No. 656.
Mr. Beardsley to Mr. Fish.
Cairo, June 24, 1875. (Received July 19.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that His Highness, the Khedive, went to Alexandria yesterday with his household.
The different divans of the government were officially established at Alexandria several weeks ago, but the ministers have, of necessity, been at Cairo the greater part of the time since. The Khedive and all the divans will probably now remain at Alexandria, until about the middle of September, the period at which they generally return to the capital.
The general opinion now is that His Highness will not go to Europe this summer. His movements will, most likely, depend upon the state of his health, and the rise of the Nile. To his presence in Egypt last summer, and to his great energy and vigilance, the country owes its salvation from the greatest disaster which has threatened it of late years—an inundation from the highest Nile within half a century.
I am, &c.,