Abbreviations and Terms
- ABM, Anti-Ballistic Missile
- ANC, African National Congress
- ANO, Abu Nidal Organization
- ASAP, As Soon As Possible
- ASEAN, Association of Southeast Asian Nations
- AWAC, Airborne Warning and Control
- BCP, Bulgarian Communist Party
- BIB, Board for International Broadcasting
- BIS, Bank for International Settlements
- BTA, Bulgarian Telegraph Agency
- C, Counselor of the Department of State
- CC, Central Committee
- CCC, Commodity Credit Corporation
- CDC, Control Data Corporation
- CDE, Confidence- and Security-Building Measures and Disarmament in Europe
- CDU/CSU, Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (West German political parties)
- CEMA, Council for Economic Mutual Assistance
- CI, Counterintelligence
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CINCUSAFE, Commander in Chief, U.S. Air Forces in Europe
- CINCUSAREUR, Commander in Chief, U.S. Army in Europe
- CJMC, Council for Jewish Material Claims Against Germany
- CMEA, Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
- CNO, Chief of Naval Operations
- COCOM, Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls
- CODEL, Congressional Delegation
- COM, Chief of Mission
- CP, Communist Party
- CPCZ, Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
- CPSU, Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- CSCE, Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
- CSSR, Czecho-Slovak Socialist Republic
- CY, Calendar Year
- D, Office of the Deputy Secretary of State
- DAO, Defense Attaché Officer
- DATT, Defense Attaché
- DCM, Deputy Chief of Mission
- DEA, Drug Enforcement Administration
- DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency
- DIRNSA, Director of the National Security Agency
- DOD, Department of Defense
- E, Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs until August 16, 1985; Under Secretary of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs thereafter
- EB, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State
- EB/IFD/OMA, Office of Monetary Affairs, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State
- EB/OT, Office of International Trade, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State
- EB/TDC, Office of Trade and Commercial Affairs, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State
- EC, European Community
- ECONOFF, Economics Officer
- ECM/EW, Electronic Countermeasures/Electronic Warfare
- EE, Eastern Europe
- EEC, European Economic Community
- EFTA, European Free Trade Association
- EMBOFFS, Embassy Officials
- EOB, Executive Office Building (houses the Vice President’s Office)
- EPC, Economic Policy Council
- ESF, Exchange Stabilization Fund, Department of the Treasury
- EUR, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until September 15, 1983; Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Department of State, from September 15, 1983
- EUR/CE, Office of Central European Affairs, Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Department of State
- EUR/EEY, Office of Eastern European and Yugoslavia Affairs, Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Department of State
- EUR/SOV, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Department of State
- EUR/WE, Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Department of State
- FAA, Foreign Assistance Act
- FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FCO, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (United Kingdom)
- FDP, Free Democratic Party (West German political party)
- FEC, Yugoslav Federal Executive Council
- FM, Foreign Minister
- FMS, Foreign Military Sales
- FONMIN, Foreign Minister
- FRB, Federal Reserve Board
- FRG, Federal Republic of Germany
- FSFA, Federal Secretariat for Foreign Affairs (Yugoslavia)
- FSN, Foreign Service National
- FTA, Free Trade Agreement
- FY, Fiscal Year
- FYI, For Your Information
- GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- GDR, German Democratic Republic
- GI, Office of Global Issues, Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- GLCM, Ground-Launched Cruise Missile
- GNP, Gross National Product
- GOB, Government of Bulgaria
- GOC, Government of Czechoslovakia
- GOH, Government of Hungary
- GOP, Government of Poland
- GOR, Government of Romania
- GOY, Government of Yugoslavia
- GPS, George Pratt Shultz
- GRU, Soviet military intelligence agency
- GSP, Generalized System of Preferences
- H, Bureau of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
- HA, Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
- HFAC, House Foreign Affairs Committee
- HQUSAFE, Headquarters for the United States Air Force in Europe
- HSWP, Hungarian Socialist Workers Party
- HVA, East German civilian foreign intelligence agency
- IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency
- IBM, International Business Machines Corporation
- IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- ICA, International Communication Agency
- ICBM, Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile
- ICEM, Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration
- IFC, International Finance Corporation
- IG, Interagency Group
- IMET, International Military Education and Training
- IMF, International Monetary Fund
- INF, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
- INM, Bureau of International Narcotic Matters, Department of State
- INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INR/AR, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State of Intelligence and Research for Assessment and Research
- INR/GI, Office of Global Issues, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INR/GIS, Global Issues Staff, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INR/RA, Regional Analysis, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INR/SEE, Office of Southeast Europe, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INS, Immigration and Naturalization Service
- IO, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State
- IPI, International Press Institute
- IPU, Inter-Parliamentary Union
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JMC, Joint Military Commission
- JPRS, Joint Publication Research Service
- KGB, Committee for State Security in the Soviet Union
- KSC, Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
- L, Legal Adviser, Department of State
- L/EUR, Assistant Legal Adviser, European Affairs, Department of State
- L/HRR, Assistant Legal Adviser, Human Rights and Refugees, Department of State
- LANDSAT, Land Remote-Sensing Satellite
- LCY, League of Communists of Yugoslavia
- LDC, Less Developed Country
- LOA, Letter of Acceptance
- LRINF, Long-Range Intermediate Nuclear Forces
- MATRA, French aerospace company
- MFA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- MFN, Most Favored Nation
- MOU, Memorandum of Understanding
- MSS, Multispectral Scanner
- MYRA, Multi-year Refinancing Agreement
- NAC, North Atlantic Council
- NAM, Nonaligned Movement
- NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- NDP, National Defense Panel
- NNA, Neutral Non-Allied
- NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- NSC, National Security Council
- NSDD, National Security Decision Directive
- NSSD, National Security Study Directive
- NST, Nuclear and Space Talks
- NSWP, Non-Soviet Warsaw Pact
- OFM, Office of Foreign Missions, Department of State
- OPEC, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
- OSD, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense
- OVP, Office of the Vice President
- P, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
- PAC, Pan-Africanist Congress
- PAO, Public Affairs Officer
- PCC, Political Consultative Committee
- PD, Presidential Directive
- PFIAB, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
- PLFP–SC, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Special Command
- PLO, Palestine Liberation Organization
- PM, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs
- PNG, Persona Non Grata
- POLAD, Political Advisor
- POLCHIEF, Chief Political Officer
- POLCOUNS, Political Counselor
- POLOFFS, Political Officers
- PRC, People’s Republic of China
- QA, Quadripartite Agreement
- R & D, Research and Development
- RFE, Radio Free Europe
- RL, Radio Liberty
- RSO, Regional Security Officer
- S, Office of the Secretary of State
- S/P, Policy Planning Council, Department of State
- S/S, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
- S/S-O, Operations Center, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
- S/S-S Secretariat Staff, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
- S & T, Science and Technology
- SCO, Senior Commercial Officer
- SDI, Strategic Defense Initiative
- SDR, Special Drawing Rights
- SED, Socialist Union Party of East Germany
- SFC, Senate Finance Committee
- SFRC, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- SHAPE, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe
- SIG, Senior Interagency Group
- SIG/I, Senior Interagency Group on Intelligence
- SIG-IEP, Senior Interagency Group-International Economic Policy
- SPD, German Social Democratic Party
- SPOT, Systeme Pour l’Observation de la Terre (System for the Observation of the Earth, French Earth-imaging satellite system)
- SRINF, Short-Range Intermediate Nuclear Forces
- STR, Special Trade Representative
- SWAPO, South West African People’s Organization
- SY, Security
- TCP, Third-Country Processing
- TNF, Theater Nuclear Forces
- TPRG, Trade Policy Review Group
- TREAS, Department of the Treasury
- UK, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- UN, United Nations
- UNGA, United Nations General Assembly
- UNIDO, United Nations Industrial Development Organization
- UNITA, National Union for the Total Independence of Angola
- US, United States
- USAFSB, United States Army Field Station Berlin
- USCINCEUR, United States Commander in Chief, European Command
- USCUSAREUR, Commander in Chief, United States Army in Europe
- USDEL, United States Delegation
- USDOC, Department of Commerce
- USDOCO, United States Document Office Allied Land Forces, Southeastern Europe
- USG, United States Government
- USIA, United States Information Agency
- USINS, United States Immigration and Naturalization Service
- USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- USTR, United States Trade Representative
- USYEC, United States-Yugoslav Economic Council
- VAT, Value Added Tax
- VOA, Voice of America
- VOLAG, Voluntary Resettlement Agency
- VOPO, Police force of German Democratic Republic
- VRA, Voluntary Restraint Agreement
- WHSR, White House Situation Room
- WP, Warsaw Pact
- YAF, Yugoslavian Air Force