No. 36.

* * * We believe that the proposition for a division by the forty-ninth degree and the Straits of Fuca—which we have hitherto called Mr. Dargan’s, but of which we hear no more under that name—would have been at any time and under any circumstances received with as much satisfaction as now. We are more and more convinced by the advices which we have lately *received, that the American cabinet will not and—if it would—could not make any larger concession. It is, we believe, all that any American statesman could hope to carry, and we are equally satisfied, that on our part, after so much delay and complication, and considering it in its future effect on the tranquillity of the district itself, it is the best for our interests and sufficient for our honor. * * *The Quarterly in favor of the line of 49° and Fuca’s Straits.[42]