The Duke de
Louie, minister of foreign affairs, to Mr. Harvey, United States minister.
Department of Foreign Affairs,
Lisbon, January 23, 1864.
[407] With reference to the note which you
were pleased to address me under date of the 14th instant,
requesting that preventive measures might be adopted with regard to
the English bark Agrippina, which, according to information,
purposed carrying to the Azores a cargo of munitions of war for
supplying the confederate cruisers, it is my duty to inform you that
the minister of the interior has advised me, in his communication of
the 20th instant, as having forwarded, on that same date, to the
civil governors of the district of the Azores and Madeira, aportario, of which a copy will be found
[Page 75]
By the contents thereof, you will perceive that proper instructions
have been furnished to the aforesaid authorities to enable them to
thwart the intentions and speculations of all corsairs inimical to
the United States.
These same orders may, for greater speed, be forwarded by the
corvette Saint Louis, as you propose, and to this end I have the
honor of transmitting the same to you to be sent to their
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew the assurance of my most
distinguished consideration.
James E. Harvey, &c., &c.
Instructions to the governors of the Azores
and Madeira.
Ministry of the Interior, Second
Lisbon, Royal
Palace, January 20,
[409] The inclosed authentic copy of a
note from the minister of the United States of America at this
court, having made known that the English bark Agrippina
contemplates carrying to the Azores a cargo of munitions of war
for supplying confederate cruisers, which are to go there to
receive them, in order to continue their depredations on the
commerce of the United States in the same manner as the
aforesaid bark did before in 1862, in the bay of Angra, and it
being further made known that the parties implicated in these
nefarious undertakings propose to establish a regular depot in
one or more of the smaller ports in the said islands, with the
view of organizing therein armed expeditions hostile to the
aforesaid United States, His Majesty the King desires that a
knowledge of the above be communicated to the civil governor of
the district of Angra de Heroismo, and ordains that, taking into
his most serious consideration the contents of the
above-mentioned note, and the reclamation therein contained, the
same civil governor shall adopt all such measures as may be
necessary to completely *put a stop to the aforesaid designs and
intentions on the part of the enemies of said United States; and
for this purpose he is to co-operate with the directors of
custom-houses and captains of ports within the district under
his charge, so as to act with a mutual accord, to which effect
orders, with strong recommendation, have been sent to them
through the respective departments. An immediate account is to
be rendered, through the department, of all that may be done or
put into practice on this subject, with the understanding that
His Majesty makes the civil governor and his subordinates
responsible for any neglect or omission in such a grave and
delicate affair.
True copy.
Department of Foreign
Affairs, January 23,
True copy: