No. 322.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.

No. 583.]

Sir: On the 8th instant Ministers Mariscal, Romero, and Castillo Velasco presented their resignations, and on the 10th retired from the cabinet of President Juarez. Their successors are Mr. Jose Maria Lafragua, as minister of foreign affairs, Mr. Francisco Mejia, as minister of finance, and Mr. Francisco Gomez del Palacio, as minister of the interior. At the same time, the ministry of justice, which has been vacant for a year, was filled by the appointment of Mr. Joaquin Ruiz.

Mr. Lafragua, the head of the new ministry, is an eminent lawyer, who has more than once occupied a place in Mexican cabinets. He was lately a justice of the supreme court, and is the principal author of the civil and penal codes recently promulgated. He is, besides, distinguished for his literary attainments, and his profound knowledge of Mexican history.

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Mr. Joaquin Ruiz is also a distinguished lawyer, and has before filled with prestige the post he is now to occupy.

Mr. Francisco Mejia was chairman of the committee on finance in the present Congress. He has had a long experience in financial posts and is well versed in the routine of his new office.

Of Mr. Gomez del Palacio it is unnecessary for me to say anything, as he is well known to the Department of State at Washington, where he now resides. His talents and integrity are recognized by all parties.

General Mejia and Mr. Bias Balcárcel remain in charge of the portfolios of war and public works.

I herewith inclose a copy and translation (A and B) of Mr. Lafragua’s note to me announcing his acceptance of the post of minister of foreign affairs, and my reply to the same, (C,) both dated the 13th instant.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

Mr. Lafragua to Mr. Nelson.

Sir: The President of the republic has been pleased to appoint the undersigned to the post of secretary of state and foreign affairs, and the undersigned has to-day taken possession of his office.

On the occasion of communicating this measure of the President of the republic to his excellency the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, the undersigned has the honor to state that, cherishing the same sentiments which animate the government of Mexico, in favor of the nations friendly to the republic, and which were held by his enlightened predecessors, he is disposed to maintain that spirit of mutual good will and cordial friendship which happily exists between the United States of Mexico and the United States of America.

Upon this occasion the undersigned, secretary of state and foreign affairs, hastens to offer to his excellency Mr. Thomas H. Nelson, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, the assurance of the very distinguished consideration with which he has the honor to be his excellency’s very obedient servant.

[Inclosure C.]

Mr. Nelson to Mr. Lafragua.

Sir: I have had the honor to receive your excellency’s note of to-day, by which I am informed that the President of the republic has been pleased to appoint your excellency to the post of minister of foreign affairs. Your excellency manifests, in respect to nations friendly to Mexico, sentiments in accordance with those which animate your excellency’s government, and assures me of a disposition to maintain that spirit of mutual good-will and cordial friendship which happily exists between our respective countries.

Fully reciprocating your excellency’s sentiments in this respect, I take pleasure in tendering my congratulations upon your acceptance of the high post which your excellency is so well qualified to fill. I cherish the confident hope that my official relations with your excellency will be of the same satisfactory character as they fortunately were with your excellency’s distinguished predecessors.

I avail myself of this opportunity to assure your excellency of the very high consideration with which I have the honor to be your excellency’s obedient servant,