No. 286.
Sir Edward
Thornton to Mr. Cadwalader.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that Mr. Howard, Her Majesty’s agent, and I, have now received from the Treasury Department of the United States the entire amount of the indemnity which was awarded to certain British subjects by the mixed commission established under the twenty-second article of the treaty of May 8, 1871, and of which, for the convenience of Her Majesty’s government, that Department had consented to take charge during several months past.
I shall feel much obliged if you will convey to your honorable colleague, the Secretary of the Treasury, our sincere and cordial thanks for the great courtesy which has been shown in this matter to Her Majesty’s government and to ourselves, and for the facilities always afforded by his Department, by which we have been materially aided in carrying out the wishes and instructions of our government.
I have, &c.,