[Inclosure 1 with No.
Cherif Pasha to
Mr. Beardsley.
Ministry of Justice,
Cairo, May 18,
Mr. Agent and Consul-General: You are aware
that among the powers that adhered to the judiciary reform in Egypt,
several have reserved their formal and definitive adhesion until the
approval of their legislative chambers.
To-day, nearly all the powers having obtained this approval, and the
corps of the magistrates being almost complete, the government of
the Khedive, pressed by numerous and legitimate interests, sees
itself obliged to put an end to a judiciary situation which holds so
many questions in suspense, and which, through its continuance,
causes a grave prejudice to public affairs.
In order that the new laws maybe made obligatory, and that the new
tribunals may function before the end of this year, it is important
that the court of appeal, legally assembled, should, without any
further delay, prepare the general judiciary regulations in
accordance with the “règlement d’
organization” granted by the powers.
I have therefore the honor to inform you that the installation of the
court of appeal will take place on the 28th of June next, and that
of the tribunals of the first instance on the 18th of October
Requesting you, Mr. Agent and Consul-General, to bring this decision
to the knowledge of your Government, I avail myself of this occasion
to reiterate, in the name of the government of the Khedive, the
expression of our thankfulness to the Government of the United
States for the kind co-operation which it has given to the work of
judiciary reform. We trust to the continuance of this co-operation,
and hope that our united efforts will bring forth all the fruits
which public interest has a right to expect.
Be pleased to accept, Mr. Agent and Consul-General, the assurance of
my high consideration.