450. Presidential Finding1

Finding Pursuant to Section 662 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, As Amended, Concerning Operations Undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency in Foreign Countries, Other than Those Intended Solely for the Purpose of Intelligence Collection

I hereby find that the following operation in a foreign country (including all support necessary to such operation) is important to the national security of the United States, and direct the Director of Central Intelligence, or his designee, to report this Finding to the concerned committees of the Congress pursuant to Section 662, and to provide such briefings as necessary.

Pakistan Provide directly to the Government of Pakistan, or via third countries, lethal military equipment of Soviet or other foreign manufacture for defensive purposes along the Afghan border. As necessary, provide cash, procurement advice and weapons training. Encourage other countries to discreetly supply funds or lethal military equipment directly to Pakistan.
Jimmy Carter
  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, North/South, Thornton Subject File, Box 103, SCC: (I) Pakistan 7/7/80: 7/80. Secret; Sensitive; Eyes Only. Attached as Tab A to the Summary of Conclusions of the July 7 SCC (I) meeting, during which the proposed covert action was “unanimously supported, albeit with qualifications.” See footnote 1, Document 449.