95. Memorandum From Spurgeon Keeny of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)1 2


  • Seabed Nuclear Arms Control Treaty

Attached for your signature is a memorandum for the President forwarding Secretary Laird’s memorandum concerning the Department of Defense’s position on the Draft Treaty on Seabed Nuclear Arms Control.

On the basis of this memorandum, Mort Halperin and I believe that the President should authorize presentation of the Draft Treaty, incorporating all of the treaty language proposed by Laird and Wheeler, at the ENDC after appropriate consultation with our allies.

Given the fact Laird and Wheeler recognize that our position may have to be broadened during the course of the negotiation, we believe that the proposed DODJCS treaty language should be acceptable to ACDA and State as an initial position.

You may wish to talk with Secretary Rogers and Gerry Smith about this proposal before submitting it to the President.

Recommendation: That you sign the attached memorandum for the President at Tab A.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 382, Subject Files, Seabeds Vol. II. Secret; Noforn. Cleared in substance by Halperin. Tab A, the attached memorandum for the President, was not signed and forwarded by Kissinger and is not published.
  2. Sonnenfeldt forwarded Laird’s May 1 memorandum to Kissinger and recommended that the President authorize presentation of a draft seabeds treaty at the ENDC incorporating the language proposed by Laird.