No. 6.
Letter of Judge Nelson in answer to Mr. Fish’s letter of June 3.

My Dear Sir: You call my attention to an “extract” from the speech of Sir Stafford Northcote before the Exeter Chamber of Commerce, in which he states that the British Commissioners understood a promise [Page 599] was given by the American Commissioners in the course of the negotiation of the Washington Treaty that consequential damages or indirect claims would not be put forth by the United States under that Treaty.

The “extract “had attracted my attention at the time it first appeared, but I was inclined to regard it as the expression of his understanding, rather than the assertion of a fact.

My very great respect for Sir Stafford, arising from our intercourse during the negotiations, inclined me to this conclusion. My recollection is distinct that no such promise was in fact made; and, further, that the only meeting of the Commissioners at which indirect injury or losses were mentioned was that of the 8th of March, the facts in respect to which are truly set forth in the Protocol.

I have watched the issue of the difficulties that have arisen in the execution of the Treaty with the greatest interest and anxiety, and was very much relieved at what yesterday appeared to be a solution satisfactory to both parties, and which I see is to-day confirmed.

Very truly, yours,


Hon. Hamilton Fish,
Secretary of State.