35. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark) to President Reagan1


  • Draft NSDD Reflecting Decisions Reached at August 9 NSC Meeting


Should you approve/sign the attached NSDD?2


The attached draft NSDD (Tab A) does the following:

—reflects the decisions reached at the August 9th NSC meeting on START;3

—provides guidance on verification measures associated with those decisions (with the guidance drawn from the Interdepartmental Paper developed to support the NSC meeting); and

—tasks additional Interdepartmental work.

[Page 111]


We have discussed this draft NSDD with State and Defense, and we feel it is ready for your approval and signature.


________ ________ That you approve and sign the draft NSDD provided at Tab A.4
  1. Source: National Security Council, National Security Council Institutional Files, Box SR 079, NSDD 053 [START IV]. Secret. Sent for action. Prepared by Linhard and Kraemer. A stamped notation indicates Reagan saw the memorandum.
  2. See Document 36.
  3. See Document 32.
  4. Reagan initialed his approval.