Sligo Board of Guardians

Extract from minutes of proceedings of the Board of Guardians at their meeting 9th of May, 1865, the right honorable John Wynne, P. C, in the chair.

Notice having been given on last board day by H. Griffith, esq., D. L., that an address of sympathy and condolence to the American government and people on the late atrocious murder of President Lincoln, and attempted murder of Mr. Secretary Seward, be prepared and forwarded for presentation, it is this day

Unanimously resolved, That having heard with feelings of the deepest regret the great loss which the American nation have sustained in the death of their late President, Abraham Lincoln, whose honesty, courage, and perseverance in the fulfilment of the duties of the high position he occupied have gained the highest respect and esteem for him, even among those who may have differed from him on questions of state policy, and by whom terms of conciliation tending to an honorable peace with the southern portion of the States so anxiously awaited in these countries were about to be perfected, we desire to express our heartfelt sympathy with the American government and people, and our deep abhorrence of the atrocious murder committed, as well as of the attempted murder of Mr. Seward; and we also tender our sincere condolence to the bereaved widow, Mrs. Lincoln, and to the family of Mr. Seward, and add our earnest prayer that the death of the brave, good man, who has died for his country, may be the last sacrifice of a war apparently about to expire, and that peace, on a substantial basis, may speedily follow.

  • JOHN WYNNE, Chairman.
  • DAVID CLARK, Clerk of Union.