No. 9.
Mr. Fish
to General Schenck.
Washington, February 27, 1872.
I have to acknowledge your No. 139, of date of February 6, inclosing copy of Earl Granville’s note to you of the 3d instant, and of your reply.
Your answer to Earl Granville is marked with your usual intelligence and prudence, and meets the warm approval of the President.
You will receive herewith a dispatch of the same date with this, giving the opinion of this Government on the question suddenly and abruptly raised by Her Majesty’s Government, and presented by Earl Granville nakedly and without any argument.
Although no reply is invited by the note of the British Government, the settlement of all causes of difference between the two countries, and the successful example of the mode of settling international differences-established by the Treaty, are so earnestly desired by this Government, that we accept the friendly assurances of the British note, disregarding its bold and sudden announcement of an opinion which we think unsustained by the history of the negotiations between the two Governments, or by the events which gave rise to the claims, and for which we see no logical foundation in the Treaty itself.
[Page 434]You will, therefore, read the dispatch referred to to Lord Granville, and may leave with him a copy in case he desires it.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,