References are to document numbers
- Aaron, David L.:
- ACTION, 293
- Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of, 247, 339, 340
- Africa, 283
- African Development Bank (see also International financial institutions), 253, 302
- Agency for International Development (AID) (see also Gilligan, John J.; U.S. economic aid policy):
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act (1954), 289
- Agriculture:
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of (see also Bergland, Robert S.):
- Agriculture, U.S. P.L. 480 aid, 260, 282, 289, 290, 292, 341, 343, 355
- Airline Deregulation Act (1978), 222
- Alberger, Bill, 246
- Albright, Madeleine, 320
- Alexander, Tom, 228
- Alm, Alvin, 119
- American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), 90
- Andreotti, Giulio:
- Andrus, Cecil D., 4, 297
- Anti-Dumping Act, 64, 79
- Apel, Hans, 27, 50, 57, 93
- Arita, Keisuke, 12
- Armacost, Michael A., 12, 19, 74, 76, 77, 81, 290
- Arms control, 230, 305, 336
- Arms Export Control Act (1968), 305, 336
- Aronson, Bernard, 190, 327
- Asian Development Bank (see also International financial institutions), 253, 302
- Askew, Reubin, 231, 234, 236, 242, 244, 245, 246, 248, 251
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 283
- Atkinson, Richard C., 297
- Austria, 44
- Auto rebate, 20
- Automotive industry, 242, 245, 246
- Automotive Products Trade Agreement (Auto Pact) (1965), 102
- Baker, Howard H., Jr., U.S. economic aid policy, 305
- Balance of payments (see also U.S. balance of payments), 24
- Balance of trade. See Japanese trade surplus; U.S. balance of trade; U.S. trade policy.
- Ball, George, 256
- Bangladesh, 290, 292, 339
- Barber, E., 220
- Barco, Virgilio, 306
- Barraclough, William, 193
- Barre, Raymond, 24, 27, 54, 159, 179, 221
- Barry, Robert, 316
- Bartocha, Bodo, 332
- Basic Human Needs (BHN) approach. See under U.S. economic aid policy.
- Beaudry, Robert M., 228, 247
- Beckel, Robert, 343
- Behr, Peter, 246
- Belgium, 44
- Bell, Griffin, 4, 164
- Bell, Peter, 332
- Bellescize, Gabriel de, 54
- Bennet, Douglas J., Jr., 68, 260
- Benson, Lucy Wilson, 332
- Bentsen, Lloyd, 203, 208
- Bergland, Robert S.:
- Bergsten, C. Fred:
- Brandt Commission, 345
- Collective economic action proposals, 120
- Common Fund proposals, 285, 286, 347
- Dollar crisis, 155
- Exchange market policy, 9, 107, 154
- Exchange markets, 55
- G–7 economic summits, 20, 247
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns, 113
- IDA support, 335
- IMF substitution account proposals, 226
- International investment agreement proposals, 49
- Japanese television exports, 12
- Japanese trade surplus, 9, 72, 154, 203
- Monetary policy, 48
- Most Favored Nation status, 201
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 9, 45, 61
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977), 44
- U.S. balance of payments, 48
- U.S. economic aid policy, 258, 279
- U.S. import relief, 11, 36
- U.S. North-South policy, 270, 273, 276, 342, 344
- U.S. trade policy, 9, 135, 195
- Berlin, 21
- Bethlehem Steel (see also Steel industry), 47
- Biemiller, Andrew, 62
- Birnbaum, Philip, 276, 279
- Black, Eugene R., Jr., 23
- Blake, Robert, 347
- Blech, Klaus, 44
- Blechman, Barry, 332
- Blumenthal, W. Michael:
- Balance of trade, 53
- Barre U.S. visit (1977), 54
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978), 121, 122
- Collective economic action proposals, 120
- Common Fund proposals, 263, 281, 284, 313, 314, 318
- DISC (domestic international sales corporation), 132
- Dollar crisis, 94, 98, 123, 158, 175, 184
- Domestic economic policy coordination proposals, 57
- European Monetary System, 143
- Exchange market policy, 98, 116
- Exchange markets, 55, 94, 98, 108, 111
- Fastener industry import relief, 102
- Footwear import relief, 11, 16, 33
- Fukuda U.S. visit (1978), 130
- G–5 finance ministers meetings, 23, 24
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 111, 140, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 3, 20, 27, 28
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 222
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns, 103, 111, 131
- German Federal Republic visit (1977), 88
- German Federal Republic visit (1978), 103, 111
- IMF conditionality policy, 56, 58
- IMF quota increases, 23, 44, 162
- IMF SDR allocation, 162
- International financial institutions, 304
- International investment agreement proposals, 49
- Japan visit (1979), 203
- Japanese trade surplus, 9, 72, 77, 203, 208
- Middle East trip (1977), 66
- Mondale Europe/Japan visit (1977), 1
- Monetary policy, 48
- Most Favored Nation status, 201
- Multifiber Arrangement, 8
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 28, 61, 220
- National Press Club speech (June 30, 1978), 140
- North-South relations, 1
- Ohira U.S. visit (1979), 212
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 13
- Oil prices, 213
- Resignation of, 224
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977), 44
- Steel industry import relief, 29, 36, 51, 63, 64
- Steel industry task force report, 80
- U.S. balance of payments, 48, 66, 85, 86
- U.S. economic aid policy, 258, 260, 263, 268, 297, 302
- U.S. economic policy, 167
- U.S. energy policy, 66, 108, 112, 119, 131
- U.S. North-South policy, 254, 261, 263, 270
- U.S. trade policy, 37
- Witteveen Facility, 23, 50
- Boeker, Paul H., 258
- Boelling, Klaus, 44
- Bolts/nuts/large screws industry. See Fastener industry.
- Bonn Summit. See G–7 Bonn Economic Summit.
- Bosworth, Barry, 47, 62, 119
- Boughton, James M., 226, 233
- Boulin, Robert, 28, 57
- Boumediene, Houari, 303
- Bourne, Peter G., 270, 279, 282, 293, 298
- Bowie, Robert, 273, 276, 279, 281, 286, 300
- Brandt, Willy. See Brandt Commission.
- Brandt Commission, 330, 345, 351
- Brazil, 11, 24
- Brewster, Kingman, Jr., 121, 122
- Brezhnev, Leonid, 28
- Brill, Daniel, 36, 48
- Bronheim, David, 300
- Brookings Institution, 264, 274, 277, 278, 279, 282
- Brown, Gen. George S., 273, 277
- Brown, Harold:
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew K.:
- Balance of trade, 41
- Barre U.S. visit (1977), 54
- Cabinet changes (1979), 224
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978), 121, 122
- Carter IMF/World Bank speeches, 250
- Carter Japan trip proposals, 67
- Collective economic action proposals, 115, 120
- Common Fund proposals, 263
- Dollar crisis, 105, 118, 128, 139, 156, 158, 176
- Economic growth targets, 99
- Exchange market policy, 94, 105, 106, 109, 114, 115, 116
- Exchange markets, 100, 105
- Export credit guidelines, 110
- Fukuda U.S. visit (1977), 12
- Fukuda U.S. visit (1978), 130
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 78, 88, 101
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 3, 15, 20, 21, 25, 26
- G–7 Ottawa Economic Summit (July 1981), Planning, 252
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 172, 190, 202, 205, 214
- G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980), 202, 240, 243
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns, 2, 113
- Japanese television exports, 18, 19
- Japanese trade surplus, 76, 77, 81, 160, 203, 206, 208
- Mondale Europe/Japan visit (1977), 1
- Most Favored Nation status, 201
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 93, 169, 181, 186, 197
- North-South relations
- OECD Financial Support Fund, 6
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 7, 38
- Oil prices, 213, 217
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977), 42, 44
- U.S. economic aid policy, 263,
282, 339
- Assessment studies, 264
- Carter-Congressional leadership meetings, 260
- Erb memoranda, 278
- Hormats memoranda, 259
- Human rights and, 290
- NSC papers, 277
- Owen memoranda, 291
- P.L. 480, 290, 341
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 279
- Public education strategy, 296
- Science and technology cooperation, 297, 331
- U.S. economic policy, 73, 82, 91, 149, 207
- U.S. energy policy, 100
- U.S. import relief, 10, 14, 15, 16, 201
- U.S.-Japanese economic relations, 215
- U.S. North-South policy, 261,
263, 287, 288
- Carter Venezuela speech (Mar. 29, 1978), 295
- Erb memoranda, 274, 295, 299, 301, 327
- Global Negotiations, 350
- Hansen memoranda, 255, 270, 271
- Hormats/Hansen memoranda, 257
- International debt, 299, 300
- NSC papers, 277
- Pastor memoranda, 272
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 254, 273, 276, 300
- State Department overview paper, 308
- Thornton memoranda, 296, 320, 354
- UNCTAD V meeting (1979), 329
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussions, 303
- Vance memoranda, 325, 327
- U.S. trade policy, 74, 164, 230
- War on hunger, 298
- Bundy, McGeorge, 355
- Burney, Derek, 252
- Burns, Arthur F., 23, 24, 86, 94
- Butler, Landon, 231, 246
- Butler, Michael, 266
- Byrd, Robert C., 203, 305
- Caddell, Patrick, 202, 203
- Calderon Fournier, Rafael Angel, 306
- Caldwell, Philip, 245
- Calhoun, Jesse, 34
- Califano, Joseph A., Jr., 297
- Callaghan, James:
- Carter discussions/correspondence, 121, 122, 124, 127, 307, 312, 317
- Domestic economic policy, 57
- Exchange market policy, 115, 121, 122
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 121, 122, 140, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 27, 28
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns, 121, 122, 131
- Guadeloupe Summit (Jan. 1979), 179, 188, 221, 323
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 28, 137
- North-South relations, 28, 307, 312, 317
- Protectionism, 27, 28, 42
- U.S. anti-inflation program, 174
- U.S. visit (1978), 120, 121, 122, 124
- Canada:
- Automotive Products Trade Agreement (Auto Pact) (1965), 102
- Economic situation, 65
- Fastener industry exports, 102
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 131, 140, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 27, 28
- G–7 Ottawa Economic Summit (July 1981), 252
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 222
- G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980), 240
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 137
- U.S. anti-inflation program, 174
- Caribbean, 283
- Carrington, Lord (Peter Carington), 222
- Carswell, Robert, 332, 334
- Carter, Jimmy:
- American Society of Newspaper Editors speech (Apr. 11, 1978), 119
- Automotive industry, 242, 245, 246
- Barre U.S. visit (1977), 54
- Cabinet changes (1979), 224
- Callaghan discussions/correspondence, 121, 122, 124, 127, 307, 312, 317
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978), 121, 122, 124
- Collective economic action proposals, 115, 120, 124, 125, 131
- Common Fund proposals
- Countervailing duties, 166, 177, 179, 191
- Democratic National Committee speech (Sept. 27, 1978), 167
- DISC (domestic international sales corporation), 132
- Dollar crisis, 94
- Blumenthal memoranda, 123
- Brzezinski memoranda, 176
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978) discussions, 121
- Carswell memoranda, 158
- IMF/World Bank speech (Sept. 25, 1978), 161
- NSC discussions, 156
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 119
- Presidential Review Committee discussions, 118
- Schmidt correspondence, 88, 93, 124
- U.S.-Japanese discussions/correspondence, 129
- EC currency snake plan, 127
- Economic growth targets, 99, 103
- Economic renewal program, 249
- Europe trip (Jan. 1978), 84
- European Monetary System, 143, 146
- European protectionism, 89
- Exchange market policy
- Exchange markets, 94, 98, 105, 108, 111
- Fastener industry import relief, 102, 187
- Footwear import relief, 10, 14, 15, 17, 32, 33, 40, 231
- French monetary policy proposal, 239
- Fukuda correspondence, 59, 70, 71, 124, 129, 137, 160
- Fukuda U.S. visit (1978), 130
- G–5 finance ministers meetings, 24
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 27, 28, 35
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 172, 190, 202, 205, 211, 214, 221, 222
- G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980), 202, 239, 240, 243
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns, 2, 5, 60, 65, 101, 103, 111, 131
- Giscard discussions/correspondence, 124, 140, 168, 180, 181, 204
- Guadeloupe Summit (Jan. 1979), 179, 188, 221, 323
- Illicit payments, 35, 65
- IMF conditionality policy, 56, 58
- IMF quota increases, 162
- IMF SDR allocation, 162
- IMF substitution account proposals, 122
- IMF/World Bank speeches
- International financial institutions, 352
- Japan trip proposals, 67, 70
- Japanese television exports, 18, 19, 31
- Japanese trade surplus
- Blumenthal discussions, 208
- Brzezinski memoranda, 76, 77
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978) discussions, 121
- Economic Policy Group discussions, 72
- Fukuda correspondence, 59, 70, 71, 129, 160
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) follow-up discussions, 188
- Ohira U.S. visit (1979) discussions, 208
- Owen memoranda, 65, 67, 75, 182, 203
- U.S.-Japanese Subcabinet meeting discussions, 55
- Ushiba visit discussions, 81
- Vance discussions, 77
- Jenkins meetings, 186
- Mondale Europe/Japan visit (1977), 1, 5
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations
- Askew memoranda, 251
- G–7 economic summit discussions, 28, 147
- Giscard discussions/correspondence, 168, 180, 181, 204
- Jenkins discussions, 186
- Mondale Europe/Japan visit (1977) discussions, 1
- NSC staff papers, 189
- Owen-Deniau discussions/correspondence, 186, 188, 197
- Owen memoranda, 96, 177, 183, 197
- Strauss memoranda, 96, 163, 179, 216
- Tokyo Round finalization, 209
- U.S.-British discussions/correspondence, 137
- U.S.-Canadian discussions/correspondence, 137
- U.S.-German Federal Republic discussions/correspondence, 93, 125, 171, 204
- U.S. implementation, 219, 223
- U.S.-Japanese discussions/correspondence, 137, 141, 144
- National Energy Plan, 20, 25
- North-South relations
- Ohira correspondence, 190
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 7, 13, 34, 38, 39
- Oil prices, 213, 217
- Palais de Congrès speech (Jan. 4, 1978), 94
- Protectionism, G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977) discussions, 27
- Schmidt correspondence, 60, 88, 93, 101, 103, 124, 140
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977), 35, 42, 44
- Steel industry, 30, 47, 62, 79, 80, 90, 95
- Steel industry import relief
- Blumenthal memoranda, 29, 63, 64
- Blumenthal-steel executive meetings, 51
- Eizenstat/Ginsburg memoranda, 95
- Eizenstat memoranda, 80
- Jenkins correspondence, 238
- Miller memoranda, 232, 236
- Schultze memoranda, 237
- Solomon memoranda, 235
- Strauss memoranda, 90, 218
- Tripartite Advisory Committee recommendations, 238
- Vance/Klutznick/Askew memoranda, 234
- Strauss Japan visit (1978), 99
- Television industry import relief, 244
- Textile industry, 8, 178, 195, 196, 199, 200
- Trudeau correspondence, 137
- UN General Assembly speech (Oct. 4, 1977), 273
- U.S. anti-inflation program, 47, 119, 141, 174, 184, 229, 237
- U.S. balance of payments, 66, 85, 86
- U.S. balance of trade, 52, 53
- U.S. economic aid policy
- Assessment studies, 264, 268, 277
- Brzezinski memoranda, 282
- Congressional leadership meetings, 259, 260
- Erb/Owen memoranda, 282
- Foreign Policy Association speech (June 23, 1976), 253
- Fried/Owen memoranda, 253
- Human rights and, 260, 262
- International financial institution support, 260, 302, 304
- Iran/Afghanistan crises and, 340
- Legislative constraints, 305, 336
- Owen memoranda, 291, 322, 355, 356
- P.L. 480, 260, 341, 343
- Public education strategy, 295
- Vance-Congressional leadership meetings, 265
- Vance memoranda, 282, 333
- Young memoranda, 283
- U.S. economic policy, 73, 91, 167, 184, 210
- U.S. energy policy
- Blumenthal memoranda, 108, 119
- Collective economic action proposals and, 124
- Crude oil import fees, 112
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) discussions, 145
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977) discussions, 20, 25, 27
- Oil imports, 53, 131, 229
- Owen memoranda, 109, 229
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 119
- Speech (Nov. 8, 1977), 66
- U.S.-Japanese economic relations, 12, 215
- U.S. North-South policy
- Brzezinski memoranda, 263
- Conference on International Economic Cooperation, 265
- Cooper memoranda, 310
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977) discussions, 28
- Global Negotiations, 350
- International debt, 299, 300
- Mondale Europe/Japan visit (1977) discussions, 1
- Owen memoranda, 184
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 273
- Soviet role in, 267
- State Department overview paper, 308
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussions, 275, 303
- Venezuela speech (Mar. 29, 1978), 295, 303
- U.S. trade policy, 37, 216
- War on hunger, 171, 184, 221, 229, 293, 298
- Witteveen Facility, 50
- Carter, Lillian, 293
- Carter, Rosalynn, 265
- Case, Clifford P., Jr., 260
- Castro, Fidel, 323
- Cavanaugh, John, 342
- Cederberg, Elford C., 260
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also Turner, Adm. Stansfield), 270, 295, 299
- Chaikin, Sol, 133, 200
- Chapman, William, 182
- China, People’s Republic of (PRC), 181, 219
- China, Republic of (ROC). See Taiwan
- Chirac, Jacques, 159
- Chretien, Jean, 145, 146, 147, 148
- Christopher, Warren M., 59
- Chrysler Corporation, 246
- Church, Frank F., 312, 318, 335
- Clappier, Bernard, 239
- Clark, Joe, 222
- Clark, Peter, 198, 225, 226
- Clausen, Thomas, 74
- Clift, A. Denis, 83, 337
- Cochrane, James, 205, 212
- Cohen, William S., 219
- Collective economic action proposals:
- Collins, Nancy, 293
- Colombia, 306
- Commerce, U.S. Department of:
- Automotive industry, 245, 246
- Common Fund proposals, 284
- Dollar crisis, 139
- Export promotion proposals, 52, 74, 134, 135, 230, 248
- Fastener industry import relief, 102
- Footwear import relief, 10, 14, 33, 40, 231
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 211
- Japanese trade surplus, 70, 72
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 38
- Oil imports, 119
- Steel industry import relief, 29, 90, 232, 234, 236, 238
- Television industry import relief, 244
- U.S. economic aid policy, 263
- Commodity Agreements. See Commodity price stabilization.
- Commodity price stabilization (see also Common Fund proposals):
- Common Fund proposals:
- Bergsten memoranda, 285, 347
- Blumenthal memoranda, 263, 313
- Brzezinski memoranda, 263
- Carter-Callaghan correspondence, 312
- Christopher memoranda, 346
- Cooper memoranda, 310, 326
- Erb memoranda, 274, 280, 284, 295, 329
- G–5 finance ministers meeting discussions, 24
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) discussions, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977) discussions, 28
- Hormats/Hansen memoranda, 257
- International debt and, 299
- McIntyre/Owen memoranda, 318
- Owen-Congressional leadership discussions, 312
- Owen memoranda, 65, 138, 184, 309, 314
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 281, 286
- PRM 8 on, 254
- State Department overview paper, 308
- U.S.-Jamaican discussions/correspondence, 294, 311
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussions, 303, 326
- Vance memoranda, 314, 318
- COMPACT, 244
- Compensatory Financing Facility (CFF), 263, 321, 329, 330
- Conable, Barber Benjamin, Jr., 192
- Conference on International Economic Cooperation (CIEC), 265
- Congress, U.S. (see also Countervailing
- Adjustment assistance, 133
- Commodity price stabilization, 309
- Common Fund proposals, 312, 313, 314, 318
- Dollar crisis, 119
- Export promotion proposals, 192
- Fastener industry import relief, 102, 187
- Footwear import relief, 10
- IDA support, 335
- IMF substitution account proposals, 194, 233
- Japanese trade surplus, 203
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 185, 216, 219, 223
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 7, 39
- Protectionism, 68, 197, 212
- Steel industry import relief, 90, 218
- Strauss textile program, 200
- U.S. economic aid policy
- Brzezinski/McIntyre memoranda, 339
- Carter-Congressional leadership meetings, 259, 260
- Erb memoranda, 278
- Erb/Owen memoranda, 282
- Fried/Owen memoranda, 253
- Human rights and, 262, 290
- IDA support, 259
- International financial institution support, 260, 302
- Owen memoranda, 305
- Science and technology cooperation, 334
- Vance-Congressional leadership meetings, 265
- U.S. energy policy, 118, 119
- U.S. North-South policy, International debt, 310
- U.S. trade policy, 216
- Connor, John, 74
- Consalvi, Simon Bottaro, 303, 306
- Cooper, Richard N.:
- Balance of trade, 41
- Cabinet changes (1979), 224
- Collective economic action proposals, 120
- Common Fund proposals, 281, 284, 286, 310, 311, 314, 326
- Dollar crisis, 83, 118, 119, 175
- Exchange market policy, 105, 157
- Footwear import relief, 16
- G–7 economic summits, 78, 101, 136, 205, 247
- IMF substitution account proposals, 194, 198, 226, 233
- International investment agreement proposals, 49
- Japanese trade surplus, 70, 203
- Monetary policy, 48
- Most Favored Nation status, 201
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 45, 136, 144, 165
- North-South relations, 249
- Ohira U.S. visit (1979), 212
- Steel industry, 63, 80, 232, 234
- U.S. balance of payments, 48, 86
- U.S. economic aid policy, 270, 279, 310, 315
- U.S. economic policy overviews, 241
- U.S. energy policy, 241
- U.S. North-South policy, 310, 315
- U.S. trade policy, 37, 164
- World economic outlook, 225
- Corea, Gen. Gamani, 299
- Costa Rica, 306
- Costanza, Margaret, 293
- Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) (see
also Schultze, Charles L.):
- Automotive industry, 245, 246
- Export promotion proposals, 135, 149
- Fastener industry import relief, 102
- Footwear import relief, 14, 33, 231
- IMF quota increases, 162
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 38
- Oil imports, 119
- Steel industry import relief, 29, 90, 236
- Television industry import relief, 244
- U.S. economic aid policy, 263
- Council on Environmental Quality, 247
- Council on Wage and Price Stability, U.S. (COWPS), 47, 62, 244
- Countervailing duties:
- Couzens, Kenneth E., 121, 122
- Cowan, Edward, 62, 141, 225
- Creekmore, Marion V., 330
- Crosbie, John, 222
- Cross, Samuel Y., 46, 107, 194, 198
- Cuba, 306, 323
- Cutter, W. Bowman, 273, 276, 279, 300
- Dale, Edwin L., Jr., 10
- Dale, William B., 23
- Danforth, John, 133, 185
- Davignon, Etienne, 43, 61, 234, 238
- Davis, Jeanne W., 3, 23, 254
- De Guiringaud, Louis, 145, 146, 147, 148
- De Laboulayé, Francois, 54, 159, 216
- De Onis, Juan, 294
- Deal, Timothy, 110, 118, 274, 320
- Defense, U.S. Department of (DOD), 10, 38, 90, 102, 270, 300
- DeLarosiere, Jacques, 182, 184, 198, 349
- Dell, Edmund, 145, 146, 147, 148
- Denend, Leslie G., 320
- Deniau, Jean-François, 145, 146, 147, 148, 186, 188
- Denman, Sir Roy, 61, 153
- Denmark, 44
- Derian, Patricia, 289
- Developing countries. See North-South policy; U.S. economic aid policy; U.S. North-South policy.
- Development Coordination Committee (DCC), 268, 270, 274, 277, 278, 279, 282, 288
- DISC (domestic international sales corporation), 52, 53, 132, 134, 192
- Dodson, Christine, 96, 105, 270, 277
- Dollar, status of. See Dollar crisis; Exchange markets.
- Dollar crisis (see also Exchange market
- Bergsten memoranda, 155
- Blumenthal memoranda, 94, 119, 184
- Blumenthal/Schultze memoranda, 98
- Brzezinski memoranda, 105, 176
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978) discussions, 121, 122
- Carswell memoranda, 158
- Carter IMF/World Bank speech (Sept. 25, 1978), 161
- Carter memoranda, 94
- Carter-Schmidt correspondence, 88, 93, 124
- Collective economic action proposals and, 124
- Cooper memoranda, 83
- Economic Policy Group discussions, 119
- Eizenstat/Schirmer memoranda, 85
- European Monetary System and, 143
- Fukuda visit (1978) discussions, 129, 130
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) discussions, 146
- Hormats memoranda, 175
- IMF substitution account proposals and, 194, 198
- Katz memoranda, 117
- NSC discussions, 156
- NSC staff memoranda, 128
- Owen memoranda, 171
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 119
- Presidential Review Committee discussions, 118
- Renner memoranda, 100, 139
- Solomon Group report, 139
- U.S.-German Federal Republic discussions/correspondence, 88, 93, 111
- U.S.-Japanese discussions/correspondence, 129, 154, 160
- Domestic economic policy coordination proposals, 57
- Domestic Policy Staff (DPS):
- Donaldson, John C.L., 150, 185
- Duncan, Charles W., Jr., 243, 273, 279, 300
- Eads, George, 238, 332
- East-West trade. See Soviet bloc
- Economic aid to less developed countries. See North-South relations; U.S. economic aid policy.
- Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), 283
- Economic growth targets (see also German
Federal Republic economic growth concerns; Japanese trade surplus):
- Barre U.S. visit (1977) discussions, 54
- Blumenthal Europe visit (1977) discussions, 50, 51
- Domestic economic policy coordination proposals and, 57
- Eizenstat/Ginsburg memoranda, 52
- European Monetary System and, 143
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) discussions, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977) agreements, 35, 65
- Japan, 5, 35, 87, 99, 125, 160, 182
- Mondale Europe/Japan visit (1977) discussions, 1, 5
- Owen memoranda, 69, 91
- Renner memoranda, 149
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977) discussions, 42, 44
- Strauss Japan visit (1978) discussions, 99
- Economic Policy Group (EPG):
- Automotive industry, 246
- Dollar crisis, 119
- Footwear import relief, 10, 14
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 20
- International investment agreement proposals, 49
- Japanese trade surplus, 72, 75, 76
- Multifiber Arrangement, 8
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 136
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 13
- Steel industry import relief, 29
- U.S. economic aid policy, 268
- U.S. North-South policy, 257, 261, 263
- ECOSOC, 35, 65, 276
- Ehrlich, Thomas, 332, 334, 336, 339, 343, 344, 351
- Eidenberg, Gene, 246
- Enders, Thomas, 232, 234, 295
- Eizenstat, Stuart L.:
- Automotive industry import relief, 246
- Carter H.R. 9937 veto, 178
- Dollar crisis, 85, 119, 139, 156
- Exchange market policy, 106
- Export promotion proposals, 52, 152, 164
- Footwear import relief, 40
- IMF substitution account proposals, 226, 233
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 13, 34, 38
- Steel industry, 29, 30, 47, 63, 80, 95, 232, 234, 238
- U.S. balance of payments, 85, 86
- U.S. balance of trade, 52
- U.S. economic aid policy, 297, 343
- U.S. energy policy, 85, 112, 131
- U.S. North-South policy, 277
- U.S. trade policy, 52, 135, 199, 230
- War on hunger, 298
- Ely, Michael, 175, 198
- Emminger, Otmar, 227
- Energy, U.S. Department of, 119, 139
- Energy crisis (see also Oil prices), 6, 37, 41
- Energy policy:
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977) discussions, 21, 25, 27
- G–7 Ottawa Economic Summit (July 1981) discussions, 252
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979) discussions, 205, 211, 212, 214, 222
- G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980) discussions, 240, 243, 247
- Mondale Europe/Japan visit (1977) discussions, 1
- Soviet bloc role in, 267
- UNCTAD V meeting (1979) discussions, 330
- U.S.-Jamaican discussions/correspondence, 311
- U.S. North-South policy and, 321, 328, 330, 355
- Environmental issues, 79, 247
- Erb, Guy F.:
- Common Fund proposals, 274, 280, 281, 284, 286, 295, 329
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 311
- Most Favored Nation status, 201
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 186, 295
- North-South relations, 294, 311, 319, 323, 326
- U.S. economic aid policy, 278, 282
- U.S. import relief, Selective import safeguard proposals, 201
- U.S. North-South policy, 274, 278, 282, 295, 301, 323
- Esaki, Masumi, 222
- Ethiopia, 339
- European Community (EC) (see also Jenkins,
- Carter Europe trip (Jan. 1978), 84
- Carter-Jenkins meetings, 186
- Common Agricultural Policy, 4, 22
- Currency snake plan, 88, 127
- DISC GATT complaint, 192
- Economic situation, 42
- Enlargement proposals, 42
- European Monetary System, 140, 142, 143, 146, 186
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 25, 27, 28, 35
- International debt, 299
- Japanese steel agreement, 4, 90, 95
- Japanese trade surplus, 4
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations
- North-South relations, 24, 222, 263
- Protectionism, 42
- Simonet Plan, 4
- Steel industry import relief, 29, 64, 234, 238
- Steel industry program, 89
- U.S. countervailing duties, 150, 153, 166
- U.S. trade relations with, 127, 133
- European Monetary System (EMS), 140, 142, 143, 146, 186
- Exchange market policy:
- Bergsten memoranda, 9, 107
- Blumenthal/Schultze memoranda, 98
- Brzezinski memoranda, 105, 106
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978) discussions, 121, 122
- Collective economic action proposals and, 120
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) discussions, 146
- IMF substitution account proposals, 122, 126, 194, 198
- International Monetary Group discussions, 116
- Miller memoranda, 227
- Mondale Europe/Japan visit (1977) discussions, 5
- Owen memoranda, 109
- Schultze memoranda, 104
- SDR creation, 107
- Solomon memoranda, 46
- U.S.-British discussions, 115, 120
- U.S.-Bundesbank currency swap, 94, 114
- U.S.-German Federal Republic discussions, 50, 111, 114, 227
- U.S.-Japanese currency swap, 154, 157, 158
- U.S.-Japanese monetary consultations, 129, 130
- Exchange markets (see also Dollar crisis; Exchange market policy):
- Exchange Stabilization Fund, 122
- Export Administration Act (EAA) (1979), 230
- Export credit guidelines, 35, 65, 110
- Export-Import Bank, 52, 66, 248
- Export price stabilization. See Commodity price stabilization.
- Fallows, James M., 124, 160, 168, 294, 317
- Farney, Dennis, 170
- Farnsworth, Clyde H.:
- Fastener industry, 102, 187
- Federal Preparedness Agency (FPA), 102
- Federal Reserve Board, U.S., 94, 158
- Feinberg, Richard, 269
- Feketekuty, Geza, 61, 136, 185
- Fields, Nathaniel, 331, 332
- Figuerido, Reinaldo, 303
- Financial Support Fund (FSF), 6, 23, 24, 42
- Finley, Murray, 133, 200
- Fisher, Richard W., 212
- Foley, Thomas, 260
- Food Aid Convention, 221, 267, 321, 330
- Food assistance. See U.S. economic aid policy, P.L. 480; War on hunger.
- Footwear import relief:
- Forbord, Thomas A., 175
- Ford, Gerald R., 4, 10, 11, 29, 253
- Foreign Assistance Act (1961), 305, 336
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977), 230
- Forlani, Arnaldo, 145, 146, 147, 148, 222
- Foundation for International Technical Cooperation (FITC), 184, 315, 321
- Fowler, Henry, 121
- France:
- Barre U.S. visit (1977), 54
- Carter-Giscard discussions/correspondence, 124, 140, 168, 180, 181, 204
- China nuclear reactor sales, 181
- Economic situation, 24, 44
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 140, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 27, 28
- G–7 Ottawa Economic Summit (July 1981), 252
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 221, 222
- G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980), 239
- Global Negotiations, 350
- Guadeloupe Summit (Jan. 1979), 179, 188, 221, 323
- Illicit payments, 35
- Monetary policy proposal, 239
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations
- Brzezinski-Schmidt correspondence, 169
- Carter-Giscard discussions/correspondence, 168, 180, 181, 204
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) discussions, 147
- Hartman memoranda, 159
- NSC staff papers, 189
- Owen-Deniau discussions/correspondence, 186, 188, 197
- Owen memoranda, 183, 197
- Strauss memoranda, 179
- Wolff visit discussions, 45
- U.S. anti-inflation program, 174
- François-Poncet, Jean, 204, 221, 222
- Frank, Charles, 255, 273
- Fraser, Douglas, 245
- Fraser, Malcolm, 324
- Frei, Eduardo, 345
- Fried, Edward, 253
- Froment-Meurice, Henri, 54
- Frosch, Robert A., 297, 332
- Frost, Ellen L., 276, 279, 281, 286, 300
- Fukuda, Takeo:
- Carter correspondence, 59, 70, 71, 124, 129, 137, 160
- Collective economic action proposals, Carter correspondence, 124
- Dollar crisis, 129, 130, 154, 160
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 140, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 27, 28
- Japanese television exports, 12, 18, 19
- Japanese trade surplus, 75, 77, 87
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 45, 144
- Political situation, 43
- U.S. anti-inflation program, 174
- U.S. visit (1977), 12
- U.S. visit (1978), 129, 130
- G–5 finance ministers meetings, 23, 24
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978):
- Exchange markets and, 142
- Follow-up, 171, 188
- Minutes, 145, 146, 147, 148
- Panama multilateral meeting (1978) discussions, 306
- Planning
- Blumenthal German Federal Republic visit discussions, 111
- Brzezinski-Schmidt discussions, 88
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978) discussions, 121, 122
- Carter-Schmidt correspondence, 88, 101, 140
- Cooper memoranda, 310
- Economic Policy Group papers, 136
- Hunter memoranda, 113
- Owen memoranda, 78, 101, 138, 140, 309, 311
- Schultz/Owen memoranda, 131
- Strauss memoranda, 141
- U.S.-Jamaican discussions/correspondence, 311
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977):
- G–7 Ottawa Economic Summit (July 1981), 252
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979):
- G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980), 356
- Gale, Hazen, 285
- Gandhi, Indira, 339
- Gardner, Richard, 221, 240
- Garn, Edward Jacob, 248
- Garten, Jeffrey, 273, 281
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (see also Multilateral Trade Negotiations):
- Geneva Convention, 337
- Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 44, 145, 146, 147, 148, 222
- German Federal Republic (FRG) (see also
German Federal Republic economic growth concerns):
- Blumenthal visit (1977), 88
- Blumenthal visit (1978), 103, 111
- Carter-Schmidt correspondence, 60, 88, 93, 101, 103, 124, 131, 140
- Collective economic action proposals, 124, 125, 131
- Dollar crisis, 88, 93, 111
- Economic aid to Portugal, 24, 42
- Exchange market policy, 50, 111, 114, 227
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 111, 140, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 27, 28
- G–7 Ottawa Economic Summit (July 1981), 252
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 221, 222
- G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980), 240
- Global Negotiations, 350
- Guadeloupe Summit (Jan. 1979), 179, 188, 221, 323
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 45, 125, 153, 171
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977), 35, 42, 44
- Stimulus plan (1978), 171
- U.S. anti-inflation program, 174
- U.S.-Bundesbank currency swap, 94, 114
- U.S. Cabinet changes (1979), 224
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns:
- Blumenthal FRG visit (1978) discussions, 111
- Blumenthal visit (1977) discussions, 50, 51
- Brzezinski memoranda, 2
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978) discussions, 121, 122
- Carter-Schmidt correspondence, 60, 101, 103, 131
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) discussions, 145
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977) discussions, 25
- Mondale Europe/Japan visit (1977) discussions, 5
- NSC discussions, 2
- Owen memoranda, 35, 65, 125
- Renner memoranda, 113
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977) discussions, 42, 44
- Schultz/Owen memoranda, 131
- Schultze memoranda, 112
- Getler, Michael, 131
- Gilligan, John J.:
- Ginsburg, Robert, 29, 40, 47, 52, 95, 105, 152, 279
- Giraud, Andre, 222
- Giscard-d’Estaing, Valéry:
- Carter discussions/correspondence, 124, 140, 168, 180, 181, 204
- Collective economic action proposals, Carter correspondence, 124
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 140, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 27, 28, 35
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 221, 222
- Guadeloupe Summit (Jan. 1979), 179, 188, 221, 323
- Illicit payments, 35
- Monetary policy proposal, 239
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 168, 179, 180, 181, 186, 204
- U.S. anti-inflation program, 174
- Gleysteen, William H., Jr., 130
- Global 2000 report to the President, 247
- Global Negotiations, 338, 344, 348, 349, 350
- Godley, Gene, 258
- Gold, Ruth S., 117, 247
- Gonzalez Revilla, Nicolas, 306
- Gotbaum, Joshua, 238
- Gradison, Willis David, Jr., 185
- Graham, Katherine, 345
- Gramley, Lyle, 119, 205, 233
- Great Britain:
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978), 120, 121, 122, 124
- Carter/Callaghan discussions/correspondence, 121, 122, 124, 127, 307, 312, 317
- Collective economic action proposals, 115, 120, 121, 124, 125, 131
- Economic situation, 24, 44
- Exchange market policy, 115, 120
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 140, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 27, 28
- G–7 Ottawa Economic Summit (July 1981), 252
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 221, 222
- Global Negotiations, 350
- Guadeloupe Summit (Jan. 1979), 179, 188, 221, 323
- IMF reform proposals, 120
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 28, 45, 137, 169
- North-South relations, Carter-Callaghan correspondence, 307, 312, 317
- Stabilization plan, 5
- U.S. anti-inflation program, 174
- Greenwald, John, 170
- Groth, Lt. Col. Carl, 332
- Group of 77 (see also Common Fund proposals; North-South relations):
- Guadeloupe Summit (Jan. 1979), 179, 188, 221, 323
- Guinea, 292
- Guiringaud, Louis de, 54
- Gundelach, Finn O., 43, 61, 141, 153
- Gwertzman, Bernard, 259, 262
- Haferkamp, Wilhelm, 43, 61, 153
- Haft, Marilyn, 293
- Hannifin, Vice Adm. Patrick, 281
- Hanning, Hugh, 26
- Hansell, Herbert J., 289
- Hansen, Roger, 255, 256, 257, 261, 270, 271, 273
- Harden, Richard, 293
- Harkin Amendment, 260, 262
- Harman, Sidney, 40, 63, 132
- Harrington, Michael J., 260
- Harris, Patricia R., 297
- Hartman, Arthur A., 54, 159, 204, 239
- Hashimoto, Toshikazu, 212
- Hatoyama, Iichiro, 12
- Healey, Denis, 24, 27, 28, 57, 145, 146, 147, 148
- Heath, Edward, 345
- Heginbotham, Erland H., 212
- Heinz, Henry John, III, 133
- Hernandez, Valentin Acosta, 303
- Hesburgh, Theodore, 334
- Hessler, Curtis, 23, 36, 57, 123, 136, 155, 258
- Hinton, Deane R., 22, 61, 338, 344
- Hiss, Dieter, 44
- Hodges, Luther, 332
- Holbrooke, Richard C., 12, 72, 203
- Hormats, Robert:
- Balance of trade, 41
- Barre U.S. visit (1977), 54
- Dollar crisis, 175
- Footwear import relief, 10, 14
- Fukuda U.S. visit (1977), 12
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 78, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 25, 27, 35
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 205, 222
- G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980), 247
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns, 113
- IMF substitution account proposals, 198
- Japanese television exports, 19
- North-South relations, 42, 326
- OECD Financial Support Fund, 6
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 7, 38
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977), 42
- Steel industry import relief, 232, 234
- U.S. economic aid policy, 259, 260, 321, 328
- U.S. North-South policy, 257, 321, 327, 328
- Hornblow, Michael, 254
- Houghton, Arthur, 157
- Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of, 14, 263
- Howe, Geoffrey, 222
- Huberman, Benjamin, 331, 332
- Hufbauer, Gary, 215
- Human rights, 260, 262, 273, 289, 290, 292
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 260, 290
- Humphrey Bill (International Development Cooperation Act) (1978), 299, 300
- Hunt, John, 121, 122
- Hunter, Robert:
- Hurtado, Hector, 303
- Hutcheson, Richard G., III:
- IFAD, 267
- Ignatius, David, 80
- Ikeda, Yoshizo, 130
- Illicit payments, 35, 65, 308, 310
- Imamura, Yoshio, 212
- IMF/IBRD Development Committee, 25
- Inderfurth, Karl Frederick (Rick), 254, 323
- India, 339, 340
- Indonesia, 290, 292
- Inflation (see also Dollar crisis; U.S. anti-inflation program), 27, 48, 69, 222, 247
- Ingersoll, Robert S., 74
- Inouye, Daniel K., 259, 260
- Institute for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (ISTC), 330, 331, 333
- Inter-American Development Bank (see also International financial institutions), 253, 260
- Interior, U.S. Department of, 90, 102, 139, 231, 244
- International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), 49
- International debt (see also Witteveen Facility):
- International Development Agency (IDA), 253, 258, 259, 304, 335
- International Development and Food Assistance Act (1977), 292
- International Development and Food Assistance Act (1978), 321
- International Development Cooperation Act (1979), 331
- International Development Cooperation Act (Humphrey Bill) (1978), 299, 300
- International Development Cooperation Agency (IDCA), 244, 330, 337, 351, 355
- International Emergency Economic Powers Act (1977), 177
- International Energy Agency (IEA), 1, 21, 35, 214, 229, 243
- International financial institutions (IFIs) (see also International Monetary Fund; World Bank):
- International Fund for Agricultural Development, 24, 256
- International investment agreement proposals, 49
- International Monetary Fund (IMF) (see also
International financial institutions; Witteveen Facility):
- Borrowing proposals, 23
- British reform proposals, 120
- C–20 reforms, 126
- Carter speeches, 52, 161, 250
- Compensatory Financing Facility (CFF), 263, 321, 329, 330
- Conditionality policy, 56, 58
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977) discussions, 27, 28
- Japanese trade surplus, 182
- OECD Financial Support Fund and, 6
- Quota increases, 21, 23, 44, 65, 162
- SDR allocation, 23, 126, 162, 194
- Soviet membership, 267
- Special Financial Assistance Unit, 321
- Substitution account proposals, 122, 126, 194, 198, 226, 233
- International Monetary Group, 116
- International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation Program, 91, 221
- International Security Assistance Act (1977), 305
- International Trade Commission (ITC):
- International Wheat Agreement, 267
- Iranian hostage crisis, 339
- Iranian Revolution, 222
- Iribarren, Ignacio, 303
- Italy:
- Economic situation, 44
- European Monetary System, 186
- Footwear exports, 11, 231
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 140, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 27, 28
- G–7 Ottawa Economic Summit (July 1981), 252
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 222
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 209
- Jacklin, Nancy, 107
- Jackson, Sarah, 332
- Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 4
- Jamaica, 294, 306, 307, 310, 311, 319, 323, 324
- Jamaica Summit (1978), 319, 323, 324, 326
- Jamieson, Donald, 28, 145, 146, 147, 148
- Japan (see also Japanese trade surplus;
U.S.-Japanese economic relations):
- Agricultural quotas, 92
- Carter-Ohira correspondence, 190
- Carter trip proposals, 67, 70
- EC steel agreement, 4, 90, 95
- Economic growth targets, 5, 35, 87, 99, 125, 160, 182
- Economic situation, 65
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 140, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 27, 28
- G–7 Ottawa Economic Summit (July 1981), 252
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 221, 222
- Mondale visit (1977), 1, 5
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 45, 137, 141, 144, 206, 212
- New Tokyo International Airport, 212
- Political situation, 43
- Stimulus plan (1978), 160, 171
- Japanese trade surplus:
- Bergsten memoranda, 9, 72
- Bergsten-Nishiyama discussions, 154
- Brzezinski memoranda, 76, 77
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978) discussions, 121, 122
- Carter-Fukuda correspondence, 59, 70, 71, 129, 160
- Economic Policy Group discussions, 72, 75, 76
- Fukuda visit (1978) discussions, 130
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) discussions, 145
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) follow-up discussions, 188
- Mansfield memoranda, 87, 92
- Ohira U.S. visit (1979) discussions, 208, 212
- Owen memoranda, 65, 67, 75, 91, 182, 184, 190, 203
- Platt memoranda, 206
- Renner memoranda, 149
- STR overview papers, 4
- Strauss Japan visit (1978) discussions, 99, 130
- U.S. business community input, 211
- U.S.-Japanese Subcabinet meeting discussions, 55
- Ushiba visit discussions, 81
- Javits, Jacob K., 194, 312, 318
- Jay, Peter, 121, 122, 137
- Jayne, Edward Randy, 105, 276, 279, 281, 286, 300, 332
- Jenkins, Roy:
- Carter correspondence, 238
- Carter meetings, 186
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 140, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 25, 28, 35
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 222
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 43, 61, 147, 179, 186
- Steel industry import relief, 234, 238
- U.S. anti-inflation program, 174
- Johnson, Joel, 321, 328, 330
- Johnston, Ernest, 78, 165
- Jones, James R., 208
- Jones, Reginald, 47, 230
- Jones Act (Merchant Marine Act of 1920), 13
- Jordan, Hamilton, 156, 295
- Jorgenson, Anker, 179
- Junz, Helen B., 113, 285
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 230, 244, 245
- Kahn, Alfred, 231, 232, 236, 246
- Kaneko, Ippei, 222
- Kato, Koichi, 212
- Katz, Julius L.:
- Katz, Stanley, 279
- Keatley, Anne, 279
- Kelly, William B., 185
- Kendall, Donald, 211
- Keynes, John Maynard, 222
- al-Khail, Aba, 23
- Kimmitt, Robert, 339
- King, Seth S., 229, 337
- Kissinger, Henry A., 257, 295
- Klutznick, Philip M., 234, 236, 248
- Komoto, Toshio, 77
- Korea, Republic of:
- Koromzay, Val, 205
- Kosciusko-Morizet, Jacques, 54
- Kraft, Timothy, 82
- Kreps, Juanita M.:
- Dollar crisis, 119
- Footwear import relief, 16
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 3
- Ohira U.S. visit (1979), 212
- Resignation of, 224
- Steel industry import relief, 64
- U.S. economic aid policy, 297
- U.S.-Japanese economic relations, 99
- U.S. North-South policy, 254, 261
- U.S. trade policy, 4, 74, 134, 151, 164
- Labor, U.S. Department of (see also Marshall, F. Ray):
- Lake, W. Anthony:
- Lambsdorff, Otto Graf:
- Lance, Thomas Bertram, 3, 16, 37, 254, 261, 268, 270
- Lauria, Carmelo Lesseur, 303
- Leddy, Thomas, 23, 46, 107
- Lefgren, John, 175, 198
- Leone, Giovanni, 1
- Less developed countries. See Group of 77; North-South policy; U.S. North-South policy.
- Levine, Richard J., 171
- Lewis, Paul, 57, 93, 233, 243
- Linowitz, Sol, 171, 221, 337, 339
- Lipshutz, Robert, 184
- Lomé Convention (1975), 24, 222, 263
- London Summit. See G–7 London Economic Summit.
- Long, Clarence, 260, 291
- Long, Olivier, 165, 201
- Long, Russell B., 34, 185, 191, 260
- Lopez Michelsen, Alfonso, 306
- López Portillo, José, 11, 201
- Lovelace, Allen, 332
- Luers, William H., 326
- Lyons, Richard L., 163
- MacDonald, Donald, 27, 28
- MacDonald, Flora, 222
- MacDonald, James Ramsay, 27
- Mackour, Oscar, 57
- MacLaine, Shirley, 293
- MacLauray, Bruce, 264
- Mahon, George H., 260
- Malcolm, Andrew H., 43, 76, 81, 99
- Mali, 339
- Manley, Michael N., 294, 306, 307, 311, 319, 323
- Mansfield, Michael J.:
- Maritime industry. See Oil cargo preference legislation.
- Marris, Stephen, 228
- Marshall, F. Ray:
- Mathews, Jessica Tuchman, 278, 289, 290, 320
- Matsuda, Minoru, 55
- Matsukawa, Michiya, 55, 157
- Matthoefer, Hans, 145, 146, 147, 148, 222, 227
- Maynes, Charles W., 256, 270, 316, 328, 338, 344
- McCaffrey, T. D., 121, 122
- McDonald, Alonzo L.:
- McGiffert, David, 276, 281
- McHenry, Donald F., 344, 348, 350
- McHugh, James F., 335
- McIntyre, James T., Jr.:
- McNally, Thomas, 121, 122
- McNamara, Robert S., 25, 258, 330, 345, 349
- Meany, George, 47, 200
- Meany-Jones Labor-Management Committee, 47
- Meigher, Eva, 335
- Meissner, Chuck, 344
- Melcher, John, 219
- Merchant Marine Act (1920) (Jones Act), 13
- Mexico, 11, 14, 265, 266
- Meyers, Gerald C., 245
- Michalopoulos, Constantine, 281, 286
- Milam, William B., 198
- Miller, G. William:
- Automotive industry, 246
- Brandt Commission, 345
- Cabinet appointment of, 224
- Carter IMF/World Bank speeches, 250
- Common Fund proposals, 347
- Dollar crisis, 118, 156
- Exchange market policy, 227
- IDA support, 335
- IMF substitution account proposals, 226, 233
- International financial institutions, 352
- International opinions, 167
- Ohira U.S. visit (1979), 212
- Steel industry import relief, 232, 234, 235, 236
- U.S. North-South policy, 342, 348
- Miller, George, 332
- Miller, Judith, 39, 246
- Minchew, Daniel, 304
- Miyazaki, Hiromichi, 212
- Miyazaki, Isamu, 55
- Miyazawa, Kiichi, 77
- Mohr, Charles, 1, 65, 280
- Mondale, Walter:
- Automotive industry import relief, 246
- Barre U.S. visit (1977), 54
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978), 121
- Dollar crisis, 83, 119
- Europe/Japan visit (1977), 1, 5
- Footwear import relief, 16
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 1, 3
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns, 5
- IMF substitution account proposals, 233
- Monetary policy, 48
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977), 44
- Steel industry import relief, 234, 236
- U.S. balance of payments, 48
- U.S. economic aid policy, 292, 297, 302
- U.S.-Japanese economic relations, 12
- U.S. North-South policy, 5, 254, 261, 270
- War on hunger, 221, 337
- Monetary policy (see also Exchange market policy; International Monetary Fund), 48, 233, 239
- Monory, Rene, 145, 146, 147, 148, 222
- Moore, Frank B., 112, 156, 219, 223
- Moran, David R., 165
- Moran, Theodore, 267
- Morgan, Dan, 289
- Morgan, Lee, 211
- Mori, Yoshiro, 130
- Morse, Bradford, 333
- Morse, Edward L., 247
- Motono, Morizuku, 77
- Moynihan, Daniel P., 185
- Multifiber Arrangement (MFA), 4, 8, 54, 89
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN), 144
- Automotive industry, 245
- Barre U.S. visit (1977) discussions, 54
- Bergsten memoranda, 9, 45
- British attitudes, 169
- Brzezinski-Schmidt correspondence, 169
- Carter Europe trip (Jan. 1978) discussions, 84
- Carter-Giscard discussions/correspondence, 168, 180, 181, 204
- Carter-Jenkins discussions, 186
- Carter-Schmidt discussions/correspondence, 93, 171, 204
- Cooper-Long discussions, 165
- Economic Policy Group papers, 136
- Erb memoranda, 295
- French resistance to
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) discussions, 147
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977) discussions, 25, 28, 35
- Hinton memoranda, 22
- Japanese trade surplus and, 203
- Katz memoranda, 117
- Less developed countries participation, 189, 311
- McDonald memoranda, 133, 173, 185
- Mondale Europe/Japan visit (1977) discussions, 1, 5
- Multilateral planning talks (June 1978), 137
- NSC staff papers, 189
- Owen memoranda, 65, 91, 96, 177, 183, 184, 197
- Renner memoranda, 149
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977) discussions, 42, 44
- STR overview papers, 4
- Strauss-Jenkins meetings, 43, 61
- Strauss memoranda, 96, 163, 179
- Strauss textile program and, 193, 195, 196, 199, 200
- Tokyo Round finalization, 209
- U.S.-British discussions/correspondence, 137
- U.S.-Canadian discussions/correspondence, 137
- U.S. countervailing duties and, 166, 173, 177, 179, 189, 191
- U.S.-German Federal Republic discussions/correspondence, 125, 153, 171
- U.S. implementation, 216, 219, 223
- U.S. import relief and, 220
- U.S.-Jamaican discussions/correspondence, 311
- U.S.-Japanese discussions/correspondence, 45, 137, 141, 144, 212
- U.S. North-South policy and, 330
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussions, 303
- Vance memoranda, 89
- Wolff Europe visit discussions, 45
- Murayama, Tatsuo, 77, 145, 146, 147, 148
- Murphy, John M., 7
- Muskie, Edmund S.:
- Nachmanoff, Arnold, 342
- Nakagawa, Ichiro, 160
- Nakajima, Toshijiro, 130
- National Energy Act (1978), 66
- National Security Council (NSC) (see also Policy Review Committee):
- Netherlands, 44
- New International Economic Order, 253, 257, 266
- Niederste-Ostholt, Gisela, 44
- Nishimura, Mutsoyoshi, 130
- Nishiyama, Chiaki, 154
- Nixon, Richard M., 28
- Non-Aligned Movement, 330
- Nooter, Robert, 289, 332
- Nordhaus, William D., 113, 116, 177, 281
- Nordli, Odvar, 38
- Norman, John T., 151
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 21
- North-South policy (see also Commodity price stabilization; Common Fund proposals; Council on International Economic Policy; U.S. economic aid policy; U.S. North-South policy):
- North-South relations:
- Brandt Commission, 330, 345, 351
- Carter-Callaghan correspondence, 307, 312, 317
- Collective economic action proposals, 124
- Congressional staff discussions, 68
- Cooper-Long discussions, 165
- Cooper memoranda, 249
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) discussions, 138, 148, 309, 310
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) follow-up discussions, 188
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977) discussions, 21, 25, 27, 28, 35
- G–7 Ottawa Economic Summit (July 1981) discussions, 252
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979) discussions, 205, 212, 214, 221, 222
- G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980) discussions, 229, 240, 243, 247, 356
- International investment agreement proposals and, 49
- Jamaica Summit (1978), 319, 323, 324, 326
- LDC energy fund proposals, 171
- Less developed countries MTN participation, 189
- Lomé Convention, 24, 222, 263
- NSC discussions, 1
- Owen memoranda, 35, 65, 91, 184, 309, 311
- Panama multilateral meeting (1978), 306
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977) discussions, 42
- Selective import safeguard proposals, 201
- Soviet bloc role in, 267
- Tokyo Declaration (1973), 45
- UN Committee of the Whole, 299, 311, 316, 317, 338, 344
- UN role in, 275, 276
- UNCTAD V meeting (1979), 329, 330
- U.S. import relief and, 11, 14, 15
- U.S.-Jamaican discussions/correspondence, 294, 307, 310, 311
- U.S.-Japanese Subcabinet meeting discussions, 55
- U.S. trade policy and, 9, 69, 133
- Norway, 38, 44
- Nuclear energy (see also Nuclear nonproliferation):
- Nuclear nonproliferation, 21, 295, 321
- Nye, Joseph S., 256, 270
- Obst, Harry, 44
- Office of Management and Budget, U.S. (OMB) (see
also McIntyre, James T.):
- Automotive industry, 246
- Common Fund proposals, 284
- Export promotion proposals, 135, 149
- Fastener industry import relief, 102
- Footwear import relief, 14, 33, 231
- IMF quota increases, 162
- International debt, 300, 342
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 38
- Oil imports, 119
- Steel industry import relief, 29, 90, 236
- Steel industry task force report, 80
- U.S. economic aid policy
- U.S. North-South policy, 257, 270
- War on hunger, 298
- Office of Science and Technology Policy, U.S., 328
- Office of the Special Trade Representative, U.S. (STR) (see also Strauss, Robert S.):
- Automotive industry, 245, 246
- Export promotion proposals, 230
- Fastener industry import relief, 102
- Footwear import relief, 4, 10, 14, 33
- Japanese trade surplus, 208
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 4, 197
- Role of, 133
- Steel industry import relief, 29, 90, 95, 234, 236, 237
- Steel industry task force report, 80
- Television industry import relief, 244
- U.S. trade policy overviews, 4
- Ohira, Masayoshi:
- Oil. See Energy policy; Oil cargo preference legislation; Oil prices; U.S. energy policy.
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 7, 13, 34, 38, 39
- Oil prices:
- Oksenberg, Michel, 130
- Omang, Joanne, 247, 351
- O’Neill, Thomas “Tip,” 191, 260, 305
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD):
- Common Fund proposals, 280, 281
- East-West trade study, 4
- Economic growth discussion proposals, 113
- Financial Support Fund, 6, 23, 24, 42
- G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980), 228
- International investment agreement proposals, 49
- Meeting, June 1977, 35
- North-South relations, 280, 281, 295
- Trade pledge, 4, 27, 28, 65
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC):
- Ottawa summit. See G–7 Ottawa Economic Summit (July 1981).
- Owada, Hisashi, 12, 77, 130, 212
- Owen, David, 145, 146, 147, 148
- Owen, Henry D.:
- Anti-inflation program, 91, 171, 174, 184, 229
- Barre U.S. visit (1977), 54
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978), 121, 122
- Carter Europe trip (Jan. 1978), 84
- Carter IMF/World Bank speeches, 161, 250
- Carter Japan trip proposals, 67, 70
- Collective economic action proposals, 120, 124, 125, 131
- Common Fund proposals, 65, 138, 184, 309, 314, 318
- Dollar crisis, 171
- European Monetary System, 142, 143
- Exchange market policy, 109, 114, 116, 122
- French monetary policy proposal, 239
- Fukuda U.S. visit (1977), 12
- Fukuda U.S. visit (1978), 130
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 142
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 20, 21, 25, 27, 35, 65, 69
- G–7 Ottawa Economic Summit (July 1981), 252
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 172, 190, 202, 205, 211, 214, 221
- G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980), 202, 221, 228, 229, 240, 243
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns, 35, 60, 65, 101, 113, 125, 131
- IMF quota increases, 65, 162
- IMF SDR allocation, 162
- IMF substitution account proposals, 233
- Japanese trade surplus, 65, 67, 75, 91, 182, 184, 190, 203
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 65, 91, 96, 144,
177, 183, 184, 197
- Carter-Giscard discussions/correspondence, 168, 181, 204
- Carter-Jenkins discussions, 186
- Carter-Schmidt discussions/correspondence, 204
- Deniau discussions/correspondence, 186, 188, 197
- French resistance to, 168, 179
- McDonald memoranda, 173
- NSC staff papers, 189
- U.S.-Canadian discussions/correspondence, 137
- U.S.-Japanese discussions/correspondence, 137, 144
- North-South relations, 35, 65, 91, 184, 309, 311
- Ohira U.S. visit (1979), 212
- Oil prices, SDR pricing, 217
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977), 35, 44
- U.S. balance of payments, 86, 91
- U.S. economic aid policy, 282,
291, 305, 322, 355, 356
- Assessment studies, 253
- Erb memoranda, 278
- Ford administration policies, 253
- Human rights and, 290
- International financial institution support, 302
- Iran/Afghanistan crises and, 340
- Legislative constraints, 336
- P.L. 480, 282, 290, 341, 343
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 279
- Science and technology cooperation, 331, 334
- U.S. economic policy, 73
- U.S. economic policy coordination, 82
- U.S. energy policy, 109, 131, 229
- U.S. import relief, 16, 63, 201, 232, 234, 235, 246
- U.S.-Japanese currency swap, 157
- U.S.-Japanese economic relations, 12, 206
- U.S. North-South policy, 91, 184
- U.S. trade policy, 74, 134, 151, 177, 179, 201, 230
- Palme, Olof, 345
- Panama, 306
- Pandolifi, Filippo M., 145, 146, 147, 148, 222
- Pastor, Robert A.:
- Patterson, Gardner, 165
- Patterson, P. J., 306, 307, 311
- Paye, Jean-Claude, 54, 159
- Pelikan, Robert, 342
- Pérez, Carlos Andrés, 275, 294, 303, 306
- Perez-Guerrero, H. E. Manuel, 28, 266, 303, 326
- Peru, 56
- Peterson, Peter G., 345
- Peterson, Rudolph, 253
- Philippines, 1
- Pickering, Thomas R., 332
- Pimental, George, 332
- P.L. 480. See under U.S. economic aid policy.
- Platt, Nicholas, 203, 206, 212, 320
- Poats, Rutherford M., 242, 332, 339
- Policy Review Committee (PRC):
- Portugal, 24, 42
- Powell, Jody, 156, 224
- Presidential Commission on World Hunger, 171, 184, 221, 229, 298, 330, 337, 351
- Presidential Proclamations:
- No. 4445, “Temporary Quantitative Limitation on the Importation into the United States of Certain Articles of Stainless Steel or Alloy Tool Steel,” 29
- No. 4510, “Implementation of Orderly Marketing Agreements—and the Temporary Quantitative Limitation on the Importation Into the United States of Certain Footwear,” 33
- No. 4665, “Extension of Temporary Quantitative Limitation on the Importation Into the United States of Certain Articles of Stainless Steel or Alloy Tool Steel,” 218
- Presidential Review Committee, 118
- Presidential Review Memoranda:
- Presidential Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, 351
- President’s Export Council, 230
- Press, Frank, 276, 279, 297, 311, 331, 332, 334
- Protectionism:
- Barre U.S. visit (1977) discussions, 54
- Congressional staff discussions, 68
- G–5 finance ministers meeting discussions, 24
- G–7 summit discussions, 27, 28, 145
- Mondale Europe/Japan visit (1977) discussions, 5
- OECD pledge, 4, 27, 28, 65
- Ohira U.S. visit (1979) discussions, 212
- Owen memoranda, 65, 197
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977) discussions, 42
- Schultze memoranda, 53
- U.S.-Japanese Subcabinet meeting discussions, 55
- Vance memoranda, 89
- Proxmire, William, 122, 233
- Quotas. See Multilateral Trade Negotiations; U.S. import relief; U.S. trade policy.
- Rafshoon, Gerald M., 152, 321
- Rattner, Steven, 163
- Rattray, Alexander, 319
- Reagan, Ronald, 353
- Renner, John C.:
- Republic of China (ROC). See Taiwan
- Reuss, Henry S., 194, 260
- Reuss Amendment, 262
- Rhodes, John J., Jr., 203, 305
- Ribicoff, Abraham A., 185, 191, 318
- Richardson, Henry, 296
- Rieffel, Alexis, 342
- Rivers, Richard, 77, 150, 185, 192
- Roderick, David, 235
- Roel Garcia, Santiago, 266
- Romberg, Alan, 247
- Roosa bonds, 122
- Roosa, Robert V., 174
- Roth, William V., Jr., 185
- Rowe, James L., Jr., 141, 158
- Rowen, Hobart, 122, 140, 158
- Rubinstein, David, 118
- Ruhfus, Juergen, 44
- Rush, Barney, 344
- Ryrie, William S., 121, 122
- Sagami, Takehiro, 212
- Salzman, Herbert, 228
- Samuel, Howard, 201, 332
- Sato, Yoshiyasu, 212
- Sato, Yukio, 212
- Saudi Arabia (see also Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), 23, 27, 28
- Schirmer, Kitty, 85, 131
- Schlesinger, James R.:
- Dollar crisis, 118, 156
- Exchange market policy, 106
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 3
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 222
- Ohira U.S. visit (1979), 212
- Resignation of, 224
- U.S. balance of payments, 66, 85, 86
- U.S. economic aid policy, 297
- U.S. energy policy, 25, 112
- U.S. North-South policy, PRM 8, 247, 254
- Schlosstein, Ralph, 246
- Schmidt, Helmut:
- Blumenthal visit (1978), 111
- Carter discussions/correspondence, 60, 88, 93, 101, 103, 124, 131, 140
- Carter meetings, 131
- Collective economic action proposals, 124
- Countervailing duties, 179
- Economic aid to Portugal, 24
- Economic growth targets, 42, 44, 103
- European Monetary System, 143
- Exchange market policy, 111, 227
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978)
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 27
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 222
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns, 2, 5, 42, 44, 60, 101, 103, 131
- Inflation, 27
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations
- North-South relations, 28, 42
- U.S. anti-inflation program, 174
- U.S.-Bundesbank currency swap, 114
- U.S. Cabinet changes (1979), 224
- U.S. energy policy, 25
- U.S. visit (1977), 35, 42, 44
- Schueler, Manfred, 44
- Schultze, Charles L.:
- Common Fund proposals, 281, 286
- Dollar crisis, 98, 118, 129, 156
- European Monetary System, 143
- Exchange market policy, 98, 104, 105, 106
- Exchange markets, 94, 98, 108
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 101, 131
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 3, 69
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 202, 205, 212
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns, 2, 112, 113
- IMF conditionality policy, 58
- IMF substitution account proposals, 233
- Japanese television exports, 31
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 177
- Steel industry, 30, 47, 62, 80
- U.S. anti-inflation program, 237
- U.S. balance of payments, 66, 85, 86
- U.S. balance of trade, 53
- U.S. economic aid policy, 297
- U.S. energy policy, 53, 108, 112, 131
- U.S. import relief, 16, 40, 62, 63, 232, 237, 246
- U.S. North-South policy, 254, 261
- U.S. trade policy, 4, 37, 53, 164, 193, 196
- War on hunger, 298
- Scott-Stokes, Henry, 212
- Shafer, J., 113
- Shalala, Donna, 332
- Shapiro, Irving, 74
- Sherman, William, 12
- Shoes. See Footwear import relief.
- Shoesmith, Thomas P., 12
- Simonet Plan, 4
- Smith, Gene, 30, 47
- Smith, Gerard, 202, 203, 221
- Smith, Terence, 224
- Smith, Lt. Gen. William Y., 273, 276, 279, 300
- Smuckler, Ralph, 332
- Solomon, Anthony M.:
- Common Fund proposals, 281, 285, 286
- Conference on International Economic Cooperation, 266
- Dollar crisis, 118
- Domestic economic policy coordination proposals, 57
- European Monetary System, 142
- Exchange market policy, 46
- Exchange markets, 46, 55
- Export promotion proposals, 164
- G–5 finance ministers meetings, 24
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 78, 101, 142
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 205
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns, 113
- IMF substitution account proposals, 126, 194, 226, 233
- Japanese trade surplus, 70, 72, 203
- Most Favored Nation status, 201
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 61, 177, 212, 220
- Ohira U.S. visit (1979), 212
- Resignation of, 233
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977), 44
- Steel industry, 63, 79, 80, 90, 232, 235
- U.S. balance of payments, 86
- U.S. economic aid policy, 258
- U.S. energy policy, Crude oil import fees, 112
- U.S. import relief, 11, 36, 63, 220, 232, 235
- U.S. North-South policy, 300, 342
- Witteveen Facility, 23
- Solomon Group, 139
- Somalia, 292
- Sonoda, Sunao:
- Southeast Asia, 283
- Soviet bloc (see also Soviet Union), 267
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet bloc):
- Spain, 11
- Sparkman, John J., 260
- Special Trade Representative, Office of, U.S. (STR). See Office of the Special Trade Representative, U.S.; Strauss, Robert S..
- Springborn, Fred, 46, 155
- Stammati, Gaetano, 28
- Stanton, John, 260
- Starkey, James, 22
- Steel industry (see also Steel industry import relief):
- Steel industry import relief:
- Bergsten memoranda, 36
- Blumenthal memoranda, 29, 63, 64
- Blumenthal-steel executive meetings, 51
- Eizenstat/Ginsburg memoranda, 95
- Eizenstat memoranda, 30, 80
- Fastener industry import relief and, 102
- Miller memoranda, 232, 236
- Schultze memoranda, 62, 237
- Solomon memoranda, 235
- STR overview papers, 4
- Strauss memoranda, 90, 218
- Task force report on, 79
- Tripartite Advisory Committee recommendations, 238
- U.S.-European Community discussions, 234, 238
- Vance/Klutznick/Askew memoranda, 234
- Steiger, William A., 170
- Stern, Al, 332
- Stevenson, Adlai E., III, 318
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 44, 101
- Stowe, Kenneth, 121, 122
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPRO), 66, 85
- Strauss, Robert S.:
- Carter Europe trip (Jan. 1978), 84
- Countervailing duties, 150, 153, 166, 170, 173, 177, 179, 191, 193
- Dollar crisis, 119
- Economic growth targets, 99
- Fastener industry import relief, 102, 187
- Footwear import relief, 10, 16, 17, 32, 40
- Fukuda U.S. visit (1978), 130
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 140, 141, 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 3, 28, 35
- Japan visit (1978), 92, 97, 99, 130
- Japanese television exports, 18, 19, 31
- Japanese trade surplus, 70, 99, 130, 203
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 96, 97, 163, 184
- Agriculture, 22
- Carter-Jenkins discussions, 186
- French resistance to, 159, 168, 179
- G–7 economic summit discussions, 28, 147
- Jenkins meetings, 43, 61
- McDonald memoranda, 133, 173, 219, 223
- Multilateral planning talks (June 1978), 137
- Owen memoranda, 177
- Trade Policy Committee briefing, 45
- U.S.-British discussions/correspondence, 137
- U.S.-Canadian discussions/correspondence, 137
- U.S. implementation, 216, 219, 223
- U.S.-Japanese discussions/correspondence, 137, 141, 144
- Ohira U.S. visit (1979), 212
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 34, 38
- Steel industry
- U.S.-Japanese economic relations, 215
- U.S. North-South policy, 254
- U.S. trade policy, 216 [Page 1149]
- Stuart, Reginald, 246
- Sweden, 44
- Switzerland, 44
- Syria, 339, 340
- Taft-Hartley Act (1947), 114
- Taiwan, 11, 32, 33, 231, 244
- Takashima, Masuo, 130, 212
- Tanaka, Seichiro, 212
- Tanaka, Tatsuo, 99
- Tariffs. See Multilateral Trade Negotiations; U.S. import relief; U.S. trade policy.
- Tarnoff, Peter R., 288, 319, 323
- Television industry:
- Teshima, Reishi, 212
- Textile industry:
- Thatcher, Margaret, 221, 222
- Thomas, John, 332
- Thompson, Brig. Gen. James M., 273
- Thornton, Thomas:
- Tickell, Crispin, 186
- Todman, Terence A., 265, 303, 306
- Togo, Fumihiko, 12, 19, 99, 130, 141, 160, 212
- Tokyo Declaration (1973), 45
- Tokyo Round. See Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
- Tokyo Summit. See G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979).
- Tolchin, Martin, 39
- Torrijos, Omar, 306
- Toumayan, Alec, 54
- Trade Act (1974) (see also Jackson-Vanik Amendment), 4, 10, 28, 68, 90, 96, 185, 192
- Trade Agreements Act (1979), 223, 230, 232
- Trade deficits. See Balance of trade; U.S. balance of trade.
- Trade liberalization. See Protectionism.
- Trade negotiations. See Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
- Trade Policy Committee (TPC), 4, 44
- Trade Policy Review Group (TPRG), 244
- Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC), 90, 102
- Trade unions, 28, 31, 34, 47, 62
- Transportation, U.S. Department of, 139, 245, 246
- Treasury, U.S. Department of (see also
Bergsten, C. Fred; Blumenthal, W. Michael; Solomon, Anthony M.):
- Automotive industry, 245, 246
- Countervailing duties, 150
- Dollar crisis, 139
- Export promotion proposals, 52, 134, 135, 230
- Fastener industry import relief, 102
- Footwear import relief, 10, 14, 33
- International debt, 300
- International investment agreement proposals, 49
- Japanese trade surplus, 70, 208
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 197
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 38
- Oil imports, 119
- Steel industry import relief, 29, 90, 95, 236
- Television industry import relief, 244
- U.S. economic aid policy, 259, 263, 282, 302
- U.S. North-South policy, 270
- Treverton, Gregory F., Schmidt U.S. visit (1977), 44
- Trilateral Commission, 6
- Tripartite Advisory Committee, Steel industry import relief, 238
- Trudeau, Pierre:
- Truman, Harry S., 315
- Tuchman, Jessica. See Mathews, Jessica Tuchman.
- Tunisia, 319
- Turner, Adm. Stansfield, 3, 106, 254, 261, 270, 277, 297
- Tvardek, Steven, 335
- Ullman, Albert C., 185, 191
- UN Conference on Science and Technology for Development (UNCSTD), 315, 331, 332, 333, 334
- UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (see also Common Fund proposals):
- UN Development Programme (UNDP), 267, 332, 333
- Unemployment, 27, 28, 38, 69, 145, 225
- UNIDO, 344
- United Auto Workers (UAW), 245, 246
- United Nations (see also ECOSOC; UN Conference on Trade and Development; UN Development Programme):
- U.S. adjustment assistance, 41, 133, 185
- U.S. anti-dumping actions, 238
- U.S. anti-inflation program:
- Blumenthal memoranda, 119
- Eizenstat/Ginsburg memoranda, 47
- Forbord memoranda, 175
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) follow-up discussions, 188
- IMF substitution account proposals and, 233
- International opinions, 167, 210
- Owen memoranda, 91, 171, 174, 184, 229
- Presidential Review Committee discussions, 118
- Renner memoranda, 116, 149
- Schultze memoranda, 237
- Strauss memoranda, 141
- U.S.-German Federal Republic discussions/correspondence, 125
- U.S.-Japanese discussions/correspondence, 130
- U.S. balance of payments (see also Dollar crisis; Exchange market policy), 44, 48, 66, 85, 86, 91
- U.S. balance of trade (see also U.S. trade policy), 41, 52, 53, 158
- U.S. economic aid policy (see also War on
- Basic Human Needs approach
- Blumenthal memoranda, 263
- Brookings Institution/DCC assessment studies, 253, 264, 268, 274, 277, 278, 279, 282
- Brzezinski/McIntyre memoranda, 339
- Brzezinski memoranda, 263, 282
- Carter-Congressional leadership meetings, 259, 260
- Carter Foreign Policy Association speech (June 23, 1976), 253
- Economic Policy Group papers, 263
- Erb memoranda, 278
- Erb/Owen memoranda, 282
- Erb/Pastor memoranda, 323
- Ford administration policies, 253
- Fried/Owen memoranda, 253
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977) discussions, 28, 282
- Hormats memoranda, 259
- Human rights and, 260, 262, 273, 289, 290, 292
- International financial institution support, 28, 253, 258, 259, 260, 263, 302
- Iran/Afghanistan crises and, 339, 340
- Legislative constraints, 305, 336
- NSC papers, 277
- Owen memoranda, 291, 305, 322, 340, 355, 356
- P.L. 480
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 273, 276, 279, 331, 332
- Public education strategy, 295
- Regional groupings, 283
- Science and technology cooperation
- Security Supporting Assistance (SSA), 282
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussions, 303
- Vance-Congressional leadership meetings, 265
- Vance Congressional testimony, 259
- Vance memoranda, 282
- Young memoranda, 283
- U.S. economic policy (see also U.S. anti-inflation program; U.S. trade policy):
- U.S. energy policy, 171
- Blumenthal memoranda, 66, 108, 119
- Carter speech (Nov. 8, 1977), 66
- Carter speeches (July 1979), 224
- Collective economic action proposals and, 124
- Cooper memoranda, 41, 241
- Crude oil equalization tax (COET), 119, 149
- Crude oil import fees, 112
- Economic Policy Group discussions, 119
- Eizenstat/Schirmer memoranda, 85
- G–7 summit discussions, 20, 27, 145, 188
- National Energy Plan, 20, 25, 41, 53, 66
- Natural gas pricing, 163
- Oil imports, 53, 100, 131, 229
- Oil prices decontrol, 211
- Owen memoranda, 91, 109, 112, 184
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 119
- Presidential Review Committee discussions, 118
- Renner memoranda, 149
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 66
- U.S.-German Federal Republic discussions, 114
- U.S.-Japanese Subcabinet meeting discussions, 55
- U.S. export policy. See U.S. trade policy
- U.S. foreign assistance. See U.S. economic aid policy
- U.S. import relief (see also Footwear import relief; Steel industry import relief):
- U.S. International Trade Commission. See International Trade Commission.
- U.S.-Japanese economic relations (see also
Japanese trade surplus):
- Automotive industry, 242, 245
- Blumenthal visit (1979), 203
- Carter-Fukuda correspondence, 59, 70, 71, 124, 129, 137, 160
- Fukuda U.S. visit (1977) discussions, 12
- Fukuda U.S. visit (1978), 129, 130
- Japanese fastener industry exports, 102
- Japanese television exports, 5, 9, 12, 18, 19, 31
- Ohira U.S. visit (1979) discussions, 208, 212
- Platt memoranda, 206
- Steel industry anti-dumping actions, 62, 64
- Steel price increases and, 30
- Strauss negotiations (1979), 215
- Strauss visit (1978), 92, 97, 99
- Trade Facilitation Committee, 99
- U.S.-Japanese currency swap, 154, 157, 158
- U.S.-Japanese Subcabinet meetings, 55
- Wise Men’s Group, 208, 212
- U.S. military aid policy, 253, 295, 305, 339
- U.S. North-South policy (see also Commodity
price stabilization; Common Fund proposals; Council on International
Economic Policy; War on hunger):
- Brzezinski memoranda, 261, 263, 287, 288
- Cooper memoranda, 310, 315
- Economic Policy Group discussions, 257
- Erb memoranda, 274, 278, 295, 301, 327, 329
- Erb/Pastor memoranda, 323
- Erb/Thornton memoranda, 282
- Global Negotiations, 338, 344, 348, 349, 350
- Hansen memoranda, 255, 256, 270, 271
- Hormats/Hansen memoranda, 257
- International debt
- Lake/Hormats/Maynes memoranda, 328
- Lake/Hormats memoranda, 321, 327
- Lake memoranda, 330
- Mondale Europe/Japan visit (1977) discussions, 1, 5
- NSC papers, 277
- Owen memoranda, 91, 184
- Pastor memoranda, 272
- Point Four Program, 315
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 254, 273, 276, 277
- PRM 8 text, 254
- State Department overview paper, 308
- STR overview papers, 4
- Thornton memoranda, 296, 320, 354
- UNCTAD V meeting (1979), 329, 330
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussions, 275, 303
- Vance memoranda, 325, 327
- Vance Seattle speech (Mar. 30, 1979), 328, 354
- U.S. Steel Corporation (see also Steel industry), 4, 42, 47, 238
- U.S. Trade Act. See Trade Act (1974).
- U.S. trade policy (see also Countervailing
duties; Multilateral Trade Negotiations; U.S. import relief):
- Bergsten memoranda, 9
- Blumenthal memoranda, 37
- “Buy America” preferences, 30, 133, 185
- DISC, 52, 53, 134, 192
- Eizenstat/Ginsburg memoranda, 52
- Export promotion proposals
- Armacost memoranda, 74
- Brzezinski memoranda, 164
- Eizenstat/Ginsburg memoranda, 52, 152
- Eizenstat/McIntyre memoranda, 135
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978) discussions, 145
- Klutznick/Askew memoranda, 248
- Owen memoranda, 134, 151, 230
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 119
- Renner memoranda, 149
- Rivers memoranda, 192
- Schultze memoranda, 53
- Import licensing, 185
- Investment incentives, 185
- McDonald memoranda, 133, 185
- Most Favored Nation status, 201
- Erb memoranda, 201
- North-South relations and, 9, 69, 133
- STR overview papers, 4
- Strauss memoranda, 216
- Strauss textile program, 193, 195, 196, 199, 200
- U.S. North-South policy and, 310, 330
- Ushiba, Nobuhiko:
- Vaky, Viron P., 303
- Value added taxes (VAT), 4
- Van Dyk, Frederick T. (Ted), 270, 273
- Van Lennep, Emile, 228
- Vance, Cyrus:
- Barre U.S. visit (1977), 54
- Cabinet changes (1979), 224
- Callaghan U.S. visit (1978), 121, 122
- Common Fund proposals, 281, 286, 314, 318, 326
- Dollar crisis, 118, 156
- European protectionism, 89
- Exchange market policy, 104, 106, 157
- Exchange markets, 117
- French monetary policy proposal, 239
- Fukuda U.S. visit (1977), 12
- Fukuda U.S. visit (1978), 130
- G–7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 145, 146, 147, 148
- G–7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 3, 20, 28
- G–7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 222
- G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980), 239
- German Federal Republic economic growth concerns, 2
- IMF substitution account proposals, 233
- Japanese trade surplus, 72, 76, 77
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 43, 89, 144
- North-South relations
- Oil cargo preference legislation, 39
- Protectionism, 68
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1977), 44
- Steel industry import relief, 234
- U.S. balance of payments, 85
- U.S. economic aid policy, 282
- Assessment studies, 264, 268
- Basic Human Needs approach, 269, 270
- Carter-Congressional leadership meetings, 260
- Congressional leadership meetings, 265
- Congressional testimony, 259
- Human rights and, 262, 289
- Iran/Afghanistan crises and, 340
- Legislative constraints, 305, 336
- P.L. 480, 289, 343
- Public education strategy, 295
- Science and technology cooperation, 297, 333, 334
- U.S. economic policy overviews, 91
- U.S. energy policy, 112
- U.S. North-South policy, 325,
- Brzezinski memoranda, 261, 287, 288
- Cooper memoranda, 315
- Hansen memoranda, 270
- International debt, 299
- Lake/Hormats/Maynes memoranda, 328
- Lake/Hormats memoranda, 321
- Lake memoranda, 330
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 254, 273
- Seattle speech (Mar. 30, 1979), 328, 354
- State Department overview paper, 308
- UNCTAD V meeting (1979), 329, 330
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussions, 303
- U.S. trade policy, 4, 164, 193
- World economic outlook, 225
- Vandenberg, Arthur, 264
- Vanden Heuvel, William, 344
- Vanik, Charles A., 133, 170, 185, 191
- Venezuela:
- Venice summit. See G–7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980).
- Vest, George S., 44, 54
- Villain, Claude, 165
- Vine, Richard, 113, 185
- Vinocur, John, 103, 171
- Volcker, Paul, 227, 233
- Von Staden, Berndt, 44
- Waggonner, Joseph David, Jr., 152
- Waldheim, Kurt, 350
- Walker, Jenonne, 247, 267
- Wallich, Henry, 70, 116, 233
- War on hunger:
- Warner, Marvin, 104
- Warnke, Paul, 297
- Watanabe, Koji, 12
- Watson, Jack H., Jr.:
- Weil, Frank A., 149, 164, 212, 279, 281, 286
- Wells, Melissa F., 276, 279, 284, 286, 300
- West, Quenton, 332
- Wexler, Anne, 219, 223
- White, John, 332
- Whitney, Craig R., 24
- Wickel, James J., 12
- Widjojo Nitisastro, 326
- Widman, F. Lisle, 57, 77, 107, 113, 155, 226
- Wilhelm, Harry, 279, 281, 286
- Wilkowski, Jean, 332
- Winder, Joseph, 335
- Williams, James, 343
- Wirth, Timothy E., 240
- Wise, Philip J., Jr., 88, 172, 250
- Witter, Col. Robert A., 332
- Witteveen, H. Johannes (see also Witteveen Facility), 57, 122, 126
- Witteveen Facility:
- Wolfensohn, James, 211
- Wolff, Alan:
- World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) (see also International financial institutions):
- World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (WCARRD), 330
- World Development Program, 25, 35
- World Hunger Working Group, 293, 298
- Wynne, Gordon, 61