Soviet Union, January 1981–January 1983
181. Note Prepared in the Situation Room
Source: Reagan Library, Clark Files, US-Soviet Relations Papers Working File. Secret. A stamped notation at the top of the note reads: “WPC has seen.” An unknown hand wrote at the top of the note: “Save (Summit File).”
182. Memorandum From Secretary of State Haig to President Reagan
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: Head of State File, USSR: General Secretary Brezhnev (8290378, 8290381). Secret; Sensitive.
183. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: Head of State File, USSR: General Secretary Brezhnev (8290378, 8290381). Secret; Niact Immediate; Nodis. In telegram 7204 from Moscow, June 13, Zimmermann reported that a member of the Embassy delivered the letter to Tarasenko at the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs that day. (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy Files, N820005–0600)
184. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark) to President Reagan
Source: Reagan Library, Pipes Files, CHRON 06/13/1982–06/16/1982. Secret. Sent for information. Printed from an uninitialed copy.
185. Memorandum From Secretary of State Haig to President Reagan
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: Country File: USSR (6/16/82–6/17/82). Secret.
186. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Reagan Library, Clark Files, Haig/Gromyko Meetings 06/18/1982—06/19/1982. Secret; Nodis; Super Sensitive. The meeting took place at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. Bremer sent the memorandum of conversation to Clark under cover of an undated memorandum. (Ibid.)
187. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Reagan Library, Clark Files, Haig/Gromyko Meetings 06/18/1982–06/19/1982. Secret; Nodis. The meeting took place at the Soviet Mission to the United Nations. Bremer sent the memorandum of conversation to Clark under cover of an undated memorandum. A stamped notation indicates that the White House Situation room received it on July 14. (Ibid.)
188. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark) to President Reagan
Source: Reagan Library, Pipes Files, CHRON 06/17/1982–06/23/1982. Secret; Sensitive. Sent for information. Drafted by Pipes. Printed from an uninitialed copy.
190. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: NSC Subject File, Memcons—Clark (6/24/82–5/83). Confidential. Drafted on June 25. The meeting took place in the White House Situation Room.
192. Letter From Soviet General Secretary Brezhnev to President Reagan
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: Head of State File, USSR: General Secretary Brezhnev (8290425, 8290431, 8290480). No classification marking. A typewritten note at the top of the letter reads: “Unofficial translation.” Dobrynin delivered the text of the letter and the Soviet Embassy’s unofficial translation to Acting Secretary of State Stoessel on July 7. (Telegram 188302 to Moscow, July 8; Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, [no film number]) Bremer sent the letter to Clark under cover of a July 7 memorandum.
193. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Reagan Library, Matlock Files, USSR Diplomatic Contacts 1/8. Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Stoessel July 10–12. Stoessel forwarded the memorandum of conversation to Clark under cover of a July 12 note. (Ibid.)
194. Memorandum From Richard Pipes of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark)
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: Country File, USSR (6/30/82–7/14/82). Secret. Sent for information. A stamped notation on the memorandum reads: “RCM has seen.” No record of Clark’s July 12 meeting with Dobrynin has been found.
195. Memorandum From Acting Secretary of State Stoessel to President Reagan
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: Head of State File, USSR: General Secretary Brezhnev (8290425, 8290431, 8290480). Secret; Sensitive.
196. Letter From President Reagan to Soviet General Secretary Brezhnev
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: Head of State File, Box 38, USSR: General Secretary Brezhnev (8290425, 8290431, 8290480). No classification marking. Poindexter sent the letter to Bremer under cover of a July 14 memorandum: “Please transmit the attached letter from President Reagan to President Brezhnev via cable and follow up with the original by pouch.” (Ibid.) In telegram 6861 from Moscow, July 16, Hartman reported that Zimmermann delivered the letter to Komplektov at the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs that day. (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, N820006–0559)
197. Memorandum From Richard Pipes of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark)
Source: Reagan Library, Pipes Files, CHRON 07/23/1982–07/26/1982. Secret; Nodis. Sent for information.
198. Memorandum From Secretary of State Shultz to President Reagan
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: Country File, USSR (07/21/1982–07/24/1982). Secret.
199. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union
Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, N820007–0178. Secret; Immediate; Nodis; Stadis. Drafted by Combs; cleared in S/S–S; approved by Burt.
200. Letter From President Reagan to Soviet General Secretary Brezhnev
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: Head of State File, USSR: General Secretary Brezhnev (8290587, 8290654). No classification marking. In telegram 221252 to Moscow, the Department instructed that the Embassy deliver Reagan’s letter to Korniyenko or a “comparably senior MFA official” on August 9. (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, N820007–0244)
201. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark) to President Reagan
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: Country File, USSR (8/5/82–8/12/82). Secret. Sent for information. McFarlane initialed the memorandum for Clark. Prepared by Pipes. Reagan initialed “RR” under the stamped notation: “The President has seen.”
202. Information Memorandum From the Director of Policy Planning (Wolfowitz) to Secretary of State Shultz
Source: Reagan Library, Shultz Papers, 1982 Soviet Union. Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Sestanovich. All tabs are attached but not printed.
203. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark) to President Reagan
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: Country File, USSR (8/5/82–8/12/82). Secret. Sent for information. Prepared by Pipes. An unknown hand wrote at the top of the memorandum: “President has seen.” Pipes forwarded the memorandum to Clark for his signature under cover of an August 17 memorandum on which Clark wrote, “good report.” (Ibid.)
204. National Security Study Directive 11–82
Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: National Security Study Directives (NSSD): Records, 1981–1987, NSSD 11–82. Secret.
205. Memorandum From the President’s Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs (McFarlane) to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark)
Source: Reagan Library, McFarlane Files, Chron August, 1982 [08/14/1982–08/23/1982]. Secret. Sent for information.
206. Memorandum From the Director of Policy Planning (Wolfowitz) to Secretary of State Shultz
Source: Reagan Library, Richard Files, CHRON 09/15/1982–09/19/1982. Secret; Sensitive. Printed from an uninitialed copy. Under a September 9 covering letter, Shultz forwarded Wolfowitz’s memorandum to Clark. (Ibid.) An unsigned and undated letter from Clark to Shultz reads: “Dear George: Thank you for the report on your August 21 seminar on U.S.-Soviet relations which was read here with great interest. The distinction between the three approaches which surfaced at the meeting seems well to reflect the dominant currents of public opinion in this country as well as the options available to us. It will be very useful in the drafting of the NSDD on this same subject which is now in progress.” (Ibid.) For another account of the August 21 meeting, see Document 205.
207. Memorandum From Paula Dobriansky of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark)
Source: Reagan Library, Pipes Files, Soviet NSSD (3 of 3) [NSSD 11–82]. Secret. Sent for action. Copied to Stearman.
208. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark) to Secretary of State Shultz, Secretary of the Treasury Regan, and Secretary of Defense Weinberger
Source: Reagan Library, Meese Files, “US Sanctions v. USSR.” For Official Use Only. Also sent to Block, Baldrige, Edwards, Casey, and Brock. Copied to Meese, Baker, and Deaver.
209. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Eagleburger) to Secretary of State Shultz
Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S–I Records: Lawrence Eagleburger Files, Lot 84D204, Chron—September 4, 1982. Secret; Sensitive.
210. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S–I Records: Deputy Secretary Dam’s Official Files, Lot 85D308. Confidential; Sensitive. Drafted by Simons on September 14; cleared by Burt and Wayne. The meeting took place in Shultz’s conference room at the Department of State.