210. Defense Intelligence Notice DIADIN 2703–751

This Notice is designed to provide intelligence in support of future decisions with respect to national security policy or posture.



(C/NOFORN) A UN resolution has been drafted on the independence of Belize that will probably be unacceptable to the Guatemalan Government.

British UN delegates and officials from Belize and its Carribean allies have formulated a text that pays only lip service to Guatemala’s insistance that its century-old territorial claim be settled prior to Belizean independence. To emphasize its stand, the Guatemalan Government has gradually increased troop strength from 300 to 500 men in the province bordering Belize.

(C/NOFORN) While the draft resolution calls for negotiations to resolve differences between the parties, it specifies that the territorial integrity of Belize be preserved. This approach will very likely be construed by Guatemalan officials as affording little basis for serious negotiations despite British efforts to convince them otherwise. Meanwhile, [Page 590] Guatemalan press has picked up exaggerated reports of the UK’s modest military augmentation in Belize.

(C/NOFORN) The resolution will be debated between 5 and 8 November and will probably attract considerable commentary by the Guatemalan media. Public reaction to press reports of British deployments and a diplomatic defeat at the UN would bring further pressure on the government. This in turn would reduce Guatemalan options and increase the possibility of military action, which has been threatened previously.

Sources: USUN 5259 and 5262 23 Oct 75; Emb Guatemala 5845 22 Oct 75.

  1. Summary: The Notice reported that British officials had drafted a United Nations resolution on Belizean independence which would likely be unacceptable to the Guatemalan Government.

    Source: Washington National Records Center, OASD Files: FRC 330–78–0058, Box 60, B 1975. Confidential; Noforn. All brackets are in the original except those indicating text that remains classified. Telegrams 5259 and 5262 from USUN are both dated October 23. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D750367–0786 and D750368–0134) Telegram 5845 from Guatemala City is dated October 22. (Ibid., D750368–0040) According to telegram 5934 from Guatemala City, October 25, Molina told Meloy on October 24 that “it was not possible to accept draft as it stood,” and added that although the Guatemalan Government wanted to negotiate, it believed that the resolution’s paragraphs on Belizean self-determination and preservation of Belize’s territorial integrity effectively tied Guatemala’s hands. (Ibid., D750372–0537)