No. 18.
Mr. Jay to Mr. Fish.

No. 809.]

Sir: I have received from the “Imperial and Royal Ministry of Commerce, Universal Exposition Department” three notes, which, with [Page 43] translations, are herewith inclosed, together with a copy of my reply, with lists of diplomas and medals awarded to American exhibitors of 1873, and two boxes which I understand contain certain medals and diplomas.

The boxes I have had inclosed, unopened, in oil cloth, and addressed to “the American Department of the Vienna Exposition,” Department of State, Washington, care of Edward Robinson, esq., American consul, Hamburg. You will observe that one of the inclosed notes states that there are now sent “diplomas of honorary mention,” “art-medals,” and “medals for good taste,” and intimates that the remaining prizes, particularly the medals for “progress” and “merit,” and the “medals for co-operators,” and the “honorary diplomas” may be expected to follow in a few months.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 809.—Translation.]

Mr. Fellner to Mr. Jay.

In order to accomplish as far as possible the desires of an early presentation of the honorary prizes awarded by the international jury of the Vienna Universal Exposition 1873, the ministry of commerce has decided, inasmuch as the total completion of the medals to be stamped and diplomas to be prepared in the matter of the Vienna Universal Exposition will probably require several months yet, to issue successively the prizes in question.

Accordingly this ministry has the honor to transmit herewith in advance to the honorable commissioners the diplomas of honorary mention decreed to the exhibitors from the United States of America, who participated in the Vienna Universal Exposition of the year 1873; moreover the art-medals and medals for good taste awarded to those exhibitors, (together with the documents thereto appertaining,) and to respectfully request that the presentation of the same to those entitled may be effected.

This ministry begs at the same time to remark that in the course of the next few months also the remaining prizes, particularly the medals for progress and merit and the medals for co-operators, also finally, the honorary diplomas, will follow.

For the imperial and royal ministry of commerce.


To the Honorable Commission of the United States of America to the Universal Exhibition 1873.

[Inclosure 2 in No. 809.—Translation.]

Mr. Fellner to Mr. Jay.

The ministry of commerce has the honor to transmit to the honorable legation two official notes, intended for the commission of the United States of America for the Vienna Universal Exposition, 1873, relative to the presentation of the prizes awarded at the Universal Exposition, 1873, in Vienna to exhibitors, and to respectfully request that these notes, together with the accompanying diplomas and-medals, may be sent by the earliest occasion that may offer to the commission of the United States of America, for which courtesy the legation is solicited to accept the thanks of the ministry of commerce.

For the imperial and royal ministry of commerce.


To the honorable American Legation at Vienna.

[Page 44]
[Inclosure 3 in No. 809.—Translation.]

Mr. Fellner to Mr. Jay.

In connection with the notes of 31st August, the ministry of commerce has the honor to transmit to the honorable commission the accompanying medals for progress, (together with the documents thereto appertaining,) awarded to the exhibitors from the United States of America who participated in the Universal Exposition, 1873, together with a list of the same. This ministry begs, in addition, to respectfully request the favor of the same being presented to the parties entitled thereto.

For the imperial and royal ministry of commerce.


To the Honorable Commission of the United States of America to the Universal Exhibition 1873.

[Inclosure 4 in No. 809.]

Mr. Jay to Mr. Fellner.

The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, has the honor to acknowledge the three several notes from the universal exposition department of the imperial and royal ministry of commerce, two dated August 31, and one September 10, on the subject of the medals and diplomas awarded to exhibitors from the United States, accompanied by lists of the awards of diplomas, medals for progress, for good taste, and art medals, and two boxes.

The undersigned will have great pleasure in complying with the request of the honorable ministry, that those papers and boxes shall be, without delay, forwarded to the Government at Washington, together with copies of the notes in question and the announcement that in the course of the next few months the remaining prizes, and particularly the medals for progress and merit, and the medals for co-operators, and, lastly, the honorary diplomas will follow.

The undersigned has the honor to renew to the honorable ministry the assurance ot his distinguished consideration.