No. 323.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.
Mexico, June 15, 1872. (Received June 28.)
Sir: The capture of Monterey by the government troops, which I announced in a recent dispatch, proved but a momentary triumph, and that city was evacuated two days later, as a consequence of the defeat and dispersion of the main army under Generals Corella, Carrillo, and Zepeda.
This reverse, at a moment when the government seemed about to crush out the last remains of the insurrection, is as unfortunate as unexpected, and will cause a delay of several months in the restoration of peace. It is not easy to replace the forces lost in the action of Monterey, as the garrisons left in the capitals of the interior are very small.
General Rocha marched from Durango against Monterey on the 7th instant, but the distance is so great that considerable time must elapse before this expedition can produce its results.
I am, &c.,