244. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Yugoslavia1
Washington, October 24, 1987,
- Terrorism Consultations: Ambassador Adams’ and Deputy Secretary’s Trip to Yugoslavia.
- Belgrade 104022 and Previous.
- 1.
- Secret—Entire text.
- 2.
- Summary and action request: Embassy is requested to convey message to GOY about USG counter-terrorism objectives in the upcoming visits by Ambassador Adams and the Deputy Secretary. End summary and action request.
- 3.
- Ambassador Alvin P. Adams, S/CT, plans to hold counter-terrorism consultations with the GOY preceding and in connection with the Deputy Secretary’s trip to Yugoslavia.3 Adams would plan to meet with GOY officials on November 6, fly to Dubrovnik November 7 to meet with the Deputy Secretary, and then participate in the Deputy Secretary’s meetings in Belgrade in which counter-terrorism issues will be raised.
- 4.
- In view of the importance the US attaches to efforts to combat international terrorism and the importance of resolving outstanding bilateral problems on this subject promptly lest they begin to hamper cooperation in other areas, Department requests that Embassy arrange calls for Ambassador Adams on Minister of Interior Culafic and other senior Yugoslav officials in addition to those working level officials with whom he would be consulting as a matter of course.
- 5.
- Department is pleased that Culafic agrees in principle to receive Adams, but does not concur in his attempt to set the ground rules for the conversation. Adams certainly will raise our concerns about ANO and Hawari activities in Yugoslavia and the GOY’s poor record in responding to them, as detailed below. Indeed, obtaining answers to these outstanding questions—and thus affirming a basis for future cooperation—is Adams’ principal objective.
- 6.
- Embassy should pass ASAP to the GOY the formal agenda proposed in para 8 and make clear that Adams will brief the Deputy Secretary on his discussions with GOY officials prior to the beginning [Page 724] of the Deputy Secretary’s formal discussions in Belgrade. The results of Adams’ efforts to elicit forthcoming GOY responses, assurances about measures to block use of Yugoslav territory by terrorist groups, and willingness to improve meaningful cooperation will govern Mr. Whitehead’s handling of these issues in his own talks with GOY officials.
- 7.
- You should signal clearly to the GOY the extent of our dissatisfaction, as expressed by
the Secretary in his October 1 bilateral with Foreign Minister
Dizdarevic,4 with what we view thus far as halting and half
responses at best on GOY’s part.
Our point is that now is the time for action. What we are really
after is their forthcoming responses to Adams, or at the latest to the Deputy Secretary, on
the following:
- A.
- The Hawari group. We would like the GOY to reopen and energetically pursue its investigation of the recent [less than 1 line not declassified] presence in Yugoslavia of Hawari himself, his lieutenant Ba’Albeki, and a number of their associates. We would like the GOY to provide us a prompt, forthcoming readout on that investigation. We would like explicit assurances that the GOY will take energetic measures to track members of this group, expel them if found on Yugoslav territory, and bar them from returning.
- B.
- The Abu Nidal Organization. We would like responses to the Armacost demarche of June 265 together with subsequent Embassy follow up, as well as further information on the ANO associates (Nasir Abd Al-Khaliq and Yasin Muhammad) whose names Adams passed to the SSUP February 6. We would like to know what the GOY did with the information we provided on Mahmud Ahmad (Aka Atta), [10 lines not declassified].
- C.
- How and when the GOY will introduce and enforce its proposed new measures to tighten entry/residence/visa requirements for Iranians and others suspected of abusing Yugoslav hospitality.
- 8.
- Proposed agenda:
- I.
- Overview of terrorist trends (Iran, Hizballah, Syria, Libya, etc.)
- II.
- Bilateral cooperation
Review record of concerns expressed by USG over terrorist activity in Yugoslavia- —
- GOY responses on ANO and Hawari
- —
- GOY visa, transit, and residency requirements/controls, and how they will be tightened
- III.
- [1 line not declassified]
- IV.
- Multilateral cooperation
[Page 725]
- —
- New international instruments on maritime and civil aviation security
- —
- Terrorism issues at the UNGA
- IV.
- [1 line not declassified]
- 9.
- Adams plans to arrive Belgrade on November 5 at 1455 on Pan Am 72, probably accompanied by Gerald Sutton, Director of the Office of Terrorism and Narcotics Analysis in INR. Embassy is requested to make necessary logistical and lodging arrangements. Adams and Sutton would like to stay in the same hotels as the Deputy Secretary’s party in both Belgrade and Dubrovnik.
- Source: Reagan Library, Rudolf Perina Files, Yugoslavia—Bilateral 1987. Secret; Immediate; Exdis.↩
- Telegram 10402 from Belgrade, October 16, described Scanlan’s meeting with Culafic to discuss Adams’s upcoming visit and information regarding Hawari. (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D870852–0002)↩
- November 8–9.↩
- See Document 243.↩
- See footnote 2, Document 241.↩