Table of contents.
German edition. | Amer. edition. | |
Case of the government of Her Britannic Majesty | 1 to 34 | 61 to 81 |
No. I. | ||
Articles XXXIV to XLII of the treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America, signed at Washington on May 8, 1871 | 37 | 81 |
No. II. | ||
Copy of treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America, signed at Washington on June 15, 1846 | 38 | 83 |
No. III. | ||
A narrative of the passage of His Britannic Majesty’s ships Discovery and Chatham, under the command of Captain Vancouver, through the Straits of Juan de Fuca, and through the channel known at the present day as the Rosario Strait, to Birch Bay, situated in the ancient Gulf of Georgia, S. 23 W. and N. 72 W. (Extracted from vol. i of “Captain Vancouver’s Voyages,” published in 1798) | 39 | 85 |
No. IV. | ||
A narrative of the voyages made by the Spanish vessels Sutil and Mexicana, in the year 1792, to explore the Straits of Fuca. (Extracted from the account of the voyage, published at Madrid in 1802) | 41 | 88 |
No. V. | ||
Declarations of W. H. McNeill, W. Mitchell, Captain Swanson, Messrs. Anderson, H. G. Lewis, and Finlayson, master mariners, &c., who have commanded or are in command of vessels navigating the straits between Vancouver Island and the continent of America | 47 | 98 |
No. VI. | ||
Attested copy of the log of Her Majesty’s steamship Cormorant, in the months of September and October, 1846 | 58 |
No. I.
Carta Esférica de los Reconocimientos hechos en la Costa N. O. de America, en 1791 y 1792, por las goletas Sutil y Mexicana, y otros buques de Su Magestad. (Published at Madrid, 1802.)
[Page 60]No. II.
A chart showing part of the coast of Northwest America, with the tracks of His Majesty’s sloop Discovery, and armed tender Chatham, commanded by George Vancouver, esq., and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieutenant Joseph Baker, in which the continental shore has been traced and determined from latitude 50° 30′ north and longitude 236° 12′ east to latitude 52° 15′ north and longitude 232° 40′ east at the different periods shown by the tracks. (Published at London in 1798.)
North America, west coast.—Haro and Rosario Straits, surveyed by Captain G. H. Richards and the officers of Her Majesty’s ship Plumper, 1858–’59; and the shores of Juan do Fuca Strait to Admiralty Inlet. (From Captain H. Kellett’s survey, 1847.)
No. IV.
America, northwest coast.—Strait of Juan de Fuca, surveyed by Captain Henry Kellett, R. N., 1847; Haro and Rosario Straits, by Captain G. H. Richards, R. N., 1858; Admiralty Inlet and Puget Sound, by the United States exploring expedition, 1841; south coast of Cape Flattery, by the same, in 1853.
No. V.
Map of Oregon and Upper California, from the surveys of John Charles Frémont and other authorities. (Drawn by Charles Preuss, under the orders of the Senate of the United States. Washington City, 1848.)