Government of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft


Council of the canton of Basel-Landschaft to the Swiss Bundesrath, in Berne.

We hereby communicate to you, for the information of the authorities of the American Union, that a vote was taken in this canton, on the 28th of May last, when 6,040 legal voters approved of the address of sympathy and condolence, which was drawn up at the Cassino, in Bern, the 25th of April, congratulating the people of the north on the happy delivery of the country from rebel rule, and condoling with them on the loss of their excellent and worthy President by a murderer’s hand.

Some few precincts of our canton remain to be heard from, and we thought it well to wait for the entire vote; but as we are confident that ours are the sentiments of all the Swiss people, we conclude to send this as it is.

Commending you to the protection of Divine Providence, we accept the occasion to express the assurance of our distinguished consideration.

  • F. BRODBEETZ, President.
  • B. BANGA, Secretary.