332. Summary of Conclusions of a Policy Review Committee Meeting1
- PRM–33, Science and Technology and Development
- State
- Warren Christopher (Chairman)
- Lucy Benson, Under Secretary for Security Assistance, Science, and Technology
- Thomas Pickering, Asst Secretary, Bureau of Oceans and International Environment and Scientific Affairs
- Amb Jean Wilkowski, Coordinator for UN Conference on Science and Technology for Development
- Labor
- Secretary Ray Marshall
- Howard Samuel, Deputy Under Secretary
- Treasury
- Deputy Secretary Robert Carswell
- George Miller, Exec. Asst to Secretary for Economic Policy
- Administrator Robert Frosch
- Staff Allen Lovelace, Deputy Administrator
- Robert Nooter, Acting Administrator
- Peter Bell, Acting Director, Office of International Affairs
- George Pimental, Acting Director
- Bodo Bartocha, Director, Division of International Affairs
- White House
- Henry Owen
- Rutherford Poats
- Benjamin Huberman
- Frank Press
- Nate Fields
- John White
- Randy Jayne
- Domestic Policy Staff
- Al Stern
- George Eads
- Thomas Ehrlich, Director
- Commerce
- Luther Hodges, Under Secretary
- Agriculture
- Quenton West, Sp Asst, International Scientific and Technological Cooperation
- Ralph Smuckler, Director, Planning Office
- Barry Blechman, Asst Director, Weapons Evaluation and Control
- John Thomas, Asst NIO for Special Projects
- Energy
- Sarah Jackson, Deputy Assistant Secretary, International Policy Development
- Donna Shalala, Asst Sec, Policy Development and Research
- Lt. Col Carl Groth, Acting Director, International Economic Affairs
- Col Robert A. Witter, Chief, General Policy Branch
The purpose of the meeting was to review the conclusions of PRM 33 on Science and Technology and Development, and to review U.S. preparations for the U.N. Conference on Science and Technology for Development. PRC action was taken on four items. (C)
1. PRM 33 Conclusions and Follow-up. The PRC noted the conclusions of PRM 33 without discussion. (OMB noted it would send a memo to Christopher outlining its concerns with the analysis done for PRM 33.) The PRC agreed on several follow-up activities: (a) IDCA would organize and coordinate an integrated bilateral program to strengthen S&T capacity in developing countries; (b) an interagency group, jointly-chaired by State and IDCA, would prepare proposals for facilitating LDC access to private technology; and (c) the ISTC would undertake an overall assessment of R&D activities within USG agencies to determine their usefulness to developing countries. (C)
2. UNCSTD—U.S. Proposal. In reviewing the US preparations for the UNCSTD, the PRC endorsed US support for several multilateral initiatives to be raised at the Conference. The PRC noted that the U.S. should support the UNDP proposal to establish a special S&T fund to be administered by UNDP which would target LDC needs in capacity building and education and training; State proposed, but most other agencies opposed, making a specific funding commitment at the conference in view of the limited time to analyze the plan and hold congressional consultation. The PRC also agreed that the following proposals merited US support at UNCSTD: (a) a Council for Mobilization of World Science and Technology, preferably as a function of the UNDP, (b) a generalization of the Tokyo Summit agreement on energy for LDCs,2 (c) doubling of support (in nominal terms) over 5 years for CGIAR agricultural research centers, and (d) remote sensing discussions with satellite operators and users. It was agreed that US bilateral proposals for an S&T information access center and the space shuttle sensor for geothermal exploration require further development. The PRC noted that proposals to be presented or supported by the US at [Page 1057] UNCSTD should be promptly sent to NSC and OMB for staffing to the President. (C)
3. Presidential Directive—Strengthening US International S&T Programs. Agreeing that a Presidential Directive was desirable, the PRC endorsed the drafting of a directive which would serve to strengthen US international science and technology programs by directing domestic and foreign affairs agencies to examine ways to broaden contributions of their R&D programs to US international objectives. The PRC noted that analysis of the budgetary implications of such a directive should be factored into the PD and that State will seek agency views prior to submitting the PD for Presidential approval. (C)
4. Funding of USG International S&T Activities. The PRC directed the completion of the State-led (CISET) study on this subject and its submission for PRC action by February 1, 1980. (U)
- Source: Carter Library, National Security Council, Institutional Files, Box 65, PRC 038, 9/22/77, North/South Issues—PRM 8. Confidential. The meeting took place in Room 305 of the Old Executive Office Building.↩
- See Document 222.↩