[648] *Mr. Seivard, Secretary of State, to Mr. Tassara, Spanish minister
Washington, April 11, 1866.
The undersigned, Secretary of State of the United States, has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Tassara’s note of yesterday’s date, relative to the vessel called La Orientate, and alleged to be of a suspicious character, now lying at the port of New York, and advertised to sail for Montevideo, but really, according to Mr. Tassara’s belief, for service in the cause of the Chilian government.
In reply the undersigned has the honor to inform Mr. Tassara that his request for the déténtion of the vessel referred to until her real destination can be made clear has been complied with.
The undersigned offers to Mr. Tassara on this occasion renewed assurances of his very high consideration.
Señor Don Gabriel Garcia y Tassara,
&c., &c., &c.