Municipal Council of Sligo
Resolutions adopted at a meeting of the corporation of Sligo, held on Thursday the 4th day of May, 1865.
Resolved, That we, the members of the corporation of Sligo, in council assembled, hereby tender our most profound sympathy to the President and people of the United States of America on the great loss sustained by them in the death of their late President, Abraham Lincoln, and that we regard the means by which his life was sacrificed, with horror and indignation.
Moved by Alderman Lyons; seconded by Alderman McGrill.
Resolved, That the resolution this day adopted be suitably engrossed and signed by the mayor, with the corporation seal attached thereto, and forwarded to the American minister at London for presentation to the American government.
Moved by Councillor Gillmor; seconded by Councillor Doherty.
Mayor of Sligo.
S. Whittaker, Town Clerk.