264. Memorandum From Richard Smyser and David Elliott of the National Security Council Staff to Secretary of State Kissinger, Washington, February 28, 1975.1 2
February 28, 1975
SMYSER [WRS initialed]
Development of U.S. Policy Toward South Korean Development of Nuclear Weapons
At Tab A is a draft State cable to Embassy Seoul informing the Embassy of the approach we are using to formulate a policy toward South Korea’s development of the nuclear capability. The cable also responds to Ambassador Sneider’s recommendations on this question (Tab B); we are in essential agreement with Sneider.
Specifically, the draft State cable:
- — Agrees that the ROK has entered the initial stage of nuclear weapons development.
- — Affirms that ROK continuation on this course would have a decidedly a stabilizing effect in Northeast Asia.
- — Defines our basic objective as (1) to discourage and (2) to inhibit the ROK effort to develop a nuclear explosive capability or delivery system.
- — Stresses the need to develop our policy toward Korea on this issue within the multilateral framework which we are using for global policy on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
- — States that, in consonance with this multilateral approach,
we are at present considering the following courses toward the
- * Inhibit ROK access to sensitive technology and equipment both through unilateral U.S. action and through the development of common supplier nation policies.
- * Press the ROK to ratify the NPT. (The ROK has told us recently that it intends to proceed to ratify the NPT in the near future.)
- * [text not declassified] increase our information on the current state of ROK technical development in this area.
We have no objection to the draft State cable.
That you approve the draft State cable to Embassy Seoul at Tab A.
APPROVE [initialed]
- Source: Ford Library, National Security Adviser, Presidential Country Files for East Asia and the Pacific, Box 9, Korea [4]. Secret; Sensitive. On behalf of Kissinger, Scowcroft initialed his approval of the draft State cable. Tab A is attached but not published. Tab B, not attached, is likely telegram 8023 from Seoul, referenced in Document 263. The Department sent the cable on March 4 as telegram 048673 to Seoul. (Ibid., Box 11, Korea, DOS Cables, NODIS from SECSTATE [3])↩
- Smyser and Elliott recommended that Kissinger approve a Department of State cable addressing the development of nuclear weapons in South Korea.↩