Government of the Canton of Ticino
State council of the canton of Ticino to Dr. John Wyttenbach, member of the grand council in Berne.
swiss confederation.
Sir: We have received Mr. F. Gengel’s letter of the 1st, inviting us to join in the address of sympathy and condolence of the central committee of the capital to the American Union, on account of the assassination of President Lincoln.
This is the text of the resolutions passed by our state government: The grand council of the republic and canton of Ticino—
- 1.
- In the name of the people, expresses its profound sorrow for the horrid assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the illustrious President of the United States.
- 2.
- The flag of the Ticino parliament shall be draped in mourning for three days.
The council of this state fully accedes to the above resolution of the grand council of state and the republic.
We hereby communicate it to the federal council, and also to you, according to Mr. Gengel’s directions, and avail ourselves of the occasion to express our greatest esteem and consideration.
By the state council:
- C. MOROFINI, President.
- L. PRIODA, Secretary of State.