
* * * Sir, I am not sure but that a majority of the people, of the United States would rather fight Great Britain tomorrow than yield up to her any part of Oregon south of 54° 40′. I am not sure but that a majority of the people of the United States are now ready to assert the title of the United States to the whole of Oregon, believing, as that majority do, that the title of their country to the whole of it is unquestionable; and with this assertion of their title, I am not sure but that this majority are not now ready, upon the slightest intimation from those who have control of our public affairs, to maintain it at all hazards. * * * These people, with these impressions, are now looking and reading about Oregon, and are quietly and firmly forming their resolves upon the subject. 54° 40′ are chalked upon doors and windows, and upon walls, pillar, and post, everywhere. * * * These people are in no temper for unjust concessions, in the form of compromises. Is there, sir, a man in America, of any party or of any sect, that would not sooner fight Great Britain to-morrow than yield up any part of Oregon south of 49°? In support of our title, up to that line, and for everything south of it, we should find even our Quaker friends in uniform, with arms in their hands, crying aloud, in the highways and by-ways, “To your tents, O Israel!”Many Americans claim 54° 40′ as the boundary, and would light for 49°.