No. 456.
Mr. Brown to Mr. Fish.
Legation of
the United States,
Constantinople, October 25,
1871. (Received November 16.)
No. 27.]
Sir: I have had the honor to receive your
dispatch of the 3d instant, directing me to convey the regrets of the
President to the Ottoman government on the demise of his highness Aali
Pacha, and inclose copy of letter which I have addressed on the subject
to his excellency Server Pacha, minister of foreigh affairs.
I am, &c.,
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, October 25, 1871.
Excellency: I have the honor to inform you
that I have just received a dispatch from the honorable Secretary of
State of the United States of America, by which he directs me to
convey to you the regrets of the President of the United States on
the occasion of the demise of the late Grand Vizier, his highness
Aali Pacha.
The President, considering that the deceased Grand Vizier was a
statesman of so much distinction, and so deservedly enjoying a wide
renown for sagacity and judgment, he regards that this loss to the
Ottoman Empire may be considered an event which calls for a special
mark of sympathy on the part of the Government of the United States.
I am therefore directed to express to you the regrets of the
President at the signal bereavement which the Ottoman government has
sustained in the demise of his highness Aali Pacha, and his hearty
sympathy with his friends.
In acquitting myself of this duty, I beg your excellency to accept
assurances of my perfect consideration.