No. 19.
Mr. Jay to Mr. Fish.

No. 815.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 809, transmitting a correspondence with the imperial and royal ministry of commerce in regard to medals and diplomas for American exhibitors, I herewith inclose the original and translation of a note received from the Universal Exposition department of the imperial and royal ministry of commerce, stating that an error had crept into my reply of the 6th October, where I anticipated the transmission by that ministry of the medals for progress among others, and advising me that those medals had been included among those sent to the legation.

I annex also my reply, showing how the error had occurred.

The two boxes containing the medals and diplomas were carefully inclosed in oil-cloth, and forwarded through Mr. Consul Robinson on the 7th instant.

I have, &c.,

[Page 45]
[Inclosure 1 in No. 815.—Translation.]

Mr. Fellner to Mr. Jay.

Through the medium of the imperial and royal ministry of foreign affairs the esteemed note of the honorable legation of the 6th ult. has been received, in which the honorable legation expresses thanks for the transmission of the diplomas of honorable mention and of the medals for art, for good taste, and for progress, intended for the American participators in the Universal Exposition of 1873, and anticipates in the next few months the transmission of the medals for progress, merit, and for co-operators, as also of the honorary diplomas. Inasmuch as in this esteemed note an error has crept to the effect that the medals for progress are included among those classes of prizes the delivery of which is anticipated, therefore this ministry has the honor, in order to avoid any misunderstanding, to advise that, accompanying its note of the 10th of September last, the medals for progress have been sent to the honorable legation of the United States of America, and accordingly only the medals for merit and for co-operators, and the honorary diplomas, remain to be sent.

For the imperial and royal minister of commerce.

[Inclosure 2 in No. 815.]

Mr. Jay to Mr. Fellner.

The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, has the honor to acknowledge with thanks the obliging note of the imperial and royal ministry of commerce, Universal Exposition department, of the 14th October, advising the undersigned of an error, which had accidentally crept into his note of the 6th October, in reference to the medals and diplomas awarded to the American exhibitors.

On a reference to the three notes of the honorable ministry, to which the undersigned had the honor of replying, he finds that he had relied upon the language used in the note which announced that the diplomas of honorary mention, the art medals, and medals for good taste were transmitted, and that the medals for progress and merit, and the medals for co-operators, and also the honorary diplomas, would follow; and that he had overlooked the late statement in these notes that the medals for progress and the documents thereto pertaining were transmitted.

The undersigned begs to thank the honorable ministry for the correction, of which he will advise the Department at Washington.

The undersigned avails himself of this occasion to renew to his excellency the imperial and royal minister of commerce the assurance of his distinguished consideration.


To his excellency The Imperial and Royal Minister of Commerce,
Universal Exposition Department.