[693.] *The Supplemental Customs Consolidation Act, 1855.
[August 14,
anno decimo octavo et decimo nono victoræ reginæ.
Cap. XCVI.—AN ACT to consolidate certain acts, and otherwise amend the laws of the customs, and an act to regulate the office of the receipt of Her Majesty’s exchequer at Westminster.—[14th August, 1855.]
- IX.
- [694] No goods shall be shipped, put off, or water-borne, to be shipped for exportation from any port or place in the United Kingdom, except on days not being Sundays or holidays, nor from anyplace except some legal quay, wharf, or other place duly appointed for such purpose, nor without the presence or authority of the proper officer of customs, nor before due entry outwards of such ship and due entry of such goods, nor before such goods shall have been duly cleared for shipment; and any goods shipped, put off, or water-borne, to be shipped contrary hereto, shall be forfeited; and it shall be lawful *for the searcher to open or cause to be opened, and to examine all goods shipped or brought for shipment at any place in the United Kingdom, and the opening for that purpose of packages containing goods upon which any drawback of customs or inland revenue is claimed, and the weighing, repacking, landing, (when water-borne,) and the shipping thereof, shall be done by or at the expense of the exporter.
- X.
- Any exporter of goods who shall fail, either by himself or his agent, to deliver to the searcher a shipping bill, with duplicates thereof, of the goods exported by him, as prescribed by the one hundred and twenty-fifth section of “the customs consolidation act, 1853,” shall forfeit the sum of twenty pounds.
- XL.
- If any ship having cargo on board shall depart from any port without being duly cleared, the master shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds. * * * * * *
- XVI.
- [695] The powers and authorities now vested in the commissioners of customs with regard to any act or thing relating to the customs [Page 179] or to trade or navigation in any of the British possessions abroad shall, from and after the passing of this act, be vested in the governor, lieutenant-governor, or other person *administering the government in any such possession, and every act required by any law to be done by or with any particular officer or at any particular place, if done by or with any such officer or at any place appointed or nominated by such governor, lieutenant-governor, or other person so administering such government, shall be deemed to have been done by or with such particular officer or at such particular place, as the case may be, and as required by law; and all commissions, deputations, and appointments granted to any officers of customs, in force at the commencement of this act, shall have the same force and effect, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been granted or made in the first instance by such governor, lieutenant-governor, or person so administering the government of any such possession; and all bonds or other securities which shall have been given by or for any such officers and their respective securities, for good conduct or otherwise, shall remain in force, and shall and may be enforced and put in suit at the instance of or by directions of any such governor, lieutenant-governor, or person administering the government of any such possession. * * *