No. 349.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.

No. 637.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 617, of the 24th ultimo, I have the honor to inclose a translation of Mr. Lafragua’s reply, dated the 12th instant, to my note requesting the Mexican government to take measures for the release of Abraham Gonzalez, and for the punishment of his kidnaper. Mr. Lafragua states that he has sent a copy of my note to the ministry of war, in order that an investigation may be made, the results of which he will communicate to this legation.

I am, &c,


Mr. Lafragua to Mr. Nelson.

Sir: Having noted the contents of your excellency’s note of the 24th ultimo, concerning an outrage said to have been perpetrated by Colonel Pedro Valdez upon the person of Abraham Gonzalez, a resident of Texas, I have sent a copy of your excellency’s note to the minister of war, in order that he may direct an inquiry and communicate its results. As soon as the investigation shall be finished, I shall have the honor of replying to your excellency’s polite note.

I have the honor to renew to your excellency the assurance of my high consideration.