No. 122.
Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Fish.

Sir: The Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva, in the matter of the differences between Her Majesty and the United States of America, on which it was appointed to adjudicate, having brought its labors to a close, and pronounced, on the 14th ultimo, its final award, Lord Granville has informed me that it has become his duty, in obedience to the Queen’s commands, to instruct me to convey to the President Her Majesty’s acknowledgments for the care and attention which Mr. Adams, the Arbitrator appointed by the President, bestowed on the important matter with which he was called upon to deal, and Her Majesty’s high appreciation of the ability and indefatigable industry which that distinguished statesman displayed during the long-protracted inquiries and discussions in which he has been engaged.

I am also instructed to submit to the President that he would be pleased to make known her Majesty’s sentiments, as herein expressed, to Mr. Adams.

I shall therefore feel much obliged to you if you will convey to the President the substance of the instructions which I have received, for the purpose of communicating which I shall do myself the honor of waiting upon him personally.

I have, &c.,