Government of the Canton of Vaud


Sir: In reply to your circular of the 1st instant, we are instructed to inform you that the grand council of this canton, on the proposal of the state council, had voted an address to the Congress of the United States of North America, to express the sentiments of profound regret it feels at the news of the assassination of the President of the United States, and at the same time to give to the Congress and people of the United States a public pledge of sympathy for [Page 583] the cause of liberty, defended with so much patriotism, courage, perseverance and moderation by the noble victim whose loss we now deplore.

Accept the assurance of our distinguished consideration.

In the name of the chancery of the state and canton of Vaud:

The Chancellor,

Mr. F. Gengel,
President of the Committee for the address to the government of the United States, at Bern.