97. Letter From President Ford to West German Chancellor Schmidt1
This letter deals with consultations between our governments in the event of the deployment outside the NATO area in periods of crisis of US troops or equipment based in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The United States of America has world-wide responsibilities requiring full flexibility in the use of its armed forces. The Government of the United States recognizes that the possible movement of its troops or equipment in crisis situations from the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany to non-NATO areas requires that full account be taken of the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as of the other [Typeset Page 367] NATO allies. To that end, I wish to assure you that my Government will consult with your Government at the political level prior to any such deployment of US troops or equipment.
Summary: Ford discussed U.S.–FRG consultations in the event of the crisis deployment outside the NATO area of U.S. troops or equipment based in West Germany.
Source: Ford Library, National Security Adviser, Kissinger-Scowcroft West Wing Office Files, Box 35, West Germany (7) (7/16/76–11/23/76). Top Secret. Sent to Ford under cover of a July 16 note from Scowcroft that reads, “Attached for your signature is the final form of the letter on consultations which you discussed with the Chancellor this morning.” Schmidt paid an official visit to Washington from July 15 to 17; memoranda of conversation on his talks with Ford and Kissinger are ibid., Memoranda of Conversation, Box 20. In his September 6 reply to Ford’s letter, Schmidt confirmed Ford’s assurances regarding consultation prior to the deployment of U.S. troops or equipment. (Ibid., Kissinger-Scowcroft West Wing Office Files, Box 35, West Germany (7) (7/16/76–11/23/76))