No. 285.
Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Fish

Sir: In obedience to instructions from the Earl of Derby, I have the honor to inclose to you a copy of a list of Her Majesty’s ships which are provided with warrants for the suppression of the slave-trade, together with the number of their guns, the names of their commanders, and the stations on which they are severally employed.

I have, &c.,

[Page 655]

List of British ships employed in the suppression of the slave-trade.

cape of good hope and west africa station.

Ships. Name and rank of commanding officer. Number of guns.
Spiteful Commander B. Medlycott 6
Merlin Lieutenant Woollaston C. Rarslake 4
Decoy* Lieutenant John Hayes 4
Ariel Lieutenant Oxford Churchill 4
Foam Lieutenant Henry C. Walker 4

north american and west india station.

Niobe* Commander David Boyle
Spartan Captain Richard Carter 8
Dovist Captain W. H. Edge 24
Druid Captain Arthur G. R. Roe 10
Bullfinch Commander R. N. Lloyd 3
Decoy Lieutenant John Hayes 4
Argus Commander E. I. Jermain 5
Dryad Commander Compton Dimcols 9

east india station.

Magpie Commander Henry Salmond 3
Thetis Commander T. I. H. Ward 13
Rifleman Commander Stratford Take 4
London* Captain George L. Sulivan 2
Flying Fish Commander N. F. Crohan 4
  1. This ship has gone to the North American and West India station.
  2. Lost.
  3. This ship was recalled from the North American station, and the warranty was not issued to her.
  4. Transferred from the Cape of Good Hope and West Coast of Africa station.
  5. Stationed at Zanzibar.