45. Central Intelligence Agency Intelligence Information Cable1
- Cuba/Panama
- Continued Cuban Support for the Sandinist National Liberation Front (FSLN) (DOI: January 1979)
- [5½ lines not declassified]
1. During his recent trip to Havana to attend the celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, Lt. Col. Manuel Antonio Noriega, the Panamanian National Guard (GN) G–2, spoke privately with Cuban Premier Fidel Castro Ruz about Cuban support for the Sandinist National Liberation Front (FSLN). Castro told him that he is [Page 103] of the opinion that the FSLN has no chance of defeating Nicaraguan President Anastacio Somoza Debayle, unless the disparate factions unite. Despite this, Cuba will continue to support the FSLN logistically and provide safehaven and training in Cuba.
2. Castro went on to say that Cuba would not provide arms’ support directly to the FSLN, but would continue to do so through Panama or some other third country. Castro said that it was dangerous to give too many weapons to the FSLN because the excess armament could be used for other purposes, such as causing trouble in Costa Rica. (Source comment: Panamanian policy towards the FSLN remains fundamentally the same and Panama will continue to support efforts to topple Somoza. However, instead of granting safehaven to FSLN exiles in Panama, as in the past, it was agreed that they would be sent on to Cuba. This is unfortunate because it will give the Cubans an opportunity to convert them to Communism.)
3. ACQ: [1 line not declassified]
4. Field Dissem: [3½ lines not declassified]
- Source: Department of State, Assistant Secretary’s Files—Nicaragua: Lot 81D64, Box 2, Nicaragua—Misc. Memoranda, Feb. 1–Mar 16, 1979. Secret; Immediate; Wnintel; Noforn; Nocontract; Orcon.↩