Selkirk Commissioners of Supply

Resolution of the noblemen, gentlemen, and Commissioners of Supply of the county of Selkirk in public meeting assembled.

Resolved, That this meeting do record an expression of heartfelt sorrow and indignation with which they have heard of the assassination of Mr. Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States of America, feeling assured that an event so terrible in its nature, and so calamitous to the people whose chief man has been thus suddenly cut off, has excited sentiments of the deepest horror and commiseration, not in this kingdom only, but in every civilized country throughout the world. They desire to convey this expression of their individual sympathy to the people of the United States, as well as to the widow and family of the late President; and for that purpose they authorize their chairman to sign the present resolution, in their name and on their behalf, and to transmit the same to his excellency the American minister in London, with a request that he will communicate it to the government of the United States and to Mrs. Lincoln in such way and manner as he may think proper.

Signed in name and by appointment of the meeting, by

In the limits of Selkirk.