No. 655.
Mr. Beardsley to Mr. Fish.

No. 319.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit, herewith inclosed, a translation of a dispatch from the minister of justice, informing me that the lower courts of the new judicial tribunals will be organized at Alexandria on the 28th of June next, at the same time of the organization of the court of appeals, instead of on the 18th of October, as announced in the ministers dispatch of the 18th instant, a translation of which I had the honor to transmit with my dispatch 317 of the 20th instant.

The present understanding is, therefore, that all the tribunals will be officially organized on the 28th of next month, and that a vacancy will then occur until the 18th of next October. On that day all the courts [Page 1344] will commence their functions, and the new code of laws become applicable to all parts of Egypt.

In the mean time, it is hoped the French Assembly will accept the reform, and a French magistrate be appointed to the court of appeals.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 319.—Translation.]

Cherif Pasha to Mr. Beardsley.

Mr. Agent and Consul-General: Referring to my circular-dispatch of the 18th instant, I have the honor to inform you that the government of the Khedive, following the measures already taken, has decided that the installation of the court; of appeals and that of the tribunal of first instance will take place at Alexandria on the 28th of June next, and that their functioning, in conformity with the 38th article of the judiciary organization, will begin with the 18th day of October following. It will, therefore, be beginning with October 18, 1875, that the laws which compose the new Egyptian code and which the government will promulgate within the time and in the manner prescribed by the 35th Article of said regulations, will become binding through the whole territory of the country.

Be pleased to accept, Mr. Agent and Consul-General, the assurances of my high consideration.