No. 455.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Brown.

No. 18.]

Sir: The Department has received your dispatch No. 21, with the accompanying correspondence relative to the promotion of Mahmoud Pacha to the post of Grand Vizier, in the place of Aali Pacha, deceased. The latter was a statesman of such distinction, and deservedly enjoyed so wide a renown for sagacity and judgment, that his loss to Turkey may be considered to deserve a special mark of sympathy on the part of this Government. You are consequently authorized to address a note to the minister for foreign affairs of the Porte, expressing the regret of the President at the signal bereavement which it has sustained in the demise of Aali Pacha, and his hearty sympathy with the friends [Page 663] of the deceased. There should be the less hesitation on our part in this step, as it is understood to have already been taken by the Governments of the principal European powers.

I am, &.c.,