201. Memorandum From the President’s Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs (Aaron) to President Carter1
- U.S. Policy to Nicaragua (S)
You may recall that you asked us to “negotiate, firmly” in response to informal messages conveyed by Somoza’s officials to our Embassy in Managua that he would be open to beginning the process of normalizing relations with the U.S.2 My staff immediately set to work with Cy’s to evaluate a number of different options for the U.S. to consider as we enter into a new phase in our relations. At Tab A is Cy’s response. We concluded that it is too soon to consider opening up negotiations with Somoza. We have already received reports from within Nicaragua and in neighboring countries that the steps which we have recently taken to adjust our relationship with Nicaragua have enhanced our credibility among the democratic groups in the region. (S)
One indication of the effectiveness of these steps is that Somoza has already put out feelers to renew our relationship along historical lines. Cy and I believe that we should adopt a cool and correct posture at this time. We should be prepared to listen to Somoza and his government if they approach us, but we should make clear that his problem in Nicaragua cannot be solved by the U.S., but only by a successful dialogue between him and his opposition. We do not want to get in the middle of this right now. We should also look for appropriate occasions to signal our interest in Nicaragua in maintaining a democratic option and in sustaining the democratic middle. (S)
Cy has also attached a cable (Tab 1) summarizing this posture. I recommend that you approve this posture.3
[Page 525]- Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 56, Nicaragua: 12/78–6/79. Secret. Sent for action. Carter initialed the top of the page.↩
- See Document 199.↩
- Carter indicated his approval and initialed the top of the page.↩
- Secret.↩
- Not attached. See footnote 2, Document 199.↩
- Not attached. See Document 202.↩