213. Action Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Bowdler) to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Newsom)1


  • Release of Information on Military Training in Cuba


Whether to authorize the passing of information on Cuban military training of People’s National Party (PNP) youth to interested Jamaican parties.


According to an Agency report,2 the Jamaican Constabulary Force arrested Delroy Laing, a 28 year old People’s National Party (PNP) [Page 513] supporter on August 10. Laing had on his person notes he had taken on the military training he received in Cuba between June 13 and August 1 of this year. According to Laing’s notes he received training in the manufacture, care and use of US, Soviet and Belgian infantry anti-tank weapons, anti-tank mines and grenades. Additionally, participants in the training program were taught how to manufacture and use explosives. Basic first aid and the care of soldiers wounded in battle was also included in the curriculum.

Although rumors of a military training program for PNP youth in Cuba have circulated for some time, Laing’s notes offer the first concrete evidence of such training.


The Embassy believes that releasing full details of the Laing case would endanger the security of its source but judges that partial information could be passed [less than 1 line not declassified] to interested parties. This may provide sufficient information to enable them to obtain the full story while still protecting the source. The Embassy believes that revelations of Laing’s Cuban training would be a useful counter to continued allegations of US, especially CIA, attempts to destabilize Jamaica and support the opposition. The Cuban connection has emerged as an issue in the campaign and disclosure of Laing’s training could prompt further criticism of Manley’s ties with Cuba.


That you authorize Embassy [less than 1 line not declassified] to pass partial information on this case to interested parties by approving the attached cable.3 CIA concurs.

  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, North/South, Pastor, Country, Box 26, Jamaica, 10–12/80. Secret. Drafted by Barnes on October 7; concurred in by CIA. Printed from an uninitialed copy.
  2. Not further identified.
  3. Not attached. Newsom initialed the approve option. In telegram 283442, the Department transmitted the information to the Embassy. (Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, North/South, Pastor, Country, Box 26, Jamaica, 10–12/80)