182. Memorandum From Secretary of State Haig to President Reagan1


  • Reply to Brezhnev’s June 10 Letter on Lebanon

Given the tenuous ceasefire in Lebanon, I recommend that you respond promptly to Brezhnev’s June 10 letter2 to you on the crisis. Brezhnev’s letter was moderate in tone and lacked any hint of threat or bluster. In this sense, it was more restrained than his June 9 letter to you,3 despite the heavy losses incurred by Syria since the first letter was written.

We cannot assume that the relatively restrained content and tone of Brezhnev’s correspondence with you during the crisis conveys any weakening of Soviet resolve to support Syria. Indeed, I believe that we can expect a Soviet effort to replace Syrian combat losses to begin almost immediately. It is nonetheless striking that the Soviets did so little to assist their Syrian allies and PLO clients over the past few days. They did not mount a major resupply effort, nor were there any dramatic changes in the readiness status of Soviet forces in the area or in the Soviet Union itself. Even Soviet rhetoric lacked any hint of threats to Israel or the U.S. and any Soviet commitment to assist their beleaguered friends. The net result can only be described as a major setback to Soviet prestige and objectives in the Middle East. The Soviets can be expected to begin immediately to repair the damage to their position.

[Page 580]

The draft reply stresses that continuance of the ceasefire depends upon restraint by all parties and that the Soviets have a responsibility to use their influence with Syria and the PLO constructively. It forcefully rejects Brezhnev’s allegations about Phil Habib’s “obstructionism” and underscores that his mission will continue. Finally, it rejects Brezhnev’s repetition of Soviet media charges that we had advance knowledge of the Israeli attack.


That you send the attached reply to Brezhnev’s letter.4

  1. Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: Head of State File, USSR: General Secretary Brezhnev (8290378, 8290381). Secret; Sensitive.
  2. See Document 180.
  3. See Document 178.
  4. Not attached. See Document 183.