No. 350.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.
Mexico, September 16, 1872. (Received October 1.)
Sir: In the early part of this year a person named Charles Thiele, of French birth, but claiming American citizenship, addressed me several letters from Comitan, Chiapas, complaining of having been imprisoned on a charge of complicity with the revolution.
I brought the case unofficially before the Mexican government, which replied that Thiele was a Mexican citizen and had served as such in the army. This reply I communicated to Thiele in March last, requesting proofs of his American citizenship. This request I have since repeated, but have received no reply, although my first letter to him was printed in English in a Chiapas paper. He was released from prison several months since.
I have thought it proper to inform the Department of the above facts, inasmuch as paragraphs on the subject, emanating from sources hostile to the administration, have been widely published in the American newspapers, charging this legation with neglecting the grievances of American citizens.
I am, &c,