords Granville and Selborne. | 285 |
156 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Pierrepont | Aug. 5 | The discharge from custody of the fugitives by Great Britain regarded by the President as an abrogation of the article of the treaty on extradition; correcting an error into which Lord Derby has fallen in relation to the Lawrence case. | 305 |
157 | Mr. Pierrepont to Mr. Fish | Aug. 23 | Copy of the above dispatch left with Lord Derby | 306 |
158 | Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Fish. | May 13 | Maraine Smith in custody in Canada awaiting the application of the United States for his surrender, under the extradition treaty, as a fugitive from justice. | 306 |
159 | Mr. Fish to Sir Edward Thornton. | May 17 | The same subject; in consequence of the discharge from custody of Winslow and other fugitives, it is not deemed advisable to make any further applications for extradition under the treaty. | 307 |
160 | Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Fish. | May 23 | Walter and Frederick Moore, fugitives from justice, under arrest in Boston; asks for their surrender to the Canadian authorities. | 307 |
161 | do | May 26 | The same subject; correction of an error in the name of the persons to whom the fugitives are to be surrendered. | 308 |
162 | do | July 13 | Charles P. Jones, fugitive, &c., held in Canada awaiting requisition from the United States for his surrender. | 308 |
163 | Mr. Fish to Sir Edward Thornton. | July 18 | The same subject; no further demands for the surrender of fugitive criminals will be made in consequence of the discharge of Winslow and others. | 308 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
164 | Mr. Read to Mr. Fish | 1876. Aug. 3 | Prohibition of the publication or dissemination in the common schools of certain books in Greece; the American and British Bible Societies protest; Mr. Read gets the prohibition rescinded; orders and correspondence upon the subject. | 309 |
165 | do | Aug. 12 | Order regulating the exchange of foreign silver coins at the public treasuries of Greece. | 316 |
166 | do | Aug. 23 | Forwarding to the Department a copy, in plaster, of an ancient treaty—445 B. C. | 317 |
hawaiian islands.
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
167 | Mr. Peirce to Mr. Fish | 1876. June 20 | Proclamation by the Hawaiian government to carry into effect the commercial treaty with the United States. | 318 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
168 | Mr. Bassett to Mr. Fish | 1875. Nov. 12 | Embarkation of the persons who were in refuge under the American flag; feeling of the Haytian government. | 320 |
169 | do | Nov. 12 | Right of asylum; Mr. Bassett makes a proposition for the modification or abolition of the practice prevailing in Hayti of permitting citizens of that country to seek asylum under foreign flags. | 321 |
170 | do | Dec. 28 | Threatened revolution; Mr Bassett’s information; causes leading to revolution. | 323 |
171 | do | 1876 Feb. 17 | The same subject; preparations to meet the revolution. | 324 |
172 | do | Apr. 27 | The revolution triumphant; full particulars; tragic death of Minister Rameau and wounding of President Domingue; Boisrond Canal provisionary President. | 325 |
173 | do | May 31 | New elections held; Canal’s friends in the majority: good feeling toward foreigners. | 331 |
174 | do | June 21 | Concerning the treaty of 1864 between the United States and Hayti; the intention of Domingue’s government to terminate the same not entertained by the new government. | 331 |
175 | do | July 29 | Fourth of July celebration; honors to the American Republic. | 332 |
176 | do | July 29 | Organization of the Chamber of Deputies; Boisrond Canal elected President; biographical sketch of the new President; his address to the people and the army. | 335 |
177 | do | Sept. 16 | Treaty with United States; Haytian government willing to continue the same, &c. | 337 |
178 | Mr. Preston to Mr. Fish | 1875. Oct. 25 | Right of asylum; dangers resulting therefrom; proposition by Hayti for its abolition. | 338 |
179 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Preston | Dec. 11 | The same subject; its rights and abuse; the necessity of obtaining the views of other governments before consenting to the propositions of Hayti. | 344 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
180 | Mr. Bingham to Mr. Fish | 1875. Sept. 22 | Crime committed on the high seas by foreign subjects on board an American vessel; the United States has jurisdiction over the same; correspondence thereon between Mr. Bingham and Consul-General Van Buren; the case of an Italian subject on board the William Van Namee. | 344 |
181 | do | Oct. 6 | Anticipated declaration of war by Japan against Corea; cause of same. | 348 |
182 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Bingham | Oct. 28 | Crime on the high seas; the Department approves of the action taken by Mr. Bingham in relation to the case of the Italian subject on board the American ship William Van Namee. | 348 |
183 | Mr. Bingham to Mr. Fish | Dec. 4 | Inauguration of a normal school for girls by the Empress of Japan; ceremonies, and address of the Empress. | 349 |
184 | do | Dec. 7 | Hunting regulations of Japan meet the approval of all the foreign representatives; flues and disposition of. | 350 |
185 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Bingham | 1876. Jan. 20 | Right of the municipal councils of Nagasaki to maintain actions in the consular court of the United States against American citizens on account of non-observance of municipal ordinances; powers of United States consuls and rights of citizens of the United States in China and Japan, &c., the whole subject reviewed. | 350 |
186 | Mr. Bingham to Mr. Fish | 1875. Dec. 29 | American citizens on the Bonin Islands; the strange lives and deaths of Savory and Pease; report thereon by a British consul. | 354 |
187 | do | 1876. Jan. 18 | Fourth report of the postmaster-general of Japan; postal statistics. | 357 |
188 | do | Feb. 21 | Statistics of Japan; mines, shipping, production, railroads, and telegraphs. | 362 |
189 | Mr. Bingham to Mr. Fish | Feb. 21 | Publication in Japan of newspaper in the Japanese language by foreigners prohibited; correspondence with the minister of foreign affairs thereon; Japanese press-laws. | 363 |
190 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Bingham | April 5 | Hunting regulations in Japan; fines imposed by United States consuls under the regulations cannot be paid over to the Japanese government. | 366 |
191 | do | May 2 | Press-laws of Japan; the same not violative of treaty rights, and to be obeyed by Americans in Japan. | 367 |
192 | Mr. Bingham to Mr. Fish | Mar. 6 | Claims of foreign governments against the Japanese government; Mr. Bingham’s note to the Japanese minister of foreign affairs as to the mode of presenting said claims. | 368 |
193 | do | Mar. 9 | Treaty of peace and commerce concluded between Corea and Japan. | 370 |
194 | do | Mar. 21 | Corea; its people and resources | 370 |
195 | do | Mar. 23 | Copyright in Japan; rules and regulations concerning the same; importance of retaining the interpreter of the legation. | 371 |
196 | do | May 19 | Municipal council of Nagasaki; source and origin of the powers claimed by the same; complaint against the United States consul at Nagasaki by the chairman of the council; correspondence on the subject. | 374 |
197 | do | May 19 | Sunday to be a day of rest henceforth throughout Japan; also Saturday from the hour of noon. | 377 |
198 | do | June 1 | Arrival of a Corean embassy at Tokei; description of the embassy. | 377 |
199 | do | June 5 | Lew Chew Islands; information concerning, from the Japanese minister for foreign affairs. | 379 |
200 | do | Aug. 8 | Convention between Germany and Japan; reduction of duty in favor of Germany without the co-operation of the other Western powers | 380 |
201 | do | Sept. 19 | National constitution for Japan; the fundamental laws of all nations to be considered in connection therewith. | 381 |
202 | do | Sept. 20 | Second annual report of the Japanese minister of education. | 382 |
203 | do | Oct. 11 | National bank laws of Japan; paper money issued by the government passing at par. | 386 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
204 | Mr. Foster to Mr. Fish | 1875. Oct. 19 | Execution of five of the assassins of Rev. John L. Stephens. | 386 |
205 | do | Nov. 8 | Conferring “extraordinary faculties” on the Executive by Congress. | 387 |
206 | do | Nov. 16 | Removal of Indians from Mexico to the United States or to the interior of Mexico; transmitting a communication on the subject from the Secretary of the Interior. | 387 |
207 | Mr. Richardson to Mr. Fish. | Dec. 24 | The same subject; correspondence with the Mexican authorities thereon. | 387 |
208 | Mr. Foster to Mr. Fish | 1876. Feb. 1 | The same subject; the American commissioners awaiting the action of the American authorities; Colonel Williams’s letter to Mr. Foster on the question. | 389 |
209 | do | Feb. 2 | Political disturbances; General Diaz supposed to be the leader in the outbreaks; bad state of affairs. | 391 |
210 | do | Mar. 8 | Indians in the State of Chihuahua to be removed into the interior of Mexico. | 393 |
211 | do | Mar. 28 | Gloomy commercial and political condition of Mexico; the crisis in silver. | 394 |
212 | do | Apr. 3 | Opening of Congress; the President’s address | 395 |
213 | do | Apr. 22 | Increase of the revolution; disposition of the contending forces; capture of Matamoras by the revolutionists. | 396 |
214 | do | May 4 | The House resolution authorizing the crossing into Mexico of United States troops in pursuit of raiders occasions a wide-spread feeling in Mexico; public sentiment aroused in consequence; the press on the situation. | 398 |
215 | do | May 26 | Cortina escapes and joins the revolutionists; his pronunciamiento. | 402 |
216 | do | May 25 | Important engagement and defeat of the revolutionists. | 403 |
217 | Mr. Foster to Mr. Fish | June 2 | Defeat of the revolutionists in Puebla by General Alatorre; the revolutionists will endeavor to vitiate the elections; how they intend to act, and how the government proposes to defeat their schemes; the government hard pressed for funds. | 403 |
218 | do | July 8 | Reciprocity treaty with the United States; Mr. Romero, formerly of the Mexican legation at Washington, on the subject. | 405 |
219 | do | July 15 | Meetings of the presidential electors chosen at the late elections; majority for the present President; defeat of General Diaz and his escape; conflict between the supreme court and the executive. | 407 |
220 | Mr. Richardson to Mr. Fish. | Aug. 26 | Progress of the revolution; aims and hopes of the revolutionists; state of the public mind in the city of Mexico. | 408 |
221 | do | Sept. 7 | The President removes several members of his cabinet; the feeling occasioned thereby; no doubt of Mr. Lerdo’s re-election to the Presidency; the new cabinet. | 411 |
222 | do | Sept. 18 | Meeting of the Eighth Congress; President Lerdo’s address. | 413 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
223 | Mr. Gibbs to Mr. Fish | 1875. Oct. 20 | Presidential election; General Prado elected President; election disturbances and casualties; how elections are carried in Peru. | 415 |
224 | do | 1876. Jan. 13 | All quiet, with rumors of revolution; condition of the country. | 416 |
225 | do | Mar. 13 | The sugar production of Peru, and the Chinese labor question. | 417 |
226 | do | Apr. 29 | The consolidation of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru into one mission; geographical obstacles thereto; the time which would be occupied in visiting the respective countries above mentioned. | 419 |
227 | do | July 13 | Financial condition of Peru; the nitrate of soda beds; an extraordinary session of Congress; the President’s address. | 420 |
228 | do | July 13 | The electoral meetings, and outbreaks at Chuquibamba and Cuzeo; the killed and wounded; banquet to the army and navy by the retiring President; speech of the latter. | 423 |
229 | do | Aug. 12 | Inauguration of President Prado; inaugural ceremonies; the President’s political career. | 426 |
230 | do | Aug. 21 | Review of the political situation of Peru; President Prado’s cabinet; clashing of civic and military interests; attack on the ex-President’s house by a mob; proclamation assuring tranquillity. | 230 |
231 | do | Aug. 26 | Vote of censure in the Chamber of Deputies on two members of the cabinet; resignation of the entire cabinet; not accepted; appointment of two members to replace those censured; preparations to meet a revolutionary outbreak. | 431 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
232 | Mr. Moran to Mr. Fish | 1876. Jan. 5 | The Portuguese government’s cordial letter of acknowledgment for the President’s notice of the Portuguese act of emancipation of 1875. | 432 |
233 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Moran | Feb. 15 | The same subject; the President receives the above letter with satisfaction; gratification that will attend the actual emancipation of the slaves in the Portuguese colonies as provided in the act in question. | 433 |
234 | Mr. Moran to Mr. Fish | Mar. 27 | Abolition of slavery in the Portuguese colonies; scope of the emancipation act. | 434 |
235 | do | Oct. 28 | The governor of St. Michael’s charges the United States consular agent for passports to destitute American seamen; the home government orders the restitution of the money; correspondence thereon. | 435 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
236 | Mr. Boker to Mr. Fish | 1876. Feb. 25 | Budget of the Russian Empire for 1876 | 438 |
237 | do | Apr. 21 | Khokand, the recent addition to the Russian possessions in Central Asia; account of the country. | 438 |
238 | Mr. Atkinson to Mr. Fish | July 26 | Convention between Russia and Germany for the construction of a railway to unite Warsaw and Marienburg. | 440 |
239 | Mr. Shiskin to Mr. Cadwalader. | July 6 | Transmitting congratulations of the Emperor of Russia to the President on the centennial anniversary of American independence. | 410 |
240 | The Emperor of Russia to the President. | June 17 | The Emperor’s congratulatory letter | 441 |
241 | The President to the Emperor of Russia. | July 23 | Acknowledging the Emperor’s congratulatory letter. | 441 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
242 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish | 1875. Dec. 2 | The civil war and its causes; a review of the law of succession in Spain from the days of Fernando and Isabel to the present time. | 442 |
243 | do | 1876. June 19 | Religious toleration in Spain; the proposed article of toleration in the new constitution passed in the senate. | 446 |
244 | do | July 8 | The new constitution as completed by the Cortes; the article of religious toleration; the state of affairs in general. | 446 |
245 | do | Aug. 7 | The right of certain foreign powers to interfere in the election of popes; pamphlet issued by the Italian minister to Spain concerning; article thereon from El Diario Español. | 449 |
246 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Fish | Aug. 30 | Religious toleration; the question as understood in Mahon and Madrid; Mr. Adee’s explanation of a perplexing question. | 450 |
247 | do | Sept. 13 | The same subject; further explanation | 451 |
248 | do | Sept. 28 | The assassination of General Prim; particulars of the same and the individuals connected therewith; prosecution of the parties abandoned; report of the prosecuting attorney in the case. | 454 |
249 | do | Oct. 1 | The Cuban loan; the offer of Calvo, Vinent, and Cabezas accepted; particulars of the loan. | 460 |
250 | do | Oct. 3 | Spanish navy; present condition of the same; royal decree organizing a naval squadron of instruction. | 461 |
251 | do | Oct. 4 | Sugar-trade between Cuba and the United States | 463 |
252 | do | Oct. 7 | The Cuban loan; royal order awarding same to Lopez, Calvo’. Vinent, and Cabezas. | 465 |
253 | do | Oct. 10 | General Campos dispatched to Cuba to assist General Jovellar; separation of commands; the Cuban loan; determination of the government to end the war in Cuba. | 473 |
254 | do | Oct. 13 | The religious toleration question; its belittlement; British interference; general disquisition on the question; opinion of Don Martinez, an eminent Spanish jurist. | 476 |
255 | do | Oct. 25 | The same subject: discussion concerning; royal order regulating religious liberty and non-Catholic worship in Spain. | 482 |
correspondence relative to the trial of general burriel pursuant to the protocol growing out of the capture of the virginius.
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
256 | Mr. Hall to Mr. Cadwalader | 1875. Dec. 23 | Appointment of General Jovellar to supersede Count Valmaseda in Cuba. | 486 |
257 | Mr. Fish and Rear-Admiral de Bernabe. | 1873. Nov. 29 | Conference concerning a definite agreement respecting the case of the steamer Virginius. | 487 |
258 | Mr. Sickles to Mr. Fish | 1874. Jan. 31 | The shooting of prisoners denounced by the Spanish authorities. | 488 |
259 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Fish | Apr. 25 | General Burriel’s attempt to justify his conduct in the shooting of the Virginius captives; M. Adee’s criticism thereon; General Burriel’s letter. | 488 |
260 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Cushing | June 9 | An explanation of General Burriel’s letter demanded; an indignant rebuke. | 493 |
261 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish | June 27 | The same subject; Mr. Cushing’s communication relative to Mr. Fish’s instructions; General Burriel’s promotion denied. | 494 |
262 | do | July 10 | The same subject; General Burriel’s publication disavowed by the Spanish government; Mr. Ulloa’s letter to Mr. Cushing. | 496 |
263 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Cushing | July 22 | The same subject; Mr. Cushing’s actions relative thereto approved by the Department. | 498 |
264 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish | July 22 | Mr. Cushing presents the views entertained by his Government relative to the officers, crew, and passengers of the Virginius. | 498 |
265 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Cushing | Aug. 15 | Satisfaction at the information that the Spanish government does not support the massacre of the passengers, officers, and crew of the Virginius by Burriel; the adjustment of the case should no longer be delayed. | 500 |
266 | do | Aug. 21 | The reparation for the massacre of the officers, passengers, and crew of the Virginius placed upon higher grounds than the illegality of the act; the delay in the investigation and reparation very disappointing to the United States. | 500 |
267 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish | Sept. 27 | The same subject; Mr. Cushing’s communication to the minister of state. | 501 |
268 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Cushing | Oct. 29 | The Government of the United States insists upon an immediate investigation into the facts whether General Burriel had infringed Spanish laws or treaty obligations in his barbarous and cruel acts. | 507 |
269 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish | Dec 1 | The same subject; Mr. Cushing’s note to Mr. Ulloa, insisting upon the arraignment of Burriel. | 507 |
270 | do (Telegram.) | Dec. 4 | The same subject; Mr. Ulloa’s answer. | 509 |
271 | do | Dec. 5 | The same subject; Mr. Ulloa’s note to Mr. Cushing. | 509 |
272 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Cushing (Telegram.) | Dec. 7 | The same subject; the United States insists on Spain’s fulfilling her engagement under the protocol signed with Admiral Polo. | 510 |
273 | do | Dec. 30 | The same subject; prompt and effective punishment on the guilty parties the best and only reparation that Spain can make to the civilized world. | 511 |
274 | do | 1875. Feb. 19 | The same subject; the punishment of General Burriel insisted on; should be as frankly given as the indemnity. | 511 |
275 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish | May 17 | General Burriel shamed into obscurity; the Carlist military executions forcing the Spanish government into condemnation of Burriel’s acts. | 512 |
276 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Cushing | June 4 | Mr. Cushing congratulated upon his year’s labors in Madrid; Burriel’s atrocities being brought home to Spain in the Carlist shootings; the mistake of Spain in not fulfilling her agreements. | 513 |
277 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) | Aug. 23 | Burriel’s case under discussion. | 514 |
278 | do | Aug. 23 | Burriel’s promotion; surprise of Mr. Cushing; protests against the same to the minister of state; Burriel’s promotion explained on the ground of expediency. | 514 |
279 | do | Aug. 25 | The same subject; correspondence between Mr. Castro and Mr. Cushing concerning. | 516 |
280 | do | Aug. 31 | The same subject; explanation concerning Burriel’s promotion; nobody responsible therefor. | 518 |
281 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Cushing | Sept. 22 | The same subject; Mr. Cushing’s proceedings in regard to the same approved. | 519 |
282 | do (Telegram.) | Sept. 28 | The same subject; considered a serious disregard of the obligations of Spain to this Government. | 519 |
283 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish | Sept 29 | The same subject; desires instructions as to course to pursue. | 519 |
284 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Cushing | Oct. 1 | The same subject; remonstrates against Burriel’s preferment; urges compliance with protocol and promises. | 519 |
285 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish | Oct. 6 | The same subject; Mr. Cushing’s interview with the minister of state; painful effects produced in the mind of the United States Government by Burriel’s promotion; the minister’s apologetic reply. | 519 |
286 | do | Oct. 6 | The same subject; Mr. Cushing’s note to the minister of state cancelling Barriers promotion. | 521 |
287 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish | Oct. 20 | The same subject; note from the minister of state to Mr. Cushing; the investigation to proceed; Mr. Cushing to the Conde de Casa-Valencia. | 522 |
288 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Cushing | Nov. 5 | The same subject; the British minister ordered to co-operate with Mr. Cushing; Mr. Carvajal’s proposition; review of the Virginius case; how Spanish ministers have forgotten the terms of the protocol; the United States desires to know whether Spain does or does not indorse the acts of General Burriel; the question has almost passed the limits of endurance. | 525 |
289 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish (Telegram.) | Nov. 16 | The same subject; assurance of trial of Burriel given. | 529 |
290 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Cushing | 1876. Jan. 6 | The same subject; something more than assurances of Burriel’s trial required. | 530 |
291 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish | Apr. 12 | The same subject; recent pressure moving the Spanish government to the trial of Burriel and associates. | 530 |
292 | do | Apr. 21 | The same subject; the supreme council of war to try Burriel; Mr. Cushing following the case up. | 534 |
293 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Cushing | May 17 | The same subject; the prosecution of Burriel and his associates would be more satisfactory than promises of same. | 534 |
294 | Mr. Cushing to Mr. Fish | June 12 | The same subject; the officers of the Tornado to be also prosecuted. | 535 |
sweden and norway.
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
295 | Mr. Andrews to Mr. Fish | 1875. Dec. 28 | Nova Zembla; expedition of Mr. Nordenskjöld to; account of the expedition. | 535 |
296 | do | 1876. Jan. 3 | Swedish emigration to the United States | 537 |
297 | do | Mar. 23 | The King’s cabinet; a minister of state as leading member to be selected by an amendment to the constitution. | 538 |
298 | do | May 23 | Swedish poor-laws, pauperism, climate, population, &c.; pauperism in Norway; general observations; an interesting and able review. | 538 |
300 | do | Sept. 25 | Nova Zembla; Professor Nordenskjöld’s voyage to; further particulars concerning. | 552 |
301 | do | Oct. 11 | Civil service in Europe in general, in Sweden in particular; collection of spirit-tax in Sweden; punishment of defaulters; examination for civil service; salaries; pensions; hours and discipline; efficiency. | 553 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
302 | Mr. Rubles to Mr. Fish | 1875. Sept. 28 | Expulsion of Catholic curés from the canton of Berne; trouble in consequence; the act authorizing the expulsion; the Protestants aroused by the same; effects of the act. | 564 |
303 | do | 1876. June 16 | The Old Catholic movement in Switzerland; organization of the National Catholic church. | 566 |
304 | do | Aug. 31 | Swiss citizenship; law concerning the acquisition and renunciation of the same. | 567 |
turkish empire.
1. ottoman porte.
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
305 | Mr. Maynard to Mr. Fish | 1876. May 30 | Dethronement of the Sultan Abdul-Aziz and enthronement of Murad Effendi. | 568 |
306 | do | June 13 | The Salonica affair; two dispatches from the United States consular agent at that place. | 569 |
307 | do | June 17 | Assassination of Hussein Avni Pacha and wounding of Ahmed Kaiserli Pacha by Hassan Bey. | 572 |
308 | do | July 20 | The Salonica affair; latest dispatch from the United States consular agent at that place. | 573 |
309 | Mr. Maynard to Mr. Fish | July 27 | The Ottoman navy and the late Sultan; strength of the Navy. | 575 |
310 | do | Aug. 10 | Insurrection in the northwestern provinces; account of same; measures for pacification. | 578 |
311 | do | Sept. 1 | Change of Sultan; accession of Abdul Hamid III | 583 |
312 | do | Sept. 13 | The new Sultan girded with the imperial sword; ceremony attending the same; the imperial “hatt.” | 584 |
313 | Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Campbell. | Sept. 28 | Productions and trade of Philippopolis | 586 |
314 | Aristarchi Bey to Mr. Fish | 1875. Sept. 29 | Cessation of the effects of existing treaties of commerce with foreign nations; reasons therefor. | 591 |
315 | Mr. Fish to Aristarchi Bey | Oct. 4 | The same subject; acknowledging the receipt of the above. | 592 |
316 | Aristarchi Bey to Mr. Cadwalader. | 1876. June 1 | The same subject; increasing the duties on important articles; cause, the financial condition of the Ottoman government. | 592 |
317 | Mr. Fish to Aristarchi Bey | June 8 | The same subject; acknowledging the receipt of the above note, and sympathizing with the Ottoman government in its efforts to improve its financial condition. | 593 |
2. egypt.
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
318 | Mr. Beardsley to Mr. Fish | 1875. Sept. 29 | Military movements on the frontiers of Abyssinia | 594 |
319 | do | Oct. 2 | Code of laws for the new judicial tribunal in Egypt; decree concerning the same. | 595 |
320 | do | Dec. 1 | Disaster to the Egyptian troops in Tigre | 596 |
321 | do | Dec. 11 | Suez Canal; purchase of the Khedive’s shares by England. | 596 |
322 | do | Dec. 13 | The same subject; particulars of the operation | 597 |
323 | Mr. Comanos to Mr. Fish | 1876. Feb. 18 | Defeat of the Egyptian troops in Abyssinia; full account of. | 600 |
324 | do | Feb. 26 | Organization of the new judicial tribunal completed. | 602 |
325 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Comanos | Mar. 31 | The same subject; proclamation of the President issued concerning. | 602 |
326 | Mr. Comanos to Mr. Fish | Apr. 21 | Return of Hassan Pasha from the Abyssinian expedition; rumored defeat of the Egyptian troops with great loss. | 602 |
327 | do | Sept. 18 | Abdication of Sultan Murad and accession of Sultan Hamid announced in presence of the Khedive. | 303 |
3. tunis.
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
328 | Mr. Heap to Mr. Hunter | 1875. July 6 | The great desert and the inland sea; the Italian scientific commission report insurmountable obstacles against the formation of the sea. | 603 |
329 | Mr. Cubisol to Mr. Hunter | 1876. May 12 | Killing of a Jew by a Mussulman; disturbance therefrom. | 603 |
330 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Cubisol | June 13 | The same subject; the duty of Mr. Cubisol under the circumstance. | 605 |
uruguay and paraguay.
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
331 | Mr. Caldwell to Mr. Fish | 1875. Oct. 16 | Civil war inaugurated in Uruguay; particulars thereof. | 605 |
332 | do | Dec. 16 | The civil war ended | 606 |
333 | do | Mar. 16 | Entire change in the executive of Uruguay; particulars of same. | 606 |
334 | do | July 24 | Affairs under the new government | 607 |
335 | do | July 24 | Paraguay free from foreign domination | 607 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
336 | Mr. Russell to Mr. Fish | 1876. Mar. 25 | Meeting of Congress and the President’s message; synopsis of the message; the reclamation question. | 609 |
337 | do | Sept. 26 | Imports of Venezuela from the United States; statement of the same. | 612 |
APPENDIX A.—Extradition.
Extract from proceedings of court of Queen’s Bench, November 21, 1876 | 615 |
Extract from report of judgment rendered by supreme court of Canada, 1874 | 616 |
Mr. Dart to Mr. Cadwalader, No. 345, April 7, 1876 | 619 |
Same to same, No. 348, April 18, 1876 | 620 |
Same to same, No. 350, April 25, 1876 | 621 |
Opinion of the Attorney-General of the United States upon the petition of Charles L. Lawrence, July 16, 1876 | 622 |
Extract from proceedings of United States circuit court for the southern district of New York, in the case of Charles L. Lawrence, May 27, 1876 | 630 |
APPENDIX B.—Alabama claims.
Statement from the clerk of Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims; number of claims decided and yet to be decided, with amounts claimed and awarded, November 14, 1876 | 635 |
APPENDIX C.—Mexican Claims Commission.
Report of the general results of the action of the commission upon the claims laid before it by the respective governments, November 23, 1876 | 637 |