208. Information Memorandum From the Assistant Administrator of the Food for Peace and Voluntary Assistance Bureau, Agency for International Development (Bloch) to the Administrator of the Agency for International Development (McPherson)1
- FVA Bureau Weekly Report
[Omitted here is information unrelated to African famine relief.]
Africa Emergencies—General
FFP met with the Africa Bureau to discuss ways in which to most effectively utilize the FY 84 IEFR funds. Africa’s widespread drought has generated a large number of requests for emergency food aid and rising domestic commodity prices coupled with emergency food needs in other regions indicate that our ability to meet these requests will be taxed. Country requests are being carefully studied and grouped [Page 582] according to need. The acceptability of less costly substitute commodities is being explored with USAID Missions. The DCC Food Aid Subcommittee will be thoroughly analyzing and requiring strong justifications for project proposals due to competition for limited resources.2
[Omitted here is information unrelated to African famine relief.]